2171 Rat Rod project

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Well, not looking promising for the GTG. Oiler will not draw and I do not have a spare. Unless I pull one outta my hind end.....we will just have to run it without oil LOL
I've been meaning to ask... how the heck do you get the coil out? Still baffled as to how it mounts on my 350. :bang: Can't seem to find a screw or anything like that holding it on.
At the shop chasing electrical demons in a Toro today and coffee drinkers kept stopping by to talk. Realizing I was going to get nothing done, I grabbed all the parts I needed to finish this project and headed home. Turns out I forgot one piece that halted the progress:dizzy:

Trying to decide what to do with the plastic....paint, clean or buy Johnny red? If all goes well, should have a vid up tomorrow. Couple pics for ya.

rat rod flywheel by mweba1, on Flickr

Rat rod clutch side by mweba1, on Flickr

P.S A little concerned about compression. With the decomp in, it feels stronger than my pop up XT.
You said "Rat Rod"? Paint it ALL black, then let the scratches do the talkin'.

Cool build there.

Sure has crossed my mind. May have to knick name it Vader. Going to but a couple tanks through it if I'm going to go that far.
That's different. I like it!!!

I did an XL-12 that way once.

leave the fenders rusty. Looks killer just like that. You need a bar that's had a beat down laid on it to go with it
Ya, I finished it before last years GTG. Everything I touched on this saw needed replacing. Coil kept back firing, oiler worked on and off. Never want to see it again. Heavyfuel took it home with him.

The ports were ground out quite a bit when I got it so all I could do was try to make it reliable. Not sure I succeeded:msp_scared:
If a guy threw a new BB kit on it.....the saw would basically be new and run right