Dang squirrels! Help!

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Get an accurate pellet gun in .177 cal. 600 fps is all you need. Get a good scope on it, and you can get a moderator for it to quiet it down even more. Head shots and they don't run around after being hit.

If you can swing it, get a PCP. (Pre charged pneumatic) put a moderator on one of them and you will hardly hear it - the neighbors sure can't.
I want to know about the mole trap and all about how it works. I eat squirrels so would bait them to a trap a big victor rat trap with a slice of apple.


Buy a gun with a silincer and shoot them.




I have hundreds of squirrel recipes if you would like.

:D Al
That is the correct trap.
However, the trap must be "attached" to what ever it is setting on.
A plastic bottle can be converted into a muffel for a Pellet Gun or a .22 using low power shells.
Goggle it.

Just a thought, but what about pepper spray around the trunks.
Dont know it if would work or how long it would last, but it might keep them away till the fruit ripens.
The paint ball idea sounds good, at least it would be fun shoot'n and would keep e'm on the run.
I made some traps like stillhunter posted out of 4'' pvc pipe with chicken wire duct taped too one end .search squirrel trap you'll find it.the neighbors asks where are all the squirrels. 4 or 5 is all you need and a bucket of water.
Would second this, have a HW77, the prior model to the 97 and this thing punches holes through 1/2" ply at 25m. can easily get an 1" group at that range.. I just sit in the kitchen and pick off the Bunnies as they invade the garden. :)

Beeman/Weihrauch HW97K in .22 cal or a Beeman RX-2 in .25cal will easily do the job and not exceed 750fps. The rx-2 is reported to be difficult to shoot well. The hw97k is easily capable of ¼” groups at 60ft.

I have had good luck with McCormick ground red pepper as a squirrel repellent but I have never tried to use it on a tree. Local squirrels decimate my pear trees every year but I really don’t like pears so they are more than welcome to them. The usually start eating them green. They actually chew them open and eat just the seeds. They usually don’t bother with the apples or plums as the hickory trees are usually in full production. I have never seen them go after the black walnuts until late fall after they hit the ground. They are a pain to rake up so the rodents can have them as well.

You could try the electronic rat zapper type traps. Plenty lethal and might be a better approach than poison.
At any given time, I can look in my yard and see at least a dozen or more at a time. I plink a few every now and then just to keep the numbers down.
Once they start getting in my barn, it's time to cull a few.
That's nice, drowning squirrels. Leave them, they don't bother anyone.

Tell that to my neighbor who had red squirrels chew their way into his house and destroy their dishwasher, and another friend who lost his whole house to a squirrel chewing a wire in his attic, which caused a fire and burned down the house.

Around here, if they are brazen enough to climb on the house or outbuildings, they are introduced to high velocity lead.
All you need is a swimming pool, little bastards will commit squirrelicide. Our cat could care less about the squirrels... So long as they don't mess with his food bowl. I suspect that would be problematic for an adventurous squirrel. The little buggers were determined to gnaw their way into the gas tank on my walk behind mower. Replaced the first gas cap only to find they too were willing to start over. Wrapped the third one with aluminum foil and bought a .410 to thin the herd.
War on squirrels was declared in 1999. Left my travel trailer in a field on the edge of a woods for a week. When I returned they had destroyed the ceiling and had a bunch of holes chew thru the paneling inside and a big hole the a roof vent.
Kill each and every one with out breaking the law 5 per day with 5 in posstion (read freezer). I have hundreds of recipes and will be happy to share some of the ones I like best.
Nothing like baked bacon wrapped squirrel for starters.

:D Al
View attachment 439415 I use these for moles..use bigger pvc for squirrels. Dump poison in the top,put a cap on it. Cats , dogs, etc shouldn't be able to get at it. I think I would use a rat trap or live trap for a squirrel. Then you know you got him.
This looks very good. The 3" PVC would be about right for squirrels. All the bottom T lengths (vertical and horizontal would only have to be a foot long and you could fasten it to the base of Mr. Squirrel's favorite tree. I believe it takes awhile for most rat poisons to do their work, so the squirrels will likely die elsewhere.

Worth a try in my book. The squirrels are completely overpopulated in my yard and are now tearing up my pin oak tree like gangbusters. I've carried out over two trash cans packed with green twigs and leaves that the squirrels have ripped off the tree.
I might add also that squirrels chewed through a soffit in my house under an eave and made it to the attic. Then they did over $1,000 in damage to the wiring, chewing insulation off left and right. Circuit breakers started popping. This happened about 12 years ago and after that, I decided squirrels were not friendly little harmless critters. The electrician said that it was such a mess that the house could have been set afire with bare copper about everywhere.