Auxiliary Transfer Ports

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Hi Tech Redneck
Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
New Hampshire
In the time that I have been on AS, I've heard a lot about boost ports and finger ports, but I still don't know what the real difference between them is. I'm sure that there are more than a few experts out there that could explain this.

I tried to get hold of Ken, but he must be out for coffee and donuts again since it's bingo day at the reservation.
Sub or boost ports are smaller ports that compliment/flank the main ports. They can be found in the exhaust, intake(boyesson) and transfer area. I have seen them mostly on the intake side and on the exhaust side of powervalve cylinders that use a chamber to alter the low rpm pipe volume.
Finger ports I believ refers to a closed transfer.
Doug shoot me a email. I have a book that I will let you borrow that explains a ton of stuff about two strokes.
bwalker, could you post the title/author of the book? I'm sure many would like to check it out, I know I'm always enjoy expanding my knowledge base.
I just did a bit of googling and if you enter

      two stroke engine porting methods

at and click on "I'm feeling lucky" an interesting page pops up.  Click on the Table of Contents link at the bottom and there are a few more like pages available.  I skimmed through a few of them in the "Engine Block" section and some of what I saw corresponded very well with information I've seen before.  I'm sure there is some stuff which might be controversial, but when doesn't that happen?

I was not able to find "<i><b>Two-Stroke Tuner's Handbook</b></i>" by A G Bell.&nbsp; I did find an out of print and evidently very highly sought book of that title by Gordon Jennings (see <a href="">here</a> for example).

I did find "<i><b>Two-Stroke Performance Tuning</b></i>" by A. Graham Bell (see <a href="">here</a> for example).

I intend to look through the posting rules to make sure it's okay to post URLs, since I don't see much of that done here, now that I think about it...
.....Gypo told me he has 9 copies

You guys actually take that stuff AG Bell wrote seriously?Sheesh....I did a search on AG Bell. That's his nom de plume. Here's a picture from his bio:

Gypo already has at least 8 complexes that I know of. I guess you could call him the Sybil of AS.

Fish, are you beveraging again?
I may be beveraging, but I have never gotten naked with a saw
before. Everything OK in N.H.? I am online so you scum cannot call me now!
My son was at a friends house and left a note. Unfortunately, he left it under some books. He's 15, so I'm sure you know what that means...yeah, the mental maturity of half century males from Balinafad.

Why don't you stop being so cheap and get a broadband setup? Then you and your pal Otto can trade insults on line and on the phone simultaneously and double your fun.
Aren't there any tanning beds in Canada?
What is Boxing Day? Is violence and alcohol involved?
You Canadians puzzle me, you live in the arctic and wear very
little clothes.
People from Michigan and New Hampshire worry me too.
At least beer is our common denominator. We are brothers in that regard.
I am not saavy enough to know what "broadband" means,
hell my avaataaaar doesn't even jiggle.

You college grads make more money than me anyway, I can
barely afford my nightly case of the Beast, let alone doing
any computer upgrading. Why would I want to insult Otto,
he is my buddy. I am having too much fun insulting everybody.
I am drifting off topic, so I must say something about transfer
ports.. I love them, the bigger the better, especially with a
dash of synthetic oil.....
I dont think my brother appreciates having his nude picture posted all over the net. Apparantly, the picture was taken just prior to him logging a bush at a nudist colony.