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lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
I haven't beat it, and how much time do you have lol.

The symptoms constantly evolve, however most including myself have a few that are the most debilitating. Neurological symptoms like the inability to be fully alert, head pain, tinnitus, constant muscle stiffness and pain, nerve pain. One of the worst issues of all is the inability to sleep, rest or relax properly in any way shape or form. Fatigue so bad you can't really move and most certainly don't want to. Than you have fevers that come and go especially during the night, and often wake up dripping in sweat and shaking, which is most often caused bey Qfeaver or Bartonella. This is only a small sample of the symptom's I've had.
They say you cant beat it until you are fully detoxed of any heavy metals. Try a serious detox and get some real good immune system builders like Japanese medicinal mushroom powder, Cats Claw etc. I had it and never went on antibiotics a year later I got it to stop. I couldn't run on the treadmill for 1 year cause the joint pain .
Jan 25, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
The most improvement I've had was a combination of Doxycyclin an antibiotic.

Hydroxychloroquine which changes intercellular PH which helps force out the spirochete. It also helps treat Q fever, and reduces Arthritis symptoms.

Flucinazole. Which is an antifungal, most people that have Lyme also have fungal overgrowth in the gut.

Vitamin D3, most people that have Lyme disease have a D3 deficiency.

Cat's claw which boosts the immune system .
Jan 25, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
They say you cant beat it until you are fully detoxed of any heavy metals. Try a serious detox and get some real good immune system builders like Japanese medicinal mushroom powder, Cats Claw etc. I had it and never went on antibiotics a year later I got it to stop. I couldn't run on the treadmill for 1 year cause the joint pain .

I had extensive heavy metal toxicity testing, nothing right now, but no that doesn't mean everything. I wasn't diagnosed for over a year and a half.
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
I had extensive heavy metal toxicity testing, nothing right now, but no that doesn't mean everything. I wasn't diagnosed for over a year and a half.
Try medicinal mushrooms. As I understand it you cant treat advanced Lyme with antibiotics. You need to boost your immune system any and every way you can.
Jan 25, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Try medicinal mushrooms. As I understand it you cant treat advanced Lyme with antibiotics. You need to boost your immune system any and every way you can.
From my research mushrooms are a very bad idea, do to the link with fungi issues.

Antibiotics alone will likely not cure LLD, especially oral antibiotics, intravenous is a different story, but good luck getting insurance to cover six months of intravenous antibiotics.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
Jan 25, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Looks interesting, I'll give it a consideration.

However "and take no offense" I have seen hundreds if not thousands of different Herb's extracts and tonics that all claim the exact same things. I have visited LLD's as well, they all have different protocols. So to say the least I'm skeptical, but I do appreciate any and all information. New Research indicates stevia opens up pathways in the biofilms allowing medications or the herbs to do their thing and destroy the spirochete.

We also need to take into consideration that immune system overactivity may be causing many of the symptoms, primarily inflammation. Because of that some actually suggest using immune modifying drugs or herbs.
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
Looks interesting, I'll give it a consideration.

However "and take no offense" I have seen hundreds if not thousands of different Herb's extracts and tonics that all claim the exact same things. I have visited LLD's as well, they all have different protocols. So to say the least I'm skeptical, but I do appreciate any and all information. New Research indicates stevia opens up pathways in the biofilms allowing medications or the herbs to do their thing and destroy the spirochete.

We also need to take into consideration that immune system overactivity may be causing many of the symptoms, primarily inflammation. Because of that some actually suggest using immune modifying drugs or herbs.
Give it a go and see what happens
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
They say you cant beat it until you are fully detoxed of any heavy metals. Try a serious detox and get some real good immune system builders like Japanese medicinal mushroom powder, Cats Claw etc. I had it and never went on antibiotics a year later I got it to stop. I couldn't run on the treadmill for 1 year cause the joint pain .
Just got an Herb that addreses andyshines symptoms! Swanson has it! Coleus or Forskolin! Addreses the cell wall and pumps up IL-8 which Bb directly attacks!
Key to nailing this Sucka is hitting it where and how it works! There are SPECIFIC HERBS that do this! Also "FLood Your Body with Oxygen!" It's still anerobic!! It absolutely Hates OXYGEN! It will change shape to avoid your immune system but it doesn't matter if your blood and Tissues are saturated with Oxygen!! Bastard can't live! It will die! I killed Cytomegalovirus same way in 91/2 months years ago and it hid in bone marrow even!!! Lymes too thinking back that precipitated it before all this fancy knowledge came out about how it works!
The info is here......we just have to incorporate it! Find the means ect. Where there is a will there is a way!!!!
Dr. Serbuti Dharmananda has the best Protocol of Specific Herbs I've found yet and that includes Stephen Buhner! I have studied Ayurvedic Medicine years ago (Hot and Cold) and it is an excellent way to treat this disease!
Astragalus, Cats Claw, Japanese Knotweed, Andrographis Paniculata, Tumeric, Tyme, Hawthorne, CoQ10, Coleus,Collagen, and a few others I'm learning about everyday!!
Don't quit!! Like Good LW said FIGHT..... MF's.....FIGHT!!!!!!
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
Give it a go and see what happens
Inflammation is a cytokine response and a direct result of Bp producing Myotoxins so it can feed! Knock the MF er down and that response will die down. Directly attack the Bacterium where and how it acts! with silver, Oxygen, anti-bacterials AND SPECIFIC HERBS that have been tried and shown to work on thousands of people over 30 years!
I have even come up with what I call my "Boomerang Punch"!! Tea tree Oil is one of the most Powerful anti Microbials on Planet Earth! Aborigines used it 100,000yrs ago. I put 4 or 5 drops in my Vital O( Stabilized Oxygen with amino acids and trace minerals) with Rhodiola, Ashwanganda, Lavender, and Oregano oil!!! Call it Medical Kerosene!lol Stuff works!
Don't fight fair! Pull out All the Stops! This is the Big Kahuna!!! Just Win!!!!!!
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
They say you cant beat it until you are fully detoxed of any heavy metals. Try a serious detox and get some real good immune system builders like Japanese medicinal mushroom powder, Cats Claw etc. I had it and never went on antibiotics a year later I got it to stop. I couldn't run on the treadmill for 1 year cause the joint pain .
LW......Forskolin (Coleus) directly goes after the Bio-Film that Bb uses to protect itself from the immune system. The neurological symptoms, foggy brain, headaches ect this will help!! it's very cheap at Swansonvitamins.com!
Green juices, CILANTRO, EDTA, seaweed, and Borax ( talking 1/16th of a teaspoon in 1 pt of water) will detox heavy metals! Pau D' Arco and Garlic are Natural Chelators. John Taggart has a product down the familyhealthnews.com that will flush the Liver,Gall Bladder, and Pancreas easilly with just a few tablets a day! Called HepaSan! Did it last week! a lot of herbs especially the bitter ones like Andro graphis and Japanese Knotweed are rough on the liver! But one must weigh on the side of trying to specifically target Bp and how and what exact parts of the immune system it attacks! And the Scientists have pretty well figured out what parts of the immune system it does attack!! Guys like Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Rawls, Dr. Frank Schallenberger, Stephen Buhner, and Dr. Serbhuti Dharmananda know how and what to use on this Bacterium and the accompaning infections of which there are Many!! Dr. Klinghardt, who has had this, says there are between 300-500 co infections with 47 major ones involved with Lyme......the # 1 Epidemic around the World!!!
Other anti-Spirochete herbs are: Stillingia, Stephania( just ordered it), Spilanthes, Myrrh, and Taheebo.
Devils Claw for joint pain!!! Was already taking it for my back!! Astragalus is a must but with Chronic Lyme no more than 1,000 mg per day!
Only 2 things knock out the Cysts that accompany Chronic Lyme: High concentrations of Ozone and Rife! Small 3 frequency Rife Machine I have I paid $65 back in the early 90's! Ozone Machine at A2Z Ozone Inc in Louisville, Ky costs $200! Can do Body Bags which go for $5 online and soak in the tub....Body cavity one has to purchase Oxygen tank and regulator.....but persistant body bagging and soaking in the tub should do it! Robey Deluxe Silver Generator is cheap and Online! Have had one for 20 years! Makes 6 oz of silver with distilled water in 10 min. Thing is small and plugs into a wall socket! Strain it thru a coffee filter!!!!! Bb hates Silver......fantastic natural antibiotic that microbes have not developed immunity to!! Kills every microbe out there......fungi, protozoa, Myoplasma, Kleptic Microbes, Blebs, Viruses, and Bacteriums!!!!!! And with Bb you don't know what the Hell you're dealing with! It ravages the immune system so bad microbes that your immune system has been dealing with for years act up!!! You have to cover all the bases and you use the best anti-microbials out there.....and that is Ozone and Rife!!!! H202 and Stabilized Oxygen!! All accessed Online and acquired at places like thefamilyhealthnews.com 1-800-284-6263
lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
LW......Forskolin (Coleus) directly goes after the Bio-Film that Bb uses to protect itself from the immune system. The neurological symptoms, foggy brain, headaches ect this will help!! it's very cheap at Swansonvitamins.com!
Green juices, CILANTRO, EDTA, seaweed, and Borax ( talking 1/16th of a teaspoon in 1 pt of water) will detox heavy metals! Pau D' Arco and Garlic are Natural Chelators. John Taggart has a product down the familyhealthnews.com that will flush the Liver,Gall Bladder, and Pancreas easilly with just a few tablets a day! Called HepaSan! Did it last week! a lot of herbs especially the bitter ones like Andro graphis and Japanese Knotweed are rough on the liver! But one must weigh on the side of trying to specifically target Bp and how and what exact parts of the immune system it attacks! And the Scientists have pretty well figured out what parts of the immune system it does attack!! Guys like Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Rawls, Dr. Frank Schallenberger, Stephen Buhner, and Dr. Serbhuti Dharmananda know how and what to use on this Bacterium and the accompaning infections of which there are Many!! Dr. Klinghardt, who has had this, says there are between 300-500 co infections with 47 major ones involved with Lyme......the # 1 Epidemic around the World!!!
Other anti-Spirochete herbs are: Stillingia, Stephania( just ordered it), Spilanthes, Myrrh, and Taheebo.
Devils Claw for joint pain!!! Was already taking it for my back!! Astragalus is a must but with Chronic Lyme no more than 1,000 mg per day!
Only 2 things knock out the Cysts that accompany Chronic Lyme: High concentrations of Ozone and Rife! Small 3 frequency Rife Machine I have I paid $65 back in the early 90's! Ozone Machine at A2Z Ozone Inc in Louisville, Ky costs $200! Can do Body Bags which go for $5 online and soak in the tub....Body cavity one has to purchase Oxygen tank and regulator.....but persistant body bagging and soaking in the tub should do it! Robey Deluxe Silver Generator is cheap and Online! Have had one for 20 years! Makes 6 oz of silver with distilled water in 10 min. Thing is small and plugs into a wall socket! Strain it thru a coffee filter!!!!! Bb hates Silver......fantastic natural antibiotic that microbes have not developed immunity to!! Kills every microbe out there......fungi, protozoa, Myoplasma, Kleptic Microbes, Blebs, Viruses, and Bacteriums!!!!!! And with Bb you don't know what the Hell you're dealing with! It ravages the immune system so bad microbes that your immune system has been dealing with for years act up!!! You have to cover all the bases and you use the best anti-microbials out there.....and that is Ozone and Rife!!!! H202 and Stabilized Oxygen!! All accessed Online and acquired at places like thefamilyhealthnews.com 1-800-284-6263
I didnt know Astragalus was OK in late lyme so no more than 1000 M
G a day.
Jan 25, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
It takes as long as it takes!!! Kick it in the Balls!!!!

It can take many years, and some never get well, but most eventually do. I have at cabinet full of supplements and medication right now, too many to list, and have spent a small fortune over the past 2.5 years.

I tried oxygen during sleep for about a month, didn't seem to do anything. I personally try and look at things as objectively as possible, if one supplement or a specific group worked wonders, we would likely have more evidence, I have simply not seen that as of yet. They're many Lyme Disease groups and forums, some I belong to, and sadly one thing quickly became clear to me. All the people recommending different treatments and protocols have one thing in common, most of them are not getting any better. So one needs to be careful what they put into their bodies, some things can do more harm than good. All I'm saying is to take slow progressive steps, this way you can deduce what is actually doing what.
Aug 8, 2010
Plymouth, Mass. America's Hometown
They say you cant beat it until you are fully detoxed of any heavy metals. Try a serious detox and get some real good immune system builders like Japanese medicinal mushroom powder, Cats Claw etc. I had it and never went on antibiotics a year later I got it to stop. I couldn't run on the treadmill for 1 year cause the joint pain .
LW......Forskolin (Coleus) directly goes after the Bio-Film that Bb uses to protect itself from the immune system. The neurological symptoms, foggy brain, headaches ect this will help!! it's very cheap at Swansonvitamins.com!
Green juices, CILANTRO, EDTA, seaweed, and Borax ( talking 1/16th of a teaspoon in 1 pt of water) will detox heavy metals! Pau D' Arco and Garlic are Natural Chelators. John Taggart has a product down the familyhealthnews.com that will flush the Liver,Gall Bladder, and Pancreas easilly with just a few tablets a day! Called HepaSan! Did it last week! a lot of herbs especially the bitter ones like Andro graphis and Japanese Knotweed are rough on the liver! But one must weigh on the side of trying to specifically target Bp and how and what exact parts of the immune system it attacks! And the Scientists have pretty well figured out what parts of the immune system it does attack!! Guys like Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Rawls, Dr. Frank Schallenberger, Stephen Buhner, and Dr. Serbhuti Dharmananda know how and what to use on this Bacterium and the accompaning infections of which there are Many!! Dr. Klinghardt, who has had this, says there are between 300-500 co infections with 47 major ones involved with Lyme......the # 1 Epidemic around the World!!!
Other anti-Spirochete herbs are: Stillingia, Stephania( just ordered it), Spilanthes, Myrrh, and Taheebo.
Devils Claw for joint pain!!! Was already taking it for my back!! Astragalus is a must but with Chronic Lyme no more than 1,000 mg per day!
Only 2 things knock out the Cysts that accompany Chronic Lyme: High concentrations of Ozone and Rife! Small 3 frequency Rife Machine I have I paid $65 back in the early 90's! Ozone Machine at A2Z Ozone Inc in Louisville, Ky costs $200! Can do Body Bags which go for $5 online and soak in the tub....Body cavity one has to purchase Oxygen tank and regulator.....but persistant body bagging and soaking in the tub should do it! Robey Deluxe Silver Generator is cheap and Online! Have had one for 20 years! Makes 6 oz of silver with distilled water in 10 min. Thing is small and plugs into a wall socket! Strain it thru a coffee filter!!!!! Bb hates Silver......fantastic natural antibiotic that microbes have not developed immunity to!! Kills every microbe out there......fungi, protozoa, Myoplasma, Kleptic Microbes, Blebs, Viruses, and Bacteriums!!!!!! And with Bb you don't know what the Hell you're dealing with! It ravages the immune system so bad microbes that your immune system has been dealing with for years act up!!! You have to cover all the bases and you use the best anti-microbials out there.....and that is Ozone and Rife!!!! H202 and Stabilized Oxygen!! All accessed Online and acquired at places like thefamilyhealthnews.com !-800-284-6263

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