What is the perfect chainsaw for what "You" cut

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Saw polisher
Nov 7, 2010
Reaction score
I am not asking another whats the best chainsaw in the world thread ,I am asking what is the go to saw in "your" collection ,a one saw that will do all you need to do without having to need 2 to 3 saws for the general all around task at hand ,This site is boring today ,lets wake it up some .

Stihl 440 hybrid is my pick ,but you all knew that already .:cool:
I'm right there with you Brian. My 446 hybrid goes at all times, 16" to limb and if needed 28" to finish.
Have you considered another top cover so you do not scratch the sticker ? And am glad you pointed out the DH was for dirty hippie ,i thought that may have been code for one of Randy's helpers ending in 1984 ..

The sticker is on top of the saw, so scratching it would take some seriously retarded effort.

As for the DH comment, all I can say is ""I have a potty mouth"".

395XP. Stock. 18 and 24" bars. Would like a 36" for the larger stuff, but so far 24" and working the trunks from both sides gets me there.

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95% of the cutting I do is in my backyard. Despite having a bunch of cooler saws, my new goto is an electric 16" Remington. Why? Because its the only one that starts every time