2014 Season

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Yes its all free. This guy logged some of his property & let me cut from the waste. I'm late getting started because we planned to sell the house. But guess we might be here for the winter so I need to get busy.
Yes its all free. This guy logged some of his property & let me cut from the waste. I'm late getting started because we planned to sell the house. But guess we might be here for the winter so I need to get busy.

Yep! Better to have it! Ya never know.If you do sell, you can haul it with you or leave it for the new owners or sell it local. Stacked up good firewood is money in the bank any way you look at it.
How much wood do you burn in a winter? Looks like you've made great headway! Rounds look like 24" length so hope some of that is wood that has been down for a while and dries quickly for you. If they are 2 foot length then you'll not have time to dry them out as much as you'll probably want this winter if it is green wood. If your burning in an OWB you'll get by but end up using more wood me thinks. If your burning in an indoor stove you may want to consider cutting those in half as they will dry faster and be in better shape for burning this winter. I am in a somewhat similar position. Burned more last year than I anticipated and cut into this winters supply. With all the snow around my area last winter I could not get onto the mountain to drop trees and then was sick for the better part of two months in the spring and could not get out. I did not have a stick of new wood cut, split and stacked till June and I am just now finishing up with 8 cord of wood to add to the single cord I had left over from last year and the two cord of dry rounds I had from last year that were yet to be split. I have cut some that I will need this year that was green wood into short rounds and split them once so they dry faster for this winter. I plan on mixing the drier and less dry wood when I charge the furnace so the overall charge will burn better. I normally cut my wood to 2 foot length for the OWB. I even cut a few dozen 6" cookies off the butt ends of the logs to see if they dry super fast. That seems to be working as they are well checked on the ends and have only been drying for two months roughly. Good luck getting what you need for the winter.
My firewood cutting has slowed down. I jumped on the season early and cut stuff that was on the road having been blown over during the winter. That got me about 6 cords of mostly green wood for next next winter. My goal was 8 cords, so a couple of months left to get the winter 2015/2016 supply.
Dusty I burn 'bout 25 pickup loads per winter. My house was built in 1941, is 3600 SF or so on 3 levels. I installed a forced air wood & coal furnace which isn't air tight so it will burn nearly anything you throw in there. I can burn green wood just fine when combined with seasoned & have no dirty chimney issues. I tried to cut this wood 20".

Marine most of this will be either red or white oak. There were about 3 loads of hickory with a small amount of popular & soft maple which I cut because it was laying in the way of the hardwood.

The heat eater.
Beautiful home and yes your well on your way. Looks like you worked hard and your getting the plan accomplished. Nice looking wood. Glad your furnace will eat the mix without any issues. Do you ever mix your wood with any coal? BIT coal is pretty cheap here in PA and you have loads of it in your backyard as well. I've mixed coal in with my wood from time to time and it does stretch the wood supply out. Good High Volatile medium sulfur bit coal can be had for about $90 per ton and will put out the BTU equivalent of a cord of good hardwood. Just saying in the event you do not get all the wood you need for this winter and in the event you do not get the house sold.
I'm inside Beckley city limits & can't burn coal. I was raised on coal while growing up at Montcoal. My Dad was a miner for 39 years. I did 4 years & moved on.

The home is beautiful but it is hard to heat. The gas furnace will run once the weather gets into the teens but mostly the wood does 100% so I get by cheap enough. I no longer cut trees for a living so lost my free log supply. Hoping for a smaller, energy efficient home & going from 25+ loads of wood per year to maybe 10. Getting old & lazy here.
Old maybe... Lazy.... maybe your a wannabe on that score. The way you've been humpin to get the wood in, me thinks the old boy still has some fire in his bones:) Kind of blows my mind that a WV man can't burn coal. Seems un American somehow. At the least, un West Virginian.
Well, here's the accuweather official forecast for fall 2014 and beyond. They say we'll get polar vortexes coming in fall, lots of snow in winter - basically a repeat of last winter. So it looks like you're gettin' ready! The West has different forecast. Drought and hot weather will continue. That will be bad news for CA farmers. If this pattern sets in for decades, there will be a big migration from West to East, and Las Vegas will become another Western ghost town, just on a much grander scale! Since CA grows half of the nations vegetables, this will open up great new opportunities for veggie farmers here in the East. It will also make the firewood business a more profitable enterprise for those of us here in the East. The price of cords will go up along with the price of gold!
