Falling pics 11/25/09

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Well, Rope, you don't ask yer buddy for a boost. I used to stick an axe or Pulaski in the tree and use it for a oh #### handle.

Lol thats what I get fer axing lol:cheers: I have thought of using a spring board a time or two but I don't even have an ax sides it would pull out on me in the halfway mark I just know it lmfao,.
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Welp it happened was on the skid steer it is and oldie and was moving some brush and a friggin limb slapped me in my noggin, about a four inch sob too, dern spring poles and no rops make fer a knot head. I had a flask back to me fightin days lol was lookin fer the sob that hit me with the ball bat!
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You guys are talkin' crazy. I never got hit in the head, not once.


Well, in my defense it was at home and messing with a brush pile getting the good rounds out!
Mad I think ya must not remember, been a while ehhhhhh. It was for me too, my tractor was the last one. I have old school equipment, no protection from above or side; I guess its getting time to buy some metal and weld some sorta rops.
Hey great pics Burv! Nice fish and nice wood. Just curious, what are the sloping cuts in the stump below the jack all about? I've never jacked anything. Just wondering. Glad to hear things are coming around for you.

Forestry- those hollowed out sobs can be one hell of a rush! Good work man!

Nice sticks yesterday, this one was 4 bushel. There were plenty more, just did not have time for photos. I was scrambling to get this piece cut before we move out and the next rain hits. Spent 9 hours in the brush and 8 on the saw, took today off.
Good afternoon fellas!

I'd like to cut with you someday Cody, maybe we'll get the chance.

Mr. Bitzercreek, I need to pick out some of your spinners, it's almost that time for the hardware bite on the salmon and steelhead. They will see their share of use in real world testing. I'm sure I will find a color/blade/bead combo that works. There is always that one surprise spinner that everyone wants, lol.

Bob! Good afternoon! Hope you have a good weekend and rest up bud. I see you logging in here (AS) super early, and still get out the door before the first bird whistles a peep, lol. Randy, you don't count...Mr. Night Owl Jail Bird! Your right, that is definetly 6 cube wood. I picked up a 395. Right now I'm having too much fun with my ported 390 I built. It actually is a runner. But I'm sure a bunch of people will show up to the GTG with 90cc saws that really cut.

Brian, I look forward to meeting you and your wife this next weekend. I bet we have fished a lot of the same water :cheers:
You can relate to my madness...the fish maggott.
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Have you tried Castmasters, we used the two tone brass and chrome on the Van Duzen and Mattole rivers with good results. They work well when you need to cast under willows and other overhanging brush. The big chrome spinners work on the Klamath, but dodging arrows to fish the lower Klamath gets tiresome, to say nothing about all the gillnets that are clogging the river. Time for barbwire wrapped hay bales.