Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Do you guys remember back in the infancy of "Scrounging Firewood" thread, mainewoods' brakes went out and he put his Jeep Cherokee full of wood into the trees to stop a runaway wreck?
I remember. Think he had a couple of cracked or broken ribs. Lucky as crap.
Do you guys remember back in the infancy of "Scrounging Firewood" thread, mainewoods' brakes went out and he put his Jeep Cherokee full of wood into the trees to stop a runaway wreck?
I remember. Think he had a couple of cracked or broken ribs. Lucky as crap.
Could be lol. Like I said, no offense intended to our Subi driving members. ;)
If someone drives a Subaru and is offended by your posts, don't worry. He's already been offend long ago in the P&R sub and complained to the mods....
If I remember correctly, the mainewoods load shifted, broke his seat from the floor/rails nd trapped him against the steering wheel breaking his ribs. oouch. A reminder to all of us that overload the passenger area of our vehicles (otherwise known as, 'Doing a Dan') to take care.
Here's the pictures of that red oak stump from last week.
I think it was probably hit by lightening.
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Still got that one sitting and waiting for ya. Don’t mind the discoloration[emoji16]

Saved it Just for you.


Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
If I remember correctly, the mainewoods load shifted, broke his seat from the floor/rails nd trapped him against the steering wheel breaking his ribs. oouch. A reminder to all of us that overload the passenger area of our vehicles (otherwise known as, 'Doing a Dan') to take care.
Given the circumstances he’s very lucky to have walked away.

I miss seeing he and zogger on here.
If your ever looking for any scout part or another scout I have a buddy that has some sitting around and a lot of part and motors

Hmmmm. That’s not a Scout, but they do share a lot of parts. The engines are the same.
Clint is in mountain territory and his brakes gave out going downhill .
I was always on the flat , 200 yards from home, a chase car in front and behind me, no corners and like 2 mph always so that even the parkpin would have stopped me in case of a brake failure ... Honest Lol