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Jul 29, 2001
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Cental Pa
As of today,I am not sure that this event will ever take place.
I wanted to have an event on this side of the country,that everyone was welcomed at,get together,run our saws and have a good time for the week end.I just dont think that is going to happen.I have received just to many emails on the subject and I am getting rather tired of all the fighting that is going on.
Remember that fun and a good time for everyone is what I had pictured this event to be not
What builder is best
Who has the most money for the best equipment
Who has the fasted or largest saws
So far I have received emails
that threaten my life
people telling me they are going to run the show
people telling me what saw classes that I have to have to suit them
How much money they need to make an appearance
How much I should pay this person to stay way
This doesn't sound like much fun to me,I do know that I really dont want any part of that kind of fun.
If anyone else on the East Coast wants to hold this event at there place,I am more then willing to help you out.

Are you serious your not gonna have the ECC,man that sucks I was looking forward to coming down to meet you and all the others,I'm sorry you have decided not to put on the show hopefully you will change your mind,if not I would still like to come down and visit and bring a couple of my saws just to hang out for a day or two.

Later Rob.
Dan, just have it in your backyard, get a keg and screw everyone else. Forget prizes/races/TV/sanitation/rules/blah blah

It should a group of guys, a pile of wood and lots of two stroke smoke and bullsh!t:cool:

Do yourself a favor and tell everyone that wants to run it: Its your show, they will do what you want, or they can stay home. You are too good of a guy to get harrassed for trying to get people together. I think it was a good idea that got too big, so just make it small and fun again.
So let me get this straight. Here's a guy who wants to do something fun for the right reasons and is willing spend a lot of his own time and money to make it a reality. He asks nothing in return, but what he gets is in fact negative. That's just great.

Who on this board would say such things? I'd like to know that right now. I've never had even the slightest grudge against anyone on AS, but if I knew who was dealing out that kind of crap, I'd be willing to start my biases immediately. This is really bad, Dan.
An't people funny-never understood em anyway! Just do what ya want. With the cold weather we are haveing, just pull a few trees along side an empty fire pitt, have some beer setting by, a mall and let the fun begin! no, seriously, good luck-it takes all kinds.

I am appalled at the idea that somebody would threaten you or try to tell you or anyone else how to run your own show. I don't blame you for not wanting to be hospitable to people like that.

On the other hand, you do have friends on this board, at least, that probably would be downright <i><b>inhospitable<b><i> towards such as that, and the jerky types know it, and wouldn't show anyway.
Ok I talked to Dan tonight on the phone he is really upset and really doesn't know how he is going to deal with this situation, It's pretty bad that a few people have to screw thing all up for all of us.
All Dan wanted to do was have a good old fashion get together, For the guys that can't make it out west or up to Dennis, and play with some saw's win or lose it was just suppose to be "FUN"..I think it's pretty d@mn low for some as@ hole to call a man and threaten his life because of what is intended to be a friendly get together.I would like to think it wasn't a AS member,but if it was you know who you are.Dan holds the hand here, and I for one hope that he changes his mind.
Hi Dan, I can only imagine how much work an event would be, especially for the first time. Under the circumstances, it may be better to have your first event with just locals attending. This way you can enjoy yourself more, as opposed to over extending yourself. I think it takes a lot a people just to co-ordinate the whole thing. It would be nice to show, but its better that I dont make any promises I cant keep.
I would still go on with your event if I were you, it will just get better every year. Tough out the hurdles and everything will be fine.
I agree with Eric I was looking forward to takin' some time off and just hangin' out and meeting with all you guys here on AS.I sincerly hope Dan does decide to go forth with his ECC get together so we can have some good ole' fashion fun weekend..I just can't believe that someone would have balls big enough to call a guy and threaten his life over a get together of friends what the he!! is up with that.:mad:

Later Rob..
Dan, do what you can to get the AS guys together at ECC, I can tell you Dennis brought together people that would have never met and it was really a GREAT TIME! Work your way thru the BULL CRAP, then have a good time.
P.S. Don't forget KEEP IT SIMPLE
much thanks for trying to do a great thing. i've seen some real poor arguments and bulls#!^ at shows but i never expected it here. any time you want to get together with some stockers and shoot the willybobo drop me an e-mail and we'll hook it up here at chainsaw world.
we could even do a local show and have a B-B-Q after.
the season is coming and we already started working on saws.
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