Double-Walled Pipe??

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The NFC and other building codes are a very good thing when I am building something for others or something public etc. For myself I build/install how I want. I am not concerned about codes.
I'll bet you aren't either.:)
Nope, I couldn't care any less about "codes".
Most of the time they're designed to protect us from ourselves... and if your head is in the game there ain't no need. The idea that one "code" fits all situations and circumstances is beyond ridiculous... flies in the face of common sense. Rather than move firewood today I installed the stove in the shop because it was a perfect day to be on a roof (i.e. no wind), and I did it "my way".
My old barrel stove has bitten the dust too. Im gonna take the old VC smoke dragon down to the shop to replace it. Nothing like a warm shop when you need to get out of the house awhile.
Glad you got the pipe in and I'm sure your own common sense was your guide.
As to the issue of 'codes', it seems that an awful lot of people these days need to be protected from themselves, and a lot of 'the code' is there to protect the innocent from the misguided. When structures fail people tend to get hurt. Friends, neighbors, first responders, children.
Most people know it's not a good idea to drive 80 mph down a residential street, but some would see no problem at all with that. Hence, we have the 'code' that is the speed limit.
Common sense takes some thinking. Thinking can be work. That's why you don't see more of it. Just sayin'.
Well, I went with 7 inches of clearance for the pipe, and used heavy gauge steel flashing through the roof. The stove (or stovace) manual calls for 4 inches clearance in a "corner" install, I have 18 inches. I went ahead and left the steel plenum, or air jacket, that I built and mounted one of the blowers from the DAKA so I'm able to blow warm air across the shop. Originally I planned to set the stove on blocks but after some measuring I didn't. Those pipe sections were 4 feet, and with the stove directly on the floor three sections put the top right close to 2 feet above the peak... with only about 5 feet exposed to the outdoors.

OK, so I didn't use class A chimney through the roof... but I do plan on keeping the thing clean. Just 12 feet of double-wall pipe, straight up, should draft one-heck-of-a-lot better than the single-wall out the window did for the barrel. The high-temp silicone at the flashing should be cured tonight when I get home... maybe a test fire??

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