Brush Ape

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361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
The longbar PNW
It's a good point, Evil Roy. Before the crash, I actually emailed Mrs. Arboristsite about all the security loopholes I had noticed with the text editor. She stated that what I implied was not possible and blew it off. I was looking behind the scenes at the script.

I'm a proponent of this site and contrary to some of what goes down; never had much trouble making friends.

Before the crash that you caused, you mean?
angelo c
Dec 3, 2008
Peoples Republic of North Jersey
No body has a problem when you contribute as an educated commenter.the problem is when you bait people solely for the sake of an argument. Exhibit some self restraint and you'll be around. Act like an Ape and you'll just keep going through the same routine...whack a mole, ban....pop your head up, ban.
Just chill a bit.


ArboristSite Guru
May 14, 2013
sw washington
What is a hacker like you doing building stock cars?
If he really built all the stuff that he says he does, he wouldn't have the time to devote to being on here (and who knows where else) running his yaps. He spends more time thinking up new names & re-registering and posting smart-ass remarks than it would take to be productive & build something.

Yep, "junkie" wouldn't suprise me at all. The MO fits perfectly.
Guido Salvage

Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Farmville, VA
Please understand that narcissists have an inability to establish and maintain personal relationships. While initially they may appear charming, the self infatuation soon takes over and drives people away.

I suspect the Ape was bullied and/or abused as an adolescent and was unable to stop it. His actions today are a reaction to that. In person he was not able to control his situation, but with the anonymity of the Internet and behind a keyboard he is getting even with these past tormentors.
Jul 29, 2006
I'm putting this here cause this is where he post mainly, If any of you see a newbie that resembles him, please report the post. I am going to ban anyone that looks like him. I for one am tired of his BS. This guy has no life other than come here and act like a friggin idiot. We are tired of deleting his usernames.

We have ask if there is anything we can do to permanently eliminate him and the answer is probably not. I can check IP's all day long and it doesn't tell me squat if it's him or not. I suspect there is a couple more here.

Here's some advice to the new members that are legit, Do not make ignorant post and keep yourself civil. cause I'm Ape huntin. this is getting old.
stihl sawing
Feb 16, 2008
Across the bridge.
I would like to know what started all this in the first place?
Well Brush Ape is not his original username I forget what his original was. We knew who he was and let him stay cause he was being good at the time and he was adding decent post. I had sent him a message telling him to behave and he could stay or something to that effect. can't remember exactly what I said. Then his Bi polar kicked in and he became god of all things. Reports started pouring in and I think site owners banned his old original name and the brush ape one. They was getting PM's like crazy on him. now it has evolved to him being a total Psychopath that has to have full attention and when he don't get it he has to do something to get it. Dude needs to find a girlfriend or maybe a crack ho that will give him all the attention and tell him everything he wants to hear long as he keeps her in crack.
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