the all aussie dribble thread!

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This new touchy Feely Australia is in a lot of trouble! Look at the #illridewithyou garbage ffs!

I don't want to harp on about it but can you imagine if WWIII erupted suddenly? 10% of Aussies would fight, 50% would be laying in the corner sucking their thumb crying for their mummy, and the remaining 40% would be shooting at us (in the 10% of course).
Hats off to the cafe manager who grew some balls. He's the only real hero in all of this. If this fuc*er tried the same thing in a country pub he'd have had 20 shades of sh*t beaten out of him before he even got the gun up.
The softcock society that we've become is going to be our downfall. If we don't see a quantum shift with male testosterone levels in this country soon these bastards are going to walk all over us.
We've already got other Islamic "leaders" refusing to apologise for this guy's actions until the Australian government apologises for sending troops to Syria and Iraq...
I don't want to harp on about it but can you imagine if WWIII erupted suddenly? 10% of Aussies would fight, 50% would be laying in the corner sucking their thumb crying for their mummy, and the remaining 40% would be shooting at us (in the 10% of course).
Hats off to the cafe manager who grew some balls. He's the only real hero in all of this. If this fuc*er tried the same thing in a country pub he'd have had 20 shades of sh*t beaten out of him before he even got the gun up.
The softcock society that we've become is going to be our downfall. If we don't see a quantum shift with male testosterone levels in this country soon these bastards are going to walk all over us.
We've already got other Islamic "leaders" refusing to apologise for this guy's actions until the Australian government apologises for sending troops to Syria and Iraq...
Yep that about sums it all up. My brother said the same thing about the country pub too. And the fact the first couple of blokes took off and left the women with it. Good on the manager having a crack. He's a hero in my eyes. Who knows, if he'd had some help things may have gone a lot better. Bit of a worry really!
Maccas at Victor Harbor the worst coffee ever!,I was going to take it back but the wife didn't want to make a fuss :confused:

Hah hah. After drinking your coffees mate I don't know how you could buy a coffee elsewhere ever again. You should have known that only disappointment would result :)
I don't want to harp on about it but can you imagine if WWIII erupted suddenly? 10% of Aussies would fight, 50% would be laying in the corner sucking their thumb crying for their mummy, and the remaining 40% would be shooting at us (in the 10% of course).
Hats off to the cafe manager who grew some balls. He's the only real hero in all of this. If this fuc*er tried the same thing in a country pub he'd have had 20 shades of sh*t beaten out of him before he even got the gun up.
The softcock society that we've become is going to be our downfall. If we don't see a quantum shift with male testosterone levels in this country soon these bastards are going to walk all over us.
We've already got other Islamic "leaders" refusing to apologise for this guy's actions until the Australian government apologises for sending troops to Syria and Iraq...

Agreed! our government can start by deporting these Islamic "leaders" ..are they the sort of people we want living here preaching their hate BS.
It's a shame only one person was brave enough to take on this nutter.
Hah hah. After drinking your coffees mate I don't know how you could buy a coffee elsewhere ever again. You should have known that only disappointment would result :)

Lol at the moment I'm about 70ks away from my machine,but In future I'm going to buy a Aeropress with my own ground beans
when away with the caravan.
BTW, Berri caravan park is much nicer than this one, Berri has grass but dirt here.
Agreed! our government can start by deporting these Islamic "leaders" ..are they the sort of people we want living here preaching their hate BS.
It's a shame only one person was brave enough to take on this nutter.

The politically correct brigade would have you believe that he was the only Islamic nutter. After seeing the recent TV documentary on the formation of ISIS there were literally hundreds of protestors in Sydney recently waving ISIS flags after the counter terrorism raids. I consult for a few Lebanese muslims and a Turkish muslim. Really nice guys. However they are old school Islam and have been in Australia since the 50's. The new breed are a different kettle of fish.
The politically correct brigade would have you believe that he was the only Islamic nutter. After seeing the recent TV documentary on the formation of ISIS there were literally hundreds of protestors in Sydney recently waving ISIS flags after the counter terrorism raids. I consult for a few Lebanese muslims and a Turkish muslim. Really nice guys. However they are old school Islam and have been in Australia since the 50's. The new breed are a different kettle of fish.
That murder he was involved with was his ex wife, she was stabbed and set on fire..a real nice fella!, he was a cleric...who had many
followers...lets hope they all follow him to an early grave.
Hi Guys
Its been awhile seens i was on, fell on hard times and had to get rid of my saws to get the cash, but just wondering if any one has a cheap stihl 024AVS or similar that i could buy, I know the early stihls thats why im asking but will get some thing else if any one recons there good, misses had heart attack again and i needed the cash to travell and expenses, long way from my place to the hospital all the time, but any way would like to get another saw please
Let me know what you have and ill see if a can get it ,thank in advance
Regards Peter

sorry to hear the troubles hope things on the improve, I know of a 038 for $550 told its good inside just looks a bit tired seem still exy price for me
Thanks for the input but a bit too high for me, im missing all my saws though, even if i have to rebuild one , as long as it starts i can go from there
sorry to hear the troubles hope things on the improve, I know of a 038 for $550 told its good inside just looks a bit tired seem still exy price for me
I have meet a few muslim girls, there actually really nice chicks mostly very quiet and peaceful and frightened of the controlling muslim men in there familys

Yep. My mate who was in Afghaniland with the SAS said he wanted to adopt every young girl he saw as he knew what was coming as they got older. He didn't see many though as they were all locked up inside and not allowed to go out.
It always makes me laugh when the same softcock do gooders who preach equal rights seem to love Islam. Sort of contradicts each other.
Hi Guys
Its been awhile seens i was on, fell on hard times and had to get rid of my saws to get the cash, but just wondering if any one has a cheap stihl 024AVS or similar that i could buy, I know the early stihls thats why im asking but will get some thing else if any one recons there good, misses had heart attack again and i needed the cash to travell and expenses, long way from my place to the hospital all the time, but any way would like to get another saw please
Let me know what you have and ill see if a can get it ,thank in advance
Regards Peter

the two stihls in my sig may be for sale soon
Noooooooo :(
Unless you're buying a 661, then all is good old son...
How's your 7mm going? Nailing milk jugs at 2km yet? :D

well no saws in my future :( i am fcuked and the doc can't do anything .

not at 2K but i got one at 1425y on the second shot so pulled the pin
i like a 50% hit rate better than 33.3% :laughing: :guitar: this should be a banjo :lol:

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