Free Firewood Wanted

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Free or Cheap

Hi there =)

I'm looking for some free of very cheap firewood in the Indianapolis area. (Live near Eagle Creek)
My mother and I are both on disability and use it to offset the cost of heating.

I wish I knew more about types etc...
All I know is, we live in an apartment that doesn't have the space to truly store a good amount of firewood. Last year I purchased a rick and kept it inside in the dining room - which then turned out to not even half of it was dry enough to burn properly. Then I was given another rick after that one ran out for a very cheap price that worked out perfectly.

I have a small SUV (Santa Fe) that I would use to pick it up... Once I get it home, I can find a friend to help me get it inside, I don't think I could hold an entire rick of wood in the car, but I'm not sure...

So basically, I am looking for about a rick, that is dry enough and already cut to burn inside our fireplace.

Thank you in advance for any help or ideas as to where I can look for some wood.
Hi November'sGirl. I'm 20 minutes due east of you. I've had a number of firewood getters from here call and come get firewood. All have been happy.

The general workings are, mixed species (never know what you're gonna get), possibly dry but probably not, widely varying diameters and never will it be split. Also, you need to come get it when it's there, which means not 24 hours later, but can you be here in an hour? Cleanups, jobs and paychecks can be delayed by 'giving' away firewood, so it's imperitive you show up if you say you will.

Some consumers see 'Free firewood' and the vision is all nice and split and seasoned and ready to burn. That's the stuff you pay for and have delivered.

FREE firewood is cut to standard 16" lengths, doesn't contain ants or termites, that's about it.

I mention this because if you bring home a load of wet mulberry, you're probably not going to be enjoying fires with it this coming season. Free, in this case, could be a big disappointment, especially if you had no way to split it.

However, for you, November'sGirl, I'll set you up with an SUV load of some dry, smaller diameter stuff. Juust give me a call 407-5113.
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Se Pa

Always looking for free wood near NW Philly suburbs. Have trailer and chainsaw and will travel for good wood. Of course if you'd like to drop it off, please PM me or email at ecfinn (at) yahoo (dot) com. Large rounds to 3" diameter ok. Nothing longer than 18" though if possible. :)
fire wood

I just clear cut 4 acres in woodstock il 20 semi loads of wood all mixed have it at lot 12 ft sections all clean need to recoup removal cost off job site.still have an acre to go if anyone wants to come out and remove let me know asap.
Logs Wanted - They dont have to be free and charge me for delivery - Please!

I'd be ecstatic if I could get a full tri-axle load of logs delivered to NW New Jersey, (Warren County) for $350.00. They don't have to be pretty. Large logs are fine. PM me here.
Wanted: Firewood, log length fine, 8"dia or larger, I will haul it away with:

9,000# cap 10' dump trailer OR 9,000# cap 16' trailer and strap it down, if you will assist with loading it, rounds are fine too.

An hour or less from Whitewater.

PM me through the AS website.


Mike got a nice load of dead poplar today. I hope he made it back home, the truck and trailer were riding very low.
Looking for wood in Northern Kentucky

If you are looking to get rid of some wood, I have a stove that needs fuel. Will travel in NKY area and am not picky except for termites and ants. Please e-mail or PM if you can help. Thanks
free firewood available

I am having 8 large trees cut down on my property in North Jersey. They will be cut in 16" round pieces. Anyone interested?
north caldwell wood

I live kind of close --e-mail / p.m. me if you still have the wood in north caldwell nj Thanks
Im still looking for wood in northern NJ area I can pick up or throw some fuel money in for del..If interested many of my neighbors are also looking maybe loose a tri-axle load or more in one shot .thanks
SE Wisconsin

Looking for wood around Caledonia, Wisconsin & local environs. I can haul 1 - 1.5 cords at a time.

I have a F250SD with a contractor's cap (Stahl) on it & tow a 5x8 trailer rated at 3500#.

Last Friday I brought home(from Elkhorn) a full load in the pickup and about a level-load (2 ft high) in the trailer. All 6-14 diameter inch logs by 16 - 19 inches long. All red oak cut a week earlier. It was a good load, but I wasn't overloaded. Tires (all six are new) & axels on both the truck & trailer were cool when I got home..about 40 miles. I'd guess (??) I had better part of a cord of wood (??). Fresh red oak is pretty heavy compared to some woods.

I used to run a 3000# 11 foot truck camper on the truck & tow a boat. With the camper on & loaded for a trip I'd weigh in at around 8650#. 8700# is the GVWT. The camper's long gone, but I know the feel of 3000# on the truck alone....I wasn't close to it with the red oak. I also drive the back roads & give myself & others lots of room.
Great, you should be getting some responses then, and I"ll keep you in mind when I get a call as well. Any wood types that you are opposed too, 'free' can take many forms.
Beggars shouldn't be too choosy, but hardwoods would be more interesting that softwoods...though I'm not opposed to burning softwoods. If I start taking up too much of my available space with softwoods then I'd have to cut back. Termites, excessive dry rot or brush wouldn't be desirable. 4-20ish inch diameter is good. Hopefully enough would be available at any one site to make it worth the trip. My truck gets about 10mpg most of the time.