Don't you hate it when....

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May 14, 2010
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blue mountains australia
You've stayed up far later than you ought to, the day before a big job, reading arborist site and watching YouTube videos... Then when you finally pull the pin a few hours later than you should have and hit the hay, you get the hiccups?
That you've forgotten the saw on the headache rack of the bucket when you stomp on the brakes for a yellow light and a saw skips into the intersection

We forgot to strap down sheets of plywood on a rear mount and i tried to beat the light turning left and there was a bus stop right on the corner and about 10 sheets of plywood slid right off the truck right at the bus stop, man i've never seen people move so fast in my life. So we stopped to pick it up and this black guy yelled " man yous about to KILL somebody" luckily we didn't.

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I lost a cheapo aluminum ladder off my Tundra one winter.
Just decided to fly off the back all of a sudden for no good reason at all.
Went whipping around the next turnaround on the hwy to go try to retrieve it, got there in time to notice a cop loading it into his Suburban.
Goodbye ladder.
You go to the truck for the pole saw and its at the shop, full chip box(s) and have only a few pieces left to chip on the job. The frozen chips up in the front corner of the box when it's cold out! The list could go on and on!!
I had a miserable nights sleep after my hiccups last night! Tried all the usual crap; holding my breath, tablespoon of sugar etc... After about an hour of it decided to just go for a walk. Got back home in time for about 2 hours sleep before taking out 9 trees today. Could barely keep my eyes open driving the truck home!

There were some great funny responses above though, gave me a laugh! Couple months ago a customer gave us some cans of coke but I can't drink that stuff on a hot day it dehydrates me. So they sat in the cab and got real warm and nobody wanted to drink them. No idea why we just kept them there. Had to stop suddenly for a red light and one of the cans goes flying and lands on something sharp on the floor, kaboooooom! Frickin' coke everywhere. Probably helped wash some of the spilt coffee off the floor ;-)
Pull cord breaks while starting your saw and you punch your face,,yup.

That's some funny ass **** right there!

Last night just after posting I decide it's time for bed so off i go to brush my teeth. somehow the toothpaste flicked off the toothbrush and copped me right in the eye! hurt like hell. Well, so far for that day. Woke up this morning to a parking ticket. Sometimes life just doesn't give you a break.
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Oh, yeah, then we got to the site and had the truck about 1/3 full when one of the guys remembered that he forgot to get the pole saw out of the truck in the morning
Last summer, we did a removal that was a notch and drop, big tree, I forgot the wheel barrows in the dump trailer. Started dumpin bigens in. We go to do the detail, where's the wheel barrows? Steven looks in, can see a handle............
I sent a guy back to shop to grab the chipper and bigger saw , we had to leave the chipper behind because it was leaking water , well after a trip each way of 40 minutes all I got was a bigger saw .