Finally !!

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Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
One fire a day weather...
68[sup]o[/sup] in the house this morning. I poured some coffee and went down to toss a bit of wood in the firebox... and it was dead cold. Then it dawned on me... 24-hours since the last loading, and that was just a medium size load to boot. The "experts" say we'll see 50[sup]o[/sup] today (maybe some rain to get rid of more snow), but it won't last... looking at cloudy, cooler weather first part of the week, although warming back up during mid-week. If the sun shines I'll be starting a fire every morning, if it's cloudy I'll likely need a small one in the evening also. Couple more weeks and it'll be every second or third day... and a week or two after that... done!!

It appears I misjudged by a full cord last fall when I filled the storage room in the basement. I've been bringing in small loads... like two-three days worth at a time, and I'm creeping up on a full cord. If March would've been "normal" I'd have hit it pretty darn close... probably would just now be starting to move small loads in.

Time to start thinking about moving the "stovace" out and the DAKA furnace in. Need to build back-draft dampers, plenum extension, cold air return/filter box, and whatnot. Should be plenty of rainy, wet weekends to work on that coming up I'm sure. I suppose there ain't any great hurry to get it done... but... I'm gonna' need something to post about 'cause I can't whine about weather anymore!
Of course pictures of the retro-fit would be mandatory on the new stove!!

Draggin' the old and the new up an' down the basement steps would/could be most entertaining,,with audio,,Yeah, the audio might be most entertaining!! :hmm3grin2orange:
Well... the "plan" (and you know how plans go) is to build a skid and use the winch... I'm thinking bolt them to the skid. Going "down" shouldn't be too much problem that way... but coming "up" might be a different story. But you're likely correct in the "audio" being entertaining either way L-O-L

I don't have a clue how to make video and put it on the web... but the daughter has a digital video camera and likely can teach me everything I need to know.
We'll see... no promises.
Come Monday you will be whining again when the temps take a nose dive.
I don't have a clue how to make video and put it on the web... but the daughter has a digital video camera and likely can teach me everything I need to know.
We'll see... no promises.

It may be easiest to take the vid with the smart phone. From the phone, load it onto YouTube. Finally, link the YT video into your post here. (that's what I've heard at least).

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