any tips?

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May 2, 2001
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Hey everyone. I just tried climbing yesterday after not being up in the trees for over 2 months. I had gotten into a car accident on 7/30 and had 4 bulged disks, and a pinched nerve, and some other stuff. When I went up in the trees yesterday all I had to do was rig out some pieces of wood. Well my right wrist is apparently very weak, because I was having troubles holding things. Also, when I got up this morning the muscles in my back were tight, and I did not have a full range of motion in it. So my question to you guys is this; can you think of any excercises that may help me to get back into shape for climbing?
If you find anything that works, let me know. I have 3 weak discs (t-6,t-8,t-9) and a partially pinched nerve in my neck (c-6). I assembled a desk yesterday, after helping a friend change out a lower radiator hose on his car. Just that small amount of strain caused me to wake up this morning almost in tears. Took 4 Advil with my 1st cup of coffee to get moving.
Damn, I miss climbing! :(
This one's kinda hard to explain but was given to me by a chiropractor when I almost destroyed myself once.

Stand next to a wall feet at shoulders width, then twist what you can and bend over in that direction, ten times in each direction. Feels strange but stretches the muscles and strengthens them to, do it every morning to get the pain going.

Just kidding if I explained it right it works, but like any excercise when your messed up takes some work. Be careful going up in the tree tops when your out of shape, it's a dagerous world we live in.
I have a bad disk in L5 S1 with an impinged nerve, sciatuica and a weak left leg, partialy numb left great toe.

The best thing to do is see a PT for range of motion exercises. I was doing some that mad me feel good, but my PT said were making things worse because I was going too far.

I found my hands and arms to be somewhat weak when I started climbing regularly last month. I was doing other things for the most part of three months. it took around 2 weeks to get back into acceptable shape. Still gotta stop on a 45 ft footlock. But then I had to las spring anyways <g>.
Brian, I saw my chiropractor yesterday and here is what he told me I am not gonna be climbing for a while still (couple weeks at least) however. get a squishy ball to build up strength in my right wrist. Also, start doing a weight lifting program. As well as to get into a pool and swim.
If you can get yuor Dr. to let you see a Phys Therapist they can give you rang of motion exercises that are great. They don't work right away, but after a few days of doing them it is noticeable. I have about twenty that I do from time to time, like squeeze the shoulder blades together and hold for four.

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