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Just found out this evening that one of the low lives that I helped out a few times decided to stab me in the back... I'll take care of that in the next few months. Payback is a ##### after all.

You sound evil, man. Why are you like this?? I'm thinking it can't be coincidence that you keep having these troubles. Just being honest. Sorry..
Slayed a pretty big ash in a backyard, it was over a prized pear tree, house, 3 wires, no approach for brush and right next to a old man who calls the cops on the neighbors all the time. So I thought it was going to be a hard day, drove truck on the plywood highway right up to pear, protecting it and bombed the crap out of the ash onto a plywood LZ. Tree down by 11 and rolling a way at noon. But it was hot as bat ****. Sweat in the eye's for a few hours makes ya looked stoned. My eyes hurt so bad last night, going to have to buy a Richard Simmons head band.
Old dude wasn't home. Client totally briefed me up to expect this dude to start screaming, not a word.
Seen some work done by a "new" tree service, holy crap, pealed a elm on every cut, some nubs where still hanging by a thread and they are big enough to draw blood! Hope the HO is happy ROFLMAO!
Just found out this evening that one of the low lives that I helped out a few times decided to stab me in the back... I'll take care of that in the next few months. Payback is a ##### after all.

I have had that happen so many times, why I don't help anybody anymore. They always forget who helped them when they needed it the minute you need something from them. Ya wont here from them for a long time, then its "Hey buddy, just thought I would stop by, hey so, uh, think I could borrow your skid loader...... remove a tree for me..........borrow your dump trailer to move my daughter, think I could get some firewood, ya got plenty, I'll just grab a little"

I am called a A-hole now because I say no to everyone,lol! I wear it with pride

The worst is when you do many things for them over the years, then they want to get paid for helping you and act like you owe them when asked about it.

Payback is sweet and I take great amounts of pleasure when I see the look on their face when I tell them to go away.
What an ####### thing to say. Hope you have some sort of justification for saying such s thing, or I don't feel bad for calling you a fat douchedag wanna bee all this time.

I think he was talking about the boys down below
You sound evil, man. Why are you like this?? I'm thinking it can't be coincidence that you keep having these troubles. Just being honest. Sorry..

I dunno, sometimes when your the big kid on the block, everyone wants to be around to get what ever they can, ya try to be nice and help out the worthless ones, the leaches, but it always comes back to bite ya. Kind like the MC Hammer deal. I used to have all these "hang arounds" hood kids and 30 y/o parent basement types, then I cut the string, and they all stopped coming around.
You sound evil, man. Why are you like this?? I'm thinking it can't be coincidence that you keep having these troubles. Just being honest. Sorry..

Paul, I am kind of suprised to hear you take this stance... after all I was there with the handle you needed at what? 9 AM on a saturday morning???? Did I ask for anything aside from the load of chips? No. I think from here out it's F everybody, and happy hunting.
Paul, I am kind of suprised to hear you take this stance... after all I was there with the handle you needed at what? 9 AM on a saturday morning???? Did I ask for anything aside from the load of chips? No. I think from here out it's F everybody, and happy hunting.

I found you have to look out for yourself cause no one else will. You do seem like you have a hard time getting paid.

I was told by this very successful business man that if your not getting paid on time its costing you more then your making. If you think about it most times that statement is very true. Just food for thought. I hope you at least are charging them late fees.
What an ####### thing to say. Hope you have some sort of justification for saying such s thing, or I don't feel bad for calling you a fat douchedag wanna bee all this time.

He doesn't have any he's just trying to get to me but it's not working. I have a beautiful gf that treats me right and compliments me all the time unlike the last one that made my life a living hell. He is the worst friend you could have, takes things you say in private and blows them up to make you out to be something your not just to one up you and satisfy is wannabe ego. He lies and treats his friends like a business deal. I don't know why TMD takes his #### and bails him out when he can't do the job himself. I say let him dig his own hole and #### in it.
He doesn't have any he's just trying to get to me but it's not working. I have a beautiful gf that treats me right and compliments me all the time unlike the last one that made my life a living hell. He is the worst friend you could have, takes things you say in private and blows them up to make you out to be something your not just to one up you and satisfy is wannabe ego. He lies and treats his friends like a business deal. I don't know why TMD takes his #### and bails him out when he can't do the job himself. I say let him dig his own hole and #### in it.

Lol. Your such a jealous person. You talk about friends. Ha. All you used me for was sharping your greenteeth for your stump grinder. I help tmd and he helps me. Its not a friendship its business. its not that he bails me out. I could have done every tree he has climbed for me but on big jobs i can be more productive keeping the troops moving on the ground then up in the tree. We might have some beers after the job but we dont hang out other then work. Dont be mad because you arent the climber tmd is. Its ok. Not everyone csn be top notch.
Paul, I am kind of suprised to hear you take this stance... after all I was there with the handle you needed at what? 9 AM on a saturday morning???? Did I ask for anything aside from the load of chips? No. I think from here out it's F everybody, and happy hunting.

I was just being honest, man. I appreciated the winch handle. Thanks again!!
I am tearing up some trees today
and a bunch of pruning even picked a straight branch for the guy to hang a swing for his grand kids
extending the parking area for his office ....maples gotta go
Just found out this evening that one of the low lives that I helped out a few times decided to stab me in the back... I'll take care of that in the next few months. Payback is a ##### after all.

You will find out there are good guys that do business and are decent in a personal aspect , then there are some complete jerk offs who not only take advantage of good people but also play the victim , unfortunately it takes something pretty significant to identify one from the other.
Don't forget there's always two sides to every story. I'm pretty easy going and would still work with about anybody from these boards. I still find it amusing that people get so worked up atound here. Relax guys it's just the internet...

And go #### yourself, Eddie!:D
Don't forget there's always two sides to every story. I'm pretty easy going and would still work with about anybody from these boards. I still find it amusing that people get so worked up atound here. Relax guys it's just the internet...

And go #### yourself, Eddie!:D

Blah ........ Blah ......... Blah !
More pictures !!!!! And for no good reason then I took them, and now you can look at em
the last chipper pic is just because chipper pics are what pros take all the time and I wanna be like them !
More pictures !!!!! And for no good reason then I took them, and now you can look at em
the last chipper pic is just because chipper pics are what pros take all the time and I wanna be like them !

Is that a model 13? I just bough one this season, and I really like it.