Free Trees

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Trish you if you haven't already you ought to give a try. I see lots of ads for free trees on there so it must be working. Most of us are a good distance from you where the people you meet via craigslist are going to be right around York PA.

Best of luck!

Thank you - I will. I thought Craigslist was for concert tickets.
Don't blame you one bit.

I have cleaned up trees just for the firewood value. Was even somewhat chastised on the forum for that very thing. Didn't bother me in the least, because it was less work, for more wood, than if I got it off our farm.

Maybe someone will read this and send you a pm.

There may be a chance someone could drop the trees for a couple of hundred each and another would be very grateful to have the firewood.

Don't give up on us yet; Although, you are just too far for me to be able to make that run economically.

I enjoy talking to you. That's been the story all along. Not worth the gas. Thanks
what do you mean trish?

are you saying you are "giving" the tree's to some one but you are still going to pay to have them taken down?

I thought you said you knew of what you speak. Stop waisting my time. If someone is interested they can pm.
FWIW I've gotten some really nice lumber from free trees in the past. Various hardwoods that were worth far more than the trouble to take them down.

I don't see why it burns people up that other people might get a tree taken care of for free. If someone is willing to do it why is it any of your business?

Mr. HE:cool:
FWIW I've gotten some really nice lumber from free trees in the past. Various hardwoods that were worth far more than the trouble to take them down.

I don't see why it burns people up that other people might get a tree taken care of for free. If someone is willing to do it why is it any of your business?

Mr. HE:cool:

Thank you. That's what I thought. By coming to this site I thought I would find people with the tools, talent and know how to take the trees and do something more than trash. With a little sweat equity you could get the same thing weither it can from my yard or a timber farm. I don't get it. I think it also SHOCKS some that a person would do for another person. Try to do something ecofriendly, and I'm not talking about hugging trees and singing folk songs. Just being responsible to the extent we can and teach the kids a few good lessons.

Learning lessons my self - SO not worth the effort.
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I guess point here is getting hung up on the word "free"... all of know almost nothing in life is really free. When I see "free trees" or "free wood" on Craigs list of anywhere else, I assume that just means I don't have to pay for the trees or wood to take them away. I don't assume it means everything is free or the cost of taking them down is free. Sheeeeeshhh..

If I had time, I'd run out there and check them out myself, but it is a couple hours west of me and I have too many trees backed up to be milled as it is for now. The milling and woodworker in me though just CAN'T turn down a cherry tree <smile>

Thanks for trying Trish
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I guess point here is getting hung up on the word "free"... all of know almost nothing in life is really free. When I see "free trees" or "free wood" on Craigs list of anywhere else, I assume that just means I don't have to pay for the trees or wood to take them away. I don't assume it means everything is free or the cost of taking them down is free. Sheeeeeshhh..

If I had time, I'd run out there and check them out myself, but it is a couple hours west of me and I have to many trees backed up to be milled as it is for now. The milling and woodworker in me though just CAN'T turn down a cherry tree <smile>

Thank God, I knew some of you would have a brain among you. I don't know about the cherrys any more. We may need to rock, paper, scissors - I'M thinking I might like some cherry floors. All this back and forth I,m starting to put together a honeydo list. BUT my honey is a civil engineer good at bridges, highways, tunnels not very useful with home projects. We have a fabulous retainning wall in the back saved us 7,000 - 10,0000. Not so good with trees if you want to do more then drop and burn. We've already done that with 9 of them.

You know that this may not be your opportunity but someone like yourself it will come. Because you're talented and work hard. Take care.
I knew someone would be along I just didn't think it would go the way it did, sorry if you had a bad expirence here I thought it was quite noble of you. On the other side I know some guys have also gotten burned in the past so it may be hard to get past that and not automatically label some posts or ads. I agree if you or someone could use them it would be a shame to see them go to waste like I said noble effort. thanks irishcountry

Thanks for offering, i only wish i lived closer!

Three loads of this cherry were free - 20.00 for gas for each load.
Thank you. That's what I thought. By coming to this site I thought I would find people with the tools, talent and know how to take the trees and do something more than trash. With a little sweat equity you could get the same thing weither it can from my yard or a timber farm. I don't get it. I think it also SHOCKS some that a person would do for another person. Try to do something ecofriendly, and I'm not talking about hugging trees and singing folk songs. Just being responsible to the extent we can and teach the kids a few good lessons.

Learning lessons my self - SO not worth the effort.

My personal experience has been that when you see the terms 'free' and 'easy' being bandied the other way, because it is generally just the opposite of both.

I also would hesitate taking on such a 'free' and 'easy' project knowing that if it went south, such 'free' and 'easy' projects are the ones quickest to sue, particularly when it involves trees within close proximity to houses and structures.

Anybody can drop a tree and hack it up into firewood. Not anybody can safely drop a tree without damaging anything major in the process, and then remove it to make salvageable lumber from it. So while it may cost you $500 - $1200 per large tree for firewood/mulching removal (not including stumps), you may be able to find someone that is willing to remove it for $200 - $500 per tree if they can remove it in large enough sections to mill lumber from (again, stumps not included).

But for 'free'? With houses/structures/power lines/fences within falling distance of the trees? Possible, but not likely. Unless you don't mind hearing a !!!!CRASH!!! followed by !!Oops!! when the tree lands on your house.

Speaking of 'attitudes', I'd certainly walk away from this one with yours. The wood isn't worth the potential grief.

And you seem to give up rather easily too. If you really want to salvage the lumber from the trees it can be done. Just probably not for 'free' and 'easy'.
Three loads of this cherry were free - 20.00 for gas for each load.

Nice score. But it looks like you had room to drop it in, and access to it with some equipment allowing you to load it up on the truck right where it was dropped.
I'm not getting that picture on Trish's job. I picture a suburban yard with houses all around and no room to drop the tree whole without a precisely aimed fall, if that. Probably a back yard with difficult or impossible access for large equipment. Plantings all around, maybe a gazebo, deck, shed or other structures in the way too. Am I wrong Trish?
Heck, maybe Trish can post some photos of the trees and surrounding property, so we can get a better idea of what the job entails, and what is and isn't in the way of dropping and removing them.
Heck, maybe Trish can post some photos of the trees and surrounding property, so we can get a better idea of what the job entails, and what is and isn't in the way of dropping and removing them.

I'm about 45 minutes from Trish, and would like to mill some decent oak and cherry, but don't have insurance for my hobby. If the trees were down safely, or could be without a lot of worry in this litigous society, I would be there this weekend. I know the area, and its just east of Rt 83 and just south of Market Street/Rt 462 which is old Rt 30. Its a residential neighborhood, and I doubt that any of the lots are much more than 1/2 acre.

I bought a mill so as to be able to salvage some really good stuff instead of just cutting firewood.
Jesus,'s the ad she put on craigslist.

Lots of 'effort' went into that's sure to generate some responses, eh? LOL! Notice that the cherry is not mentioned now, only locust and 1 'pin oak'. No mention whatsoever of anything regarding what she is looking for exactly.

Did someone score on the cherry, or did Trish decide to keep it for now?

Anyways, good luck with that ad.
I'm about 45 minutes from Trish, and would like to mill some decent oak and cherry, but don't have insurance for my hobby. If the trees were down safely, or could be without a lot of worry in this litigous society, I would be there this weekend. I know the area, and its just east of Rt 83 and just south of Market Street/Rt 462 which is old Rt 30. Its a residential neighborhood, and I doubt that any of the lots are much more than 1/2 acre.

I bought a mill so as to be able to salvage some really good stuff instead of just cutting firewood.

Have her pay you per hour (even if it's $1), and have her sign a release of liability. That way you're not contracting without a license (but an hourly employee), and the liability release should protect you in court if things go south. Good luck.
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