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Yea frank why always using the short barz, I guess your builds fall flat on there face when a normal size bar is used? Woods porting means a work saw you seem to build cant saws. Never any oak and never anything to show some torque, which I would say is a must in woods ported saw. The build threads that you were harassing all used long bars, which show what the saws got. 16" bar on a 76cc saw means nothing.
Huh ? Snelling was using balsa-wood and I never dissed Crabbys’ red oak cants at all ... not a 16” bar it’s a 20” ... when I can get larger wood I promise to shoot a video just for you k
Well folks ... it’s super bowl party time See y’all on the flip side ! Out
It's a good site w/ good people, No psycho's allowed over there...
So we can’t bring a psy-ko - ized
It finally dawned on me what Mr Fabian is so confused and blathering on about with his ignorant misuse of the term ‘tuned pipe’ and mistaking a pipe-stub-stuck-in-a-can for one.

It’s the thing about the relationship of the amount of back pressure provided by the muffler, to the amount of blowdown.
While there is some basis in fact there, it seems to be more relevant/advantageous, in a small way, to relatively choked up stock configurations with a lot of blowdown. With some saws it can be at least noticeable and some not so much.
Once things are opened up and breathing well the advantage of ‘tuning’ the outlet to blowdown seems to be negligible and pretty much becomes bigger is better, bigger to a degree anyway. Any 'optimization' past that is more about noise level vs power gain...

Still goes back to him reading too much Wojo and other obsolete disproven nonsense (like compression over 180psi killing revs) that has little relevance to porting work saws.
Sort of makes me laugh to think that Frank/Gary got sucked into a bunch of sales hype bs from someone with tactics so similar to his own.

Sometime further up the road it will be a Piltz style bar and sprocket setup, lol.
Though maybe not because judging by his saw videos, he seems to be afraid of what big wood and long bars will do to his gains…
MSV numbers that are too high will kill rpm and possibly lead to detonation my friend ... If 5 mm outlets produced the most power ALL 2-stroke would use them ! Now there ... I’ve blown your argument to smitherines in less than 50 words ! Read this Mr know-it-all
So we can’t bring a psy-ko - ized

MSV numbers that are too high will kill rpm and possibly lead to detonation my friend ... If 5 mm outlets produced the most power ALL 2-stroke would use them ! Now there ... I’ve blown your argument to smitherines in less than 50 words ! Read this Mr know-it-all

I don't care what you read where, in my own experience and that of many other builders I've had face to face coversations with (in the context of ported work saws), the problems you parrot on about just don't exist. You're still stuck thinking/reading in terms of bike motors...

Detonation caused by relatively 'high comp' in these little saws motors is yet another myth you buy into based only around what you hear on youtube or whatever.
It's very rare I've encountered detonation pitted pistons in saws and most have been directly attributed to bad fuel.

I can't tell you how many saws I own and/or have run with comp in excess of 200psi with 87 pump gas and have no sign of detonation whatsoever.
Many will tune over 15k if you choose to go there. You don't follow any Mofo builds?
There are tons of 70's/80's Jonsereds that run 230+psi from the factory and are still going strong 40 years later.

What free rev rpm are you trying to attain that you seem to think is suppressed by comp over 180, 18k?
I don't care what you read where, in my own experience and that of many other builders I've had face to face coversations with (in the context of ported work saws), the problems you parrot on about just don't exist. You're still stuck thinking/reading in terms of bike motors...

Detonation caused by relatively 'high comp' in these little saws motors is yet another myth you buy into based only around what you hear on youtube or whatever.
It's very rare I've encountered detonation pitted pistons in saws and most have been directly attributed to bad fuel.

I can't tell you how many saws I own and/or have run with comp in excess of 200psi with 87 pump gas and have no sign of detonation whatsoever.
Many will tune over 15k if you choose to go there. You don't follow any Mofo builds?
There are tons of 70's/80's Jonsereds that run 230+psi from the factory and are still going strong 40 years later.

What free rev rpm are you trying to attain that you seem to think is suppressed by comp over 180, 18k? coming to the GTG in NY this year? Looking forward to being there myself.
I don't care what you read where, in my own experience and that of many other builders I've had face to face coversations with (in the context of ported work saws), the problems you parrot on about just don't exist. You're still stuck thinking/reading in terms of bike motors...

Detonation caused by relatively 'high comp' in these little saws motors is yet another myth you buy into based only around what you hear on youtube or whatever.
It's very rare I've encountered detonation pitted pistons in saws and most have been directly attributed to bad fuel.

I can't tell you how many saws I own and/or have run with comp in excess of 200psi with 87 pump gas and have no sign of detonation whatsoever.
Many will tune over 15k if you choose to go there. You don't follow any Mofo builds?
There are tons of 70's/80's Jonsereds that run 230+psi from the factory and are still going strong 40 years later.

What free rev rpm are you trying to attain that you seem to think is suppressed by comp over 180, 18k?
And I don’t care that you don’t care ... I’ve been there done that and what I’m telling you is the truth whether or not you choose to believe it ! Out super bowl now !
I don't care what you read where, in my own experience and that of many other builders I've had face to face coversations with (in the context of ported work saws), the problems you parrot on about just don't exist. You're still stuck thinking/reading in terms of bike motors...

Detonation caused by relatively 'high comp' in these little saws motors is yet another myth you buy into based only around what you hear on youtube or whatever.
It's very rare I've encountered detonation pitted pistons in saws and most have been directly attributed to bad fuel.

I can't tell you how many saws I own and/or have run with comp in excess of 200psi with 87 pump gas and have no sign of detonation whatsoever.
Many will tune over 15k if you choose to go there. You don't follow any Mofo builds?
There are tons of 70's/80's Jonsereds that run 230+psi from the factory and are still going strong 40 years later.

What free rev rpm are you trying to attain that you seem to think is suppressed by comp over 180, 18k?
I was just thinking JredS with their stock compression running so well. As Ol Biscuit said about my 111S.........pull on the starter “With Conviction......”
Old 621 ... hmm don’t hear any rpms but lotsa low-mid range power ... probably use all ya got on the dogs and not big it out ! Maybe for YOU but not what I’m after
Frank, @Del_ isn’t keen on your games or is too moronic to c them so he needed to be skeweled in them. You know the definition of insanity frank? It’s doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Kinda like how you act on all the forums?
It 'WAS' a bit more defined than that to describe levels of the mentally charenged. True though It was solely based on IQ ranges some 50yrs ago but they had three terms used for a low IQ. Today other things come into play. (Physical capabilities) Psychologist replaced Idiot ,Imbecile and Moron with
"severe, moderate and mild.

You guys are wasting to much time on this saw crap and now you done got yourselfs 50 yrs behind
Trollin trollin trollin , keep that bs flowin , man my head is swollen... rawhide !

You should have just called the thread : Troll Trolls and more Trolls.

Anything above the expectations of a title like that would be a bonus.

Its like watching two hockey teams that fight every time.
Eventually you start saying you are going to the fights AND sometimes a hockey game breaks out?
That 660 didn't look like it had Lotsa Torque again, looked like a stock saw? Try again on that 660, lots a room for improvement. Must have one of your "Hot Woods Ported" cylinders on it. I don't know how you stay in business not having any customers?
You should have just called the thread : Troll Trolls and more Trolls.

Anything above the expectations of a title like that would be a bonus.

Its like watching two hockey teams that fight every time.
Eventually you start saying you are going to the fights AND sometimes a hockey game breaks out?
Yah , I can only control my actions ... if peeps wanna troll oh well ... at least they could be clever in their endeavors!
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