Attention those taking the ISA Cert exam

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ArboristSite Member
Feb 5, 2007
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I believe there are alot of us that are studying for the Certification exam regardless of when your exam date is. lets keep this thread going with questions to each other and helpful hints from the certified members. I am studying myself and havent come across any huge stumbling blocks but its not over yet.

Here is a good question:

What is the format of the Tree ID section. they ask for tree names. Is this still a multiple choice section or is it completely memory? do they give you the common name and you have to give scientific or is it one or the other?? some guidance please.
Tree Id

They will set up stations with pictures, and maybe samples of the tree, with a multiple choice answer......common and latin names

Well I hate to admit it but truth is truth I wanted certification
eighteen years ago when first found out there was a society; now
after starting my own biz finally bought the material and have been
studying . I wonder though if the benefits will actually be positive
other than confidence. I have been doing field work too long and
am seeking to advance; being a member of Isa and looking at job
bank makes me wonder even more ? Really they don't seem to
pay too well even with certification ! I am trying to remain optimistic
however it seems as though it may get you started but really is
not a pay booster. Maybe I look at things differently than others
or maybe the money is freelance, I figure I bought a grand worth
of books, may as well see were it goes! Knowledge only hurts
when you pay for it

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
i understand that there is a fertilizing section on the exam could any one tell me how in depth they are in those questions?
What is the format of the Tree ID section. they ask for tree names. Is this still a multiple choice section or is it completely memory? do they give you the common name and you have to give scientific or is it one or the other?? some guidance please.

the ID part is multiple choice and the format is up to the moderator...the first time I took it the tree ID was really, I mean REALLY, crappy photos. I seriously could not tell from the photo if it was a walnut or a black locust...not a mistake I would ever make in the real world but I really could not tell from these sh@#@!ty pictures.

So I failed that section (which as really deflating as I consider tree ID to be one of my strong suits!) and had to to go to the retest which was two months later and a 2.5 hour drive from my house. When I got there, there were real branches and bark so the the ID bit took like ten seconds and I was done (and had to drive 2.5 hours back!).

I asked the moderator why they didn't have samples at my first exam and she said samples were not required by the rules but if the moderator wanted to bring them they could. I have no issue with the photos IF you actually get what tree it is!

If I remember right they mixed up the binomial and common names from question to question. Some were common..some were scientific. Good luck! :rock:
ropensaddle, sometimes the "pay" one gets out of knowledge is not a monetary pay. If you follow through and receive your certification you will be payed with validation of your knowledge of trees. What is really cool is that you may learn something along the way that makes you go "wow, I didnt know that". It is a voluntary thing and if you choose to raise the bar for yourself and test yourself, good for you. Then if you want to really test yourself go for the master arborist cert.. Knowledge that is payed for with money hurts alot less than knowledge that is payed for with mistakes, IMO. Separate yourself from the herd and strive for more, always.
There is a fert section, and it gets fairly involved. Really it's more about knowing how to do mixing and applying calculations, and knowing the rules.

If nothing else, get the ISA Certification study guide. Good stuff. You don't need to go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of books at first. If you work with guys that are certified already, they're your best reference.
Well I just got my ISA test results today

I GOT A 84% passing all domains I will give a run down of domain scores .Tree nutrition and fert. 81%ID and selection 89% installation estab. 83% safe work practices 95% tree biology 76% pruning 83%tree,soil&water relations 84% diagnosis & treatment 81% trees people & ecology 83% cabling bracing and lightning protection 66% construction/preservation 85% tree risk assessment 93%. Also want thank treeseer for the advice in tree risk assessment in ohio nursery and landscape short course . This is really exciting day for me WOW.
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Congratulations, osbmail! Job well done. I am very envious as I have yet to take my test and am agonizing over it!

Ropensaddle, I too have wondered if this is all going to be worth it but came to the realization that even if I don't pass it will have been worth it. I have learned quite a bit already; solidified some knowledge, gained new knowledge and feel more confident in dealing with our clients.

Let me introduce myself to you all here...I am blatantly using my husband's site and need to enroll under my own; however, for tonight....I am SMc wife of DMc. Have been working with him for over 20 years (in the field as well as doing all of the office business, contacts, bookkeeping, etc.). I am 54 years old and whereas I am not a "climber" in the sense that he is (he has been actively climbing for over 38 years) and have no intention of trying to become a high climber, I do pruning and trimming of the smaller trees and will be trained (by him) this year to formally do more climbing.

My question here for the testing, has anyone purchased the interactive CD's from ISA? Do you think they are worth it for studying for the exam? (I realize I can get CEU's later on.) I have gone through the study guide and am currently reading Dr. Shigo's New Tree Biology and Harris' Arboriculture: An Integrated Management of Trees, Shrubs and Vines. Which, by the way, has anyone read them and did they feel they helped with the exam?

Any feedback much appreciated!

SMc wife of DMc
The Harris book helps a lot because it touches on many areas.

The Biology and Diagnosis cd's may help you a lot because everyday mtc work does not touch on those areas. The Identification cd would help ropensaddle a lot! The format makes learning the stuff much easier than just reading.

osb, way to go! :clap: Those are strong scores--probably better than mine 15 years ago. You flunked cabling just like I did--you do not have to retake that? Thanks for the words on the risk talk--evaluations were pretty strong on that and I hope to be baaaack next year to talk on lightning or root pruning. Columbus is on the way to fine skiing at Snowshoe so it works for me!

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