Four Storms = Lots of Trees Down

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Nov 20, 2009
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Madoc, Ontario, Canada
Those four big storms that hit us here in North America recently must be keeping some of us busy cutting right now.
Two hurricanes on Eastern seaboard and the two big storms that pummelled the West coast.
Anyone on here still cleaning up from those messes?
My fishing buddy asked me to help clean up a bunch of White Pines that snapped off half way up in a tornado that we had back in the spring. Then the storm hit a couple weeks ago while we were fishing and took the tops out of a couple big Oaks around a rental property. So, we took down five or six or them yesterday. A couple were little ones in the way of throwing the big ones, Joe.

I'm still chasing Arthur damage from two summers ago. (That was a nasty one here).

I think I am almost to the point I am going to have to leave some to rot - some is starting to go that way, and I just don't have enough time. My wood stacks should be pretty healthy looking by the time winter hits though - at least.
We've had several strong storms this summer (including one that dropped a 20" white pine on my buddy's tent nearly kicking him and his friend) but my places have more or less been unscathed. There's a couple partial uprooted trees along my trails that will become firewood eventually.
My radiation physicist in Duluth said he had between 175-200 trees down on his property from the storm we had in July.

That area got plowed this summer.

ETA - @Philbert had some great cleanup pictures from that storm.
My fishing buddy asked me to help clean up a bunch of White Pines that snapped off half way up in a tornado that we had back in the spring. Then the storm hit a couple weeks ago while we were fishing and took the tops out of a couple big Oaks around a rental property. So, we took down five or six or them yesterday. A couple were little ones in the way of throwing the big ones, Joe.

Nice job. That's a big one. White or Red Oak?
We never had any damages to any of our customers houses but this one in Collingwood is just around the corner from one we just finished.
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I heard and saw some pics on the news the other day of the damage up your way, but to see actual pics from you like that blows my mind at the power those storms can have in them.
Too bad we couldn't harness some of that power for our own.
Have weather advisories out for tomorrow & Saturday here. Might be a tropical storm developing & getting named while pretty well right on top of us. We've had a dry summer & wells are still way low - but don't need stuff like this...
My fishing buddy asked me to help clean up a bunch of White Pines that snapped off half way up in a tornado that we had back in the spring. Then the storm hit a couple weeks ago while we were fishing and took the tops out of a couple big Oaks around a rental property. So, we took down five or six or them yesterday. A couple were little ones in the way of throwing the big ones, Joe.

Any reason for such a tall stump?
Yeah, the bowl was kind of blown out like a Cypress, narrowed down quick. It's only about waist high. I was only planning on cutting up a bunch of snapped off white pines, so I only grabbed the 290 with 18" bar. The 660 was in the garage on my mill, and I didn't feel like pulling the mill off. Now I'm going to take the mill over and cut a few slabs. Two of the stumps had hollows about 2 feet up stuffed with rocks, so I just cut above. I think all 4 pics are different trees. Most everything in the yard is scarred up from the dozer when they built. Anything with a big scar or hollow is stuffed full of rocks, Joe.
Have weather advisories out for tomorrow & Saturday here. Might be a tropical storm developing & getting named while pretty well right on top of us. We've had a dry summer & wells are still way low - but don't need stuff like this...
I heard that about East coast,You're right in the path of the monster.
We are on the edge of the heavy rainfall advisory for around 50-75mm over Friday until Saturday afternoon and maybe even snow Saturday night.
Yeah, the bowl was kind of blown out like a Cypress, narrowed down quick. It's only about waist high. I was only planning on cutting up a bunch of snapped off white pines, so I only grabbed the 290 with 18" bar. The 660 was in the garage on my mill, and I didn't feel like pulling the mill off. Now I'm going to take the mill over and cut a few slabs. Two of the stumps had hollows about 2 feet up stuffed with rocks, so I just cut above. I think all 4 pics are different trees. Most everything in the yard is scarred up from the dozer when they built. Anything with a big scar or hollow is stuffed full of rocks, Joe.

On most jobs we aren't allowed over 10" tall on stumps, so waist high is crazy tall for me.
I heard that about East coast,You're right in the path of the monster.
We are on the edge of the heavy rainfall advisory for around 50-75mm over Friday until Saturday afternoon and maybe even snow Saturday night.

Ya, even now with the two systems bearing down on us & almost collided, they still don't have a good handle on what it's going to do - but they have a name picked out & ready for it (Otto, I think). Winds have picked up, drizzling but rain not supposed to start big until tonight. As of now they say where I'm at will be 40mm, but not far on either side of us could be 80. Or more. So sounds like a guessing game. I'm more concerned about wind than rain. Was going to get more gas for the genny when I was out yesterday but forgot my jug. Oh well - at least it's not cold out.
Ya, even now with the two systems bearing down on us & almost collided, they still don't have a good handle on what it's going to do - but they have a name picked out & ready for it (Otto, I think). Winds have picked up, drizzling but rain not supposed to start big until tonight. As of now they say where I'm at will be 40mm, but not far on either side of us could be 80. Or more. So sounds like a guessing game. I'm more concerned about wind than rain. Was going to get more gas for the genny when I was out yesterday but forgot my jug. Oh well - at least it's not cold out.
It's raining pretty steady here now since last night.....gonna be a wet weekend....very wet. Cold too.
Keep those home fires burning and keep the cold dampness off.