Did Mr. Dolmar flunk math?

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Well now, I ain't sellin' no buzz saws on no newfangled internet thang like them thar at Doltmar, see? I wood 'spect them thar to know what their saws weigh, in stones, kilos, pounds, or whatever.

As for the typos, well, I am on my 3rd or 4th beer now. To hell with spell checkers... too dang slow. :cheers:

Pell checkerrs for whats, I udder stood ever ree word ya just wrote,LOL
I thought only Norwegians cared about how much a saw weighs and what the specs are on paper... :popcorn:

Why the popcorn? Heck he gave me heck for my 2063 I bought. But it is fun to sometimes give the Troll some grief. But sometime his spec sheets come in handy also. But he never did tell me why it has a small bar mount pattern on it.:popcorn: Dam that thing popped up again lol
I thought only Norwegians cared about how much a saw weighs and what the specs are on paper... :popcorn:


Its my Norse ancestry... and reviewing a lot of saws for friends that are buying in the 250/260 350/420 saw size range. For them a pound means a lot. My 361 is "way" to heavy for them. The 250 is the right weight, but too much plastic.

Now my problem is finding a Dolmar dealer in the Portland area that actually carries Dolmar chainsaws. 2 of 3 so far do not even list them on their web sites, though they are listed by Dolmar as dealers on their web site. Maybe another Dolmar complaint thread will follow on that as well. All I can do is read about them, and complain about the specs on paper, er, becasue seemingly I cannot find a dealer that actually stocks them! :hmm3grin2orange:
Its my Norse ancestry... and reviewing a lot of saws for friends that are buying in the 250/260 350/420 saw size range. For them a pound means a lot. My 361 is "way" to heavy for them. The 250 is the right weight, but too much plastic.

Now my problem is finding a Dolmar dealer in the Portland area that actually carries Dolmar chainsaws. 2 of 3 so far do not even list them on their web sites, though they are listed by Dolmar as dealers on their web site. Maybe another Dolmar complaint thread will follow on that as well. All I can do is read about them, and complain about the specs on paper, er, becasue seemingly I cannot find a dealer that actually stocks them! :hmm3grin2orange:
Must be that Norse ancestry I thought the Troll got your password and was posting:hmm3grin2orange: Being Canadian I remember getting the first metric rulers in school when we switched.
Hey, maybe we can get special AS certificates issued for bars 18 inches and up. Or "blades" or "paddles," as I have seen listed on CL and EB lately. A chainsaw with a paddle?

Imagine being up :censored: Creek without a chainsaw paddle? :givebeer:
Buzzer sounds:


Yes, its Ken Kesey's way of sneering English. On purpose. He meses with your head in that book, especially geographically if you have ever lived west of Eugene, OR.

Oh boy, that explains a lot.... The geography part.
They Fixed The Web Site!

Is Joe Dolmar reading AS or what?

Anyway, they fixed the numbers on the Dolmar web site for the weigt of the ps 350 and ps 420 saws.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!