Amost made it thru the winter

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 29, 2009
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I have not turned the house propane furnace on all year ! last weekend I Sprained my ankle and cant get down the stairs to tend to the stove ! so the fire went out .
yesterday morning the house was in the lower 50s .! As my wife was leaving for work she said she didnt have time to get a fire going .
She walked over to the thermastat and turned the dial, as she did that, I was laying on the couch behind her , I let out a howl like a wounded animal ! she whipped around expecting to see that I had fallen off the couch reinjuring my ankle ! She aid WTF ? And I told her you turned on the furnace ! and it hurt to my core !!!! She said just untill I get home and I will start a fire .

A couple hours into the morning I got sick of listening to the furnace so I got up and crutched my way down to the basement and lit the stove !
I was so proud that I only used wood to heat my house all winter !

Good story. Sorry to hear about your injury...and your bad ankle too. I fully understand the damage done to your core. The ankle hurts but breaking a habit can hurt even more.

Get better. The only known cure for a sprained ankle is rest and beer. You better get busy.:cheers:
I can relate. The sound of the furnace kicking in is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Seems a little more tolerable when it's -10° with a gusting wind than when it's 40+ outside. Furnace on when it's above freezing is just a plain kick in the teeth. In your case, insult heaped upon injury.

Get well soon!
I hate hearing the furnace run

We are leaving in a couple hours to go down to Chicago, I have a nice load in the fire now but I think the gas will be firing up some time tonight and running Thur Saturday till we get back home That night. At least I won't have to here that beast run.
