Did you know there was a modified work saw forum?

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Did you know there was a modded work saw forum?

  • Yes, and I'm there a lot.

    Votes: 27 23.5%
  • No, but I'll be there now that I know.

    Votes: 34 29.6%
  • Yes, but it ain't my thing.

    Votes: 21 18.3%
  • No, and I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing

    Votes: 27 23.5%
  • What's a work saw?

    Votes: 6 5.2%

  • Total voters


Addicted to ArboristSite
AS Supporting Member
Nov 10, 2004
On the road
Now indiansprings, why are you pushing for this so hard????? I don't see the big deal... Chainsaws are chainsaws...As long as it doesn't have a bike engine in/on it, that would be considered a HOT SAW in my book... My question still is unanswered in that forum and it has been there for 23 hours. GREAT exposure there... I think not...

Yea, the library of congress is not just a big room with all the **** piled together either, it is organized, just like AS. Now the modded saw forum is there, but no one wants to use it, if it weren't there everyone would be all up in arms about the lack o' thee . . .


ArboristSite Operative
Mar 23, 2009
Diesel, 100's of additional members know about the forum now, Brad's been too busy here to answer your question. It's all about the education of the forum being available, alot of members discovered it is available tonight. Why do you resist change?

Change sucks...LOL!!! If it ain't broke don't fix it... I visited the Commercial Tree Care and Climbing forum and there is everything on that forum and that isn't a problem. They don't like NON-PRO'S even looking at their forum. What's up with that???


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
What the ####? What is your rational behind that? other than "ITS MINE!" like little kids do?

Go place a ad in the newspaper, see if its free, it isn't, in fact its rather costly. I paid for the job, not to supply the equipment for someone else to make a buck off of on top of it, simple logic, not too hard to understand is it..


Spelling/Reality Check
Jan 13, 2009
I simply like all chainsaw related discussions in one place. I want to see what others are doing, and I like to show what I'm doing, without having to hunt around to find it. I never visit any other forums on AS. Again, my posts, vids, and pics are not advertisements. They may serve as such, but that's certainly not their purpose. Modding saws is simply the part of saws I enjoy the most, along with photography and video making, so that's what I have to share. I do the same when I'm restoring an old classic or cutting firewood. Should we put those in another forum? I say not. This is a chainsaw forum and I say leave all things chainsaw related right here.

LOL...kind of reminds me of the info-mercials where they have someone taking a simple task, like rolling up a hose, or turning on a light, and make it look next to impossible.

Brad, you like percentages. Last time I looked at the poll results, it suggested 55% of the respondents aren't really interested in saw mods. Of the ones that are interested, 65% do use the modded work saw forum, with the remaining suggesting they would use it now that they know it exists. Doesn't seem like it would be a traffic issue if that is the target audience.

The problem with surveys is that you can't foresee for all the possibilities. TDI-rick pointed out a response that I didn't predict, because I was just interested in how well-known that forum was, and whether it was little used because it was not well-advertised.

I'm not going to argue against having mod threads in the main forum, but I'd like to see more use of the modded work saw forum. Once I get to spend a little less time changing diapers and wiping up vomit, I'll be spending more time there.
Saw Dr.

Saw Dr.

Junk Collector
Oct 20, 2007
Temple, GA
I think the Chainsaw forum should go to "Chainsaw info and troubleshooting." I like helping folks figure out their issues and get back into the wood. I don't care much for the "which saw should I buy" threads or oil threads, but this would be a good place for them. When the discussion turns to muffler mods or putting a bigger oiler in your 460, then you can stop next-door at the modded saws forum.

I never understood the modded saws forum not getting any traffic. I shall add that one to my normal rounds. I have NOTHING to add to the hotsaws forum, as I have never milled off a saw head or built a pipe. Most of the guys into that have another forum to hang in anyway.


ArboristSite Operative
Mar 23, 2009
Brad, you like percentages. Last time I looked at the poll results, it suggested 55% of the respondents aren't really interested in saw mods. Of the ones that are interested, 65% do use the modded work saw forum, with the remaining suggesting they would use it now that they know it exists. Doesn't seem like it would be a traffic issue if that is the target audience.

There is one choice missing....Yes, but a chainsaw is a chainsaw. Leave it where it belongs... :wink:
Saw Dr.

Saw Dr.

Junk Collector
Oct 20, 2007
Temple, GA
One more thing:


If you do want folks to use the modded work saw forum, it needs to be right under "Chainsaws" where folks can get to it easier. Being hidden in Hotsaws does not make it very user friendly.


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Its a hobby though right? so how does that work?

Hobby my azz, when money is changing hands its not a hobby, its a biz. I got no issue with that, call it what it is, work in exchange for money, thats cool. Just don't take the work I paid for on my equipment and then use my equipment to advertise more work.

Hell 056 I knew a man who bought a new pick up one time. They got his truck ready and called him. He come to get it and seen they had put those dealership name plates around his tags. He toldem take those things off my truck, you want me to advertise your place of business you pay me. They removed them...
Saw Dr.

Saw Dr.

Junk Collector
Oct 20, 2007
Temple, GA
OK, I am revising my plan. (learned it from the wife)

There are multiple topics under Hotsaw, why not here? Leave all the competition stuff over there and have a few topics under "Chainsaw" here

General Discussion
Modded Work saws
Chain Sharpening
Collectors Corner

just my .02


XPW Fan Club
Apr 25, 2010
Southwest Virginia
I don't mind the build threads being here in the Chainsaw forum. I don't like having to flip back and forth between different subforums. I also do not want to be where there is no action. Post a question in the modded WS forum and you'll get about one response per day.
And what if we do move all of the build threads over there? What happens then? All of the newbies will be there asking questions like, "who is a good saw modder" or "does modding a saw shorten its life" or "what gains will I get from modding my saw".
What I'm getting at is, if we start to see more traffic over there, the clutter and BS threads will follow. Then you will have two forums full of crap and it will be even harder to find anything you are looking for. I think it's much easier to keep it all in one place and for the mods to start deleting all of the repetitive BS threads while posting a link in each thread to the FAQ's page. JMO.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 30, 2006
You know Thall, i'd like nothing better then to see the reasoning against mods on a saw from someone who actually knows both sides.

How about it?


Aug 25, 2006
Ned and Wild’s fight site Vic. Australia.
You have a sub forum under "hotsaws" called "collectors corner" that should have it's own under "equipment forums".

Rid "hotsaws" of all the sub forums just like "chainsaws".

Rename it "modded saws" as you basically don't see race saws here at AS.

Move any threads with content regarding this topic from "chainsaws" to the "modded saws" forum.

Maybe it might work, maybe not. Give it wirl I spose.


Firewood Purveyor
Dec 15, 2008
SW Missouri
The only good argument I've seen for it is 1. It's a chainsaw (broad stroke statement, no specifics) and 2. I want the attention. ( I want the most advertising exposure for free)

If someone wants to spend the money to get a saw modified they will find the modded work saw forum as there is no doubt there are people are confident their is enough people interested in it to make it a topic. But on the other hand they are saying that there won't be enough interest and the topic will die a slow death, which is it? I agree that anytime money changes hands whomever is involved, not just Brad, but anyone it becomes a business, it is no longer a hobby. When you become a sponsor, you are promoting a business, not a hobby.

Prolly 85% (just a guess) involve one modder. That's kind of sad in a way, because I'm sure they all have different methods, techniques etc. It's obvious they are getting enough business to make them happy without the exposure.

It's nothing personal, if they have a forum dedicated to the craft of modding saws use it. I plan on having my new 460 ported once wood season slows down and I can part with the saw, just to try one. You can bet I'll take a log and time a cut before it leaves and keep the exact same piece of wood and try it when it comes back to see what the gains are. Hopefully it will be significantly faster. If not no biggie, the modder won't hear one ##### or complaint, I went in with both eyes open.

My intent is not to push it off into a corner where it will disappear, but to plant a seed that will grow to be a productive forum with no or very little distraction to the posters.

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