Oh baby, where you been all my life!

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It's a train wreck!!!!!!!!! Why didn't keep scrolling the pages??? Like it was going to get better....:msp_unsure:
Boogered up the bar and chain on my Dolmar 5105 due to poor sharpening skills and not cranking up the bar oiler. Got those replaced and things were working much better. Finally got to where I absolutely had to sharpen the teeth on the chain. Was seriously considering my grinder, when I recalled I'd picked up one of those oregon jig thingies some years ago in a box lot at an auction. Very similar to this, only all orange:

View attachment 271423

Searched around and found it. Spent a few more minutes figuring out how to work it, and cleaning it up. Gave it a whirl.

Shazam! No wiggling, no inconsistencies. Just nice straight file strokes, again and again. Every bit as as fast as trying to do it freehand, if not a little faster (for me). I'm in love! What a wonderful little tool for a person who isn't good at freehand filing. Heck, what a wonderful little tool, period! I so should have dug this out for use long ago.

Same here. And when done each tooth will have the identical angle. Don't even have to watch what one is doing, just "advance tooth" stroke, stroke, stroke, advance tooth. Possible to watch TV while doing it.

Harry K