i am separating myself from OPEC

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Oil was up to $102 a barrel today....

We have had a CB classic, and this is the 3rd year. Not that we sent the previous heating money to OPEC, as electricity here is all hydro. But it was expensive just the same. Saves us about $300 a month in winter, $1500 or so a year in electric rates. We burn upward of 10 cords a year.

We also have a solar system for water heating in summer. Two boxed and glazed panels on the roof. We are not all the way off-grid yet, but we are getting there. The gas money for the Stihls goes to Alaska... or Venezuela... or Iraq. Who knows.
Nice install, did you get the dealer to come down on the installation?

Also why are two guys cooking themselves in another picture in your photo album?
Oil was up to $102 a barrel today....

We have had a CB classic, and this is the 3rd year. Not that we sent the previous heating money to OPEC, as electricity here is all hydro. But it was expensive just the same. Saves us about $300 a month in winter, $1500 or so a year in electric rates. We burn upward of 10 cords a year.

We also have a solar system for water heating in summer. Two boxed and glazed panels on the roof. We are not all the way off-grid yet, but we are getting there. The gas money for the Stihls goes to Alaska... or Venezuela... or Iraq. Who knows.

How are those panel's working out for you WT? I've been toying with that idea for a while and maybe a turbine too? I'm on a test list for the state(turbine) but nothing's for sure just yet:cheers: .
i am separating myself from OPEC

now, if only you can get your vehicles to run on wood..........
you can run internal combustion engines on wood---there were around 1 million cars running on wood during WWII in Europe--do a search for wood gas or wood gasification
Has anyone seen a way to create electricity from wood? obviously it's possible but was wondering if there was a kit or plans already available?
Of course you can create electricity from wood. You just need to boil water to create steam to turn a turbine. This is the premise of every coal, gas and nuclear fire plant in the world. They all generate heat to boil water using the steam to turn a turbine.
Of course you can create electricity from wood. You just need to boil water to create steam to turn a turbine. This is the premise of every coal, gas and nuclear fire plant in the world. They all generate heat to boil water using the steam to turn a turbine.

Right, I am just looking to see a simple way for a home owner (with limited welding skills) to do so.
Has anyone seen a way to create electricity from wood? obviously it's possible but was wondering if there was a kit or plans already available?

in another thread, i posted a link to new types of boilers being used in the house. the boilers also generate elctricity as they heat the house. presently they're gas fired, but give it time and i'm sure someone will create a wood burner that does the same.

right now they're about $20,000. but....i forgot what they were called and i can't remember which thread we were discussing them in...lol (comes with age)
i am doing the same have any plans for the solar water would like to see that i am running used trans fluid in my diesel its free only spend 10 dollars per 100 miles to operate it
How are those panel's working out for you WT? I've been toying with that idea for a while and maybe a turbine too? I'm on a test list for the state(turbine) but nothing's for sure just yet:cheers: .

Well, if you get enough sunlight there in Maine... you are about the same as us in latitude, so you are OK for tilt factor. The solar system works great in summer. In winter, it runs on clear days, but does not get very high in temp. Takes the well water at about 50 F. degrees and gets it up to about 80 F. or so. The OWB does the rest from there. In summer it will heat up the pre-heating tank to 160 F. and keep it that hot all the time, and when the OWB is off.

Water turbines would be cool here too. We have good stream flow from October through about May. Good head height as well, and when demand for electricity is highest. It would take a lot to pay for an inverter and grid-connection though. Payoff is about 20 years out. Too long. The OWB payoff is about 5 years. The solar hot water heater payoff is probably about 8 years. Its been working for 5 years now. The OWB is on its 3rd heating season. Neighbor here has wind turbines, but they will never pay for themselves. He only has then becasue he is off-grid, and runs mainly a diesel generator for power up there. Diesel fuel is almost $4 a gallon here now.

Good thing about the OWB here is that the last 5 years have been colder in winter than normal. More days below freezing. Evidently the electric co-op is getting a lot of hot heads going in there and screaming and venting about the high cost of electricity this winter. Heh heh heh... not here. We burned maybe a cord more of wood this year than last.
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i forgot what they were called and i can't remember which thread we were discussing them in...lol (comes with age)

You know as you get older there are two things that go. First is your memory and...and I forget what the second one is.

Nice install! I really like the water heater set up. Can you tell me where you got the heat transfer tube for the water heater (source, manufacturer, or whatever)? I burn way too much oil for hot water. I would like to use wood in the winter and solar in the summer.

I applaud you for vastly reducing your OPEC dependence. Some time in the next 20 yrs you are going to be really glad you did. And it may be sooner than later. We all need to work on this before we send every $ we have to them.
Well I am trying the windgenerator thing. I consider it a toy not sure how well it will do I have one 600 watt one right now and if it does ok I will add one or two more. I also want to add a few solar panels as I get play money for it. I paied $748 with shipping for the windmill. I got a 5000 watt inverter for $469 with shipping.



I am sure it will work better once I get it out of the house:dizzy:

This is my other project. 14 hp lister diesel generator 9000 watt. This engine will run on diesel vegetable oil or Used Engine Oil:clap: The idea with this is to run it in the winter use the hot water from the engine run it through a water jacket around the exhaust then into radiator in the house to help heat the house. As well as power it off of free used motor oil.


Ok so what is the topic to stay on?

Out door wood heating systems
Solar water heat
Solar power
Solar water heaters
Water turbines

i am separating myself from OPEC. Seems to cover all the above.

Bye the way. You have done a beautiful job on your heating system. Very clean install.

hey thats a nice gen and wind mill where did you get the windmill? Idrive around on used oil its sweet