562xp 32"

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The 562xp /560 / 2260 is one of the most impressive stock saws out there imo but defiantly anything more than 24" is to much I feel on this saw.
The torque is the lacking factor once you go anything larger.
Ported different story......
I actually had a 562 and I had a 16" a 20" and 24 for it. The 16" was the most fun. The 20" was the most practical and the 24" I felt was the saws limit. Not bad in softer woods but get it in hard stuff and you had to be gentle otherwise she would bog
Well, thank you. I guess I was looking for the guy who posted a pic earlier this month of a big sequoia he downed with a 562xp 32" r.w. Whether ported or not, I don't recall, but that was his set up. As to why I want to try this? I don't know? The wood is punky S#!T and I want to stay as far away as possible, limbing is ridiculous, works as a nice pry poping my undercuts, I don't know. Just a thought. If people can run a 50" cannon on a 660, why not a 32 ona 562. Anyhow, thanks and stay safe. P.S. That stihl 462 is very vacuum looking, wtf?
i have a 30" i run on my Dolmar 6400 sometimes. I run full skip with it. it's no speed demon but it will get the job done and has enough oiler to do it as well. That may be the limiting factor on the 562?? But again i don't run it all the time.
I have one and did have the jonsered version. I put a 24" on it for a day and did not like the feel at all. I run an 18" on mine and love it. All I cut is northern hardwoods and I love this set up for that purpose.
I think it would be a great disservice to the saw to mess around like that.
I have a muffler modded 576at that is pretty strong with a 24" and that is as big as I ever need. It will fell and buck the biggest oaks I would ever want to split.
I am starting to ramble but would never do that to MY saw.
Interesting. 562xp s have the determination to pull longer bars but the question is just how well. Great saws and in a pinch it would work but for a daily firewood diet they really shine with a 20".

Make sure to run a good quality oil especially pulling long difficult cuts with a long bar, similar to milling.
I think possible. As long as the full 32" isn't buried in wood I think your major issue is the saw can't oil a bar that long. If you're set on trying the combo out, this is what I'd suggest

562xp ported for a little extra umph, full skip chain, 7 (or better 6 if possible) tooth sprocket. It'll be slow, but should go.

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