Are you tired of it yet.

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I'd feed the wood furnace all summer if it gave air conditioning.

I am mainly burning chunks now. It is like burning coal. Could almost shovel some of it in. I keep it in hundred gal rubber livestock basins I get at TSC. Works to containerize it.

I think we prob. can eat more in the winter for exercise keeping the stove stoked.
Can't go there yet

Hard ground, hard snow, clean logs. no dirt, no mud, no sketers, no dam ticks.

Only drive yourself crazy (already there - mmmmake that crazier) thinking about the last burn.

Last year, cold rain (40's) til June.
We had a late start to the heating season here this year, and it was a warm October (Indian summer). I dunno, but I never got tired of feeding the boiler. Even after 4 years. The house was warm, so it was worth the effort. It was a routine, and I like stoking fires. Its a mental thing. I also rarely get tired of cutting firewood. Also a mental thing.

I also like winter sports, and I ski a lot. So I like the winter months. Here yah have to do something in the winter, or you will go berzerk. May as well feed the fire and cut wood.
Hard ground, hard snow, clean logs. no dirt, no mud, no sketers, no dam ticks.

AMEN Brother!

Not much snow on the ground here, but it's frozen and will stay that way for another month or so. Fish houses need to be off the lake in 3 weeks, only then will I be tired of winter. (and thinking of getting seeds in the ground - but that's a solid 2 months away yet)

I do get a bad case of the blahs in the real short days in Dec/Jan, but getting much better now that it's light till after 6pm.
You guys are just the opposite from me, I like summer. I would rather run a saw in hot weather. I know there are disadvantages to going in the woods in the summer like ticks and chiggers and snakes and other insects. I don't like working with a bunch of clothes on. ( And i don't belong to a nudist colony either lol) i would Rather just have the jeans, t-shirt and ppe on. I'm just thankful for the hunting season.that occupies a lot of time in the winter.

Yep, you sound like me.My uniform of the day is cut off shorts, a sleevless
t shirt, and sneakers.Yeah, I cut wood with shorts under my chaps. The second the cutting is done, off come the chaps and boots for loading in the trailer, i could care less if the brush tears up some hide.
Winter time?I sure enjoy those first few months, but by the time Feb rolls around, I am ready for spring. Tired of packing wood to the house, sick and tired of getting up at night to feed the stove, and really hate those low temps that make me sleep in the living room so that I can feed the stove and keep the family warm.
I really enjoy winter, however it seems around here we have more time stuck in between the seasons than actuall seasons. Warm one day cold the next. I hate rain and sloppy muddy conditions. If we could go from highs in the 20's to highs in the 70's I'd say that would be about perfect. This is my first year heating with wood and am not at all tired of it. Although I was a little short changed on how much I burnt so playing keep up/ catch up is'nt much fun. I will have ALOT more wood ready for next year!:chainsaw:
We had a late start to the heating season here this year, and it was a warm October (Indian summer). I dunno, but I never got tired of feeding the boiler. Even after 4 years. The house was warm, so it was worth the effort. It was a routine, and I like stoking fires. Its a mental thing. I also rarely get tired of cutting firewood. Also a mental thing.

I also like winter sports, and I ski a lot. So I like the winter months. Here yah have to do something in the winter, or you will go berzerk. May as well feed the fire and cut wood.

Man, I enjoy your skiing there! I grew up in Vancouver, and spent a great deal of my teen years skiing at Mt.Hood. My favorite was ski bowl when they had snow down at that level.
Now all we got here is slush skiing at Gaitlinburg. They have no idea what real skiing is all about! Most of the snow is man made, and real sloppy.Tried it once, and never went back. Got spoiled by Mt.Hood!
after 58 years, you get used to it, but around this time the winter begins to get boring, especially when the days begin to tease you with warmer weather.

but, i'd rather cut wood in the cold than in the heat of summer.
I like winter. As soon as it lets out, we enter mud season. I’ll take winter over mud any day and according to the extended forecast, mud is going to start next week and it will be a whopper this year. Oh yea, then we start with the lawn mowing. Mow lawn or feed OWB. Tough call.
I'm at the point where carrying wood in is getting old, usually hits sometime late february. First fishin trip is scheduled for mid march, hope to be done burning and have the chimney clean for next year by that time. We'll see.
Snow was starting to settle down a little until two days ago and we got another storm. Snow is midway between my thigh and knee now and hard to push through out in the woods. Weatherman says we have some 30 to 40
degree days coming up so I am going to split for a while and let the snow depth settle down a bit. We won't have grass to mow until May around here so we have quite a way to go yet. Looking forward to doing some shed hunting in the Spring but usually can't do that until the last week in April or later, depending on snow melt. Winter always starts to drag a little at this point in the year but I'm used to it by now.

Maplemeister: :cheers:
Snow was starting to settle down a little until two days ago and we got another storm. Snow is midway between my thigh and knee now and hard to push through out in the woods. Weatherman says we have some 30 to 40
degree days coming up so I am going to split for a while and let the snow depth settle down a bit. We won't have grass to mow until May around here so we have quite a way to go yet. Looking forward to doing some shed hunting in the Spring but usually can't do that until the last week in April or later, depending on snow melt. Winter always starts to drag a little at this point in the year but I'm used to it by now.

Maplemeister: :cheers:

Same here. We got hammered by that last storm. 16" or better and heavy stuff. The power went out at midnight and was off till 9pm the next day. Makes you appreciate electricity in a big way! I too am getting tired of winter but am not enamored of mud season either. June is when it starts too get nice around here.
Hard ground, hard snow, clean logs. no dirt, no mud, no sketers, no dam ticks.

Only drive yourself crazy (already there - mmmmake that crazier) thinking about the last burn.

Last year, cold rain (40's) til June.

x2 I would love it to stay 20 for the high 15 for the low. Plenty warm enough to cut wood, dont deal with the bugs, no sweating, and firewood business is still good. Spring brinngs slop and mud and rain, which makes it hard to work and go get wood.
I like winter. Favorite time to cut, as long as there isn't too much snow on the ground, which has not been a problem AT ALL here this year. I like to see more snow than we got.

I'm sure I'll be cutting all spring and into the summer, but I really don't like to cut when it's hot.
Like the other New England guys, we got whacked real hard by the northeaster that visited us Sunday. Lost power for about 12 hours.

This is an interesting time of year. We're over the hump in terms of the real cold weather with longer days and the sun higher in the sky. Lately, it's only been getting down to 15°-25° at night, which is toasty enough to hang out in the unheated barn. Daytime is now ranging in the thirties and feels warmer in full sun.

I like New England because we get to experience all the seasons. The -25° of a month ago was all the more tolerable because I set the good stuff aside for those deep winter fires. There's a satisfaction that comes with burning pragmatically - that is for each season, there's a seperate supply of wood. Temps in the 30s today, so some popple and punkish red maple will get burnt. Transitioning to night time, we'll go to some of the better quality wood.

I try to enjoy each season for what it is. I enjoy my trips out to the woodstalls in the barn nowadays. Soon enough, I'll be enjoying a walk in the woods amongs vernal pools teeming with new life springing to live. Followed by summer nights by a citronella candle with lemonade or a Rolling Rock.

Man, I enjoy your skiing there! I grew up in Vancouver, and spent a great deal of my teen years skiing at Mt.Hood. My favorite was ski bowl when they had snow down at that level.
Now all we got here is slush skiing at Gaitlinburg. They have no idea what real skiing is all about! Most of the snow is man made, and real sloppy.Tried it once, and never went back. Got spoiled by Mt.Hood!

Yah, I like SkiBowl best myself. Nicely kept secret. Closest slopes. Cheapest lift tickets. Completely open at night. 70 inch base there now. Great steeps and varied terrain. I love night skiing.

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