First day back this week

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H 2 H

Feb 19, 2012
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Got my first day back cutting Alder (firewood for myself) today for 4 hours winds have been pretty bad here the last few days. I put the X 27 to work man is that an energy saver now if I only had someone to stack it

Also today I ran stock MS 361 just to see the difference between the saw I built and the 361 with the same b/c; power wise I really couldn't tell the difference between the two saws these trees were just over 24” dia. There still around 20 ft. log still needing cut up and split

Since the winds have been blowing pretty well this week I went up to Woolley the other day and got the chance to run a MS 461 for a few hours in some Doug Fir; first we took the hood off and check things out sure looked different than what I’m used to it feels lighter than I thought it would be I turn it on and off a few times while bucking up those logs just checking how easy that was and no problems there. I feel Glen just wanted me to buck up his fire wood for him because he just had a smile on his face when I was cutting :)
I got back up there and finish the rest of that log and took down another Alder; made three trips back and forth and it's all seating in the wood shed now. Right as I was leaving the field on the last load it start to rain and just mile away were I live it wasn't raining :msp_tongue:

This is the view on the other side of the field were I get back on the main road


This is about three mile north of Stanwood on the old highway on the way to Conway

That's Skagit Bay
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Since I couldn't do any cutting today (pouring down rain and wind) I went and talked with the land owner and he showed me a new section on his property with blow downs all over the place now if it would stop raining

Spent the day cleaning the saw's and sharpening 6 chains and surfing :msp_smile:
Had a weather opening (no rain and bright sun shine) and went and took down a nice Alder

The field is getting a little soft :msp_thumbup:
Wife and I cut and split a couple loads today for delivery.

I dont know that I would describe it as soft....more like "soup"....

Ruined the chain on my 361, good thing it was the end of the day.;)
Went back up there (one mile away from my house) and cut down another Alder came home for lunch and right when I was going back up it started to rain then it down poured so the splitting and hauling will wait till it's done doing it's thing :msp_ohmy:
good ol liquid sunshine ,just wait 20 min if you dont like the weather here it will do something different
good ol liquid sunshine ,just wait 20 min if you dont like the weather here it will do something different

Couldn't have said it any better :msp_tongue:

I was up there this afternoon and got another Alder and a snag Alder in between drops of liquid sunshine

And yes I used that saw that has the side way balance problem and is way way to heavy MS 261 :msp_w00t:

Here is the snag I took down


Pretty soon I won't be able to get in their I had to get winched out today; the 3/4 ton sank pretty fast :msp_ohmy:
im hooked on those axe's have the 25 and 27 ,hardley fire up the hydrolic splitter anymore ,with that alder you can practice your golf swing splitting with the 27 if the rounds are sideways on the ground
So this morning I get this call from my Mum's friend and she is say here trees coming into her place are coming down could I do something; so knowing her place and knowing that her driver way is like 200 feet long into her place with atleast 20 Doug Fir trees I'm thinking major score here.

I jump in the truck to go and look there are limbs down every were and those limbs are in the range of 18" in dia. to 4" in dia. it has been raining and blowing here for about ten days now so I moved the limbs so she can get out of her place but that's about far as I'm going to go today it's just to windy to be out there.

These trees are just to big for me to handle safely I can't really tell but I'm thinking there in the 80 to 100 foot range within 40 feet of buildings when this rain and wind slow down a little may have to ask a fellow AS member here that lives here to knock these trees down.

Now the question is what to do with these trees it would maybe two plus loads she has to make the decision on that just the limbs on these trees would be couple cords of firewood :msp_tongue: