Funny wood tick story,DONT LAUGH !!!!

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All silliness aside, I bought one of those tick remover fork things for my dogs but have ended up using it on myself several times now. It looks just like a wee tiny 'cat's claw' type nail puller. It pulls the tick and all his mouthparts out every time. They are very small and will fit in you wallet or pocket. I've even seen one as a keychain.

You went to the ER for a tick? I thought the ER meant Emergency Room. I worked a 12 hr shift last night, and a sampling in the ER were gunshot wounds to the head and chest, car wrecks with near amputated limbs and drug overdose. Its gettin' warm outside!

Yeh ! i went to the ER,or trauma center,whatever you want to call it..
and WHY not ?? where else ? the local bar,walmart ? suggestions ??
need antibiotics and the topical cream for an open wound like that..
i was the only one there when i went in so it gave them something to do anyway..
at the VA most of the guys have already recovered from thier gunshot wounds and amputated limbs.. if it was a new occurance they dont "have" to go to the VA,they can go to any hospital if it is that bad..
also a month long wait for an appointment with my primary care provider was out of the question as the sooner the tick comes out the less chance of getting a disease.. if you think the prevention of something that can kill you is not worthy of ER care,maybe i should have shot the critter off my scrotum then it would be a gunshot wound !!..and worthy of ER care ??
On your 12 hr shift in the ER,good for you,glad there are people willing to put the effort into that way of helping people..not often a thaknfull job but one that can make a persons life better or save a persons life..
in my case the ER at the VA is my ONLY choice..
Bottom line is,,something even as minor appearing as a tick bite can have grave consequenses and should be taken care of properly..
All silliness aside, I bought one of those tick remover fork things for my dogs but have ended up using it on myself several times now. It looks just like a wee tiny 'cat's claw' type nail puller. It pulls the tick and all his mouthparts out every time. They are very small and will fit in you wallet or pocket. I've even seen one as a keychain.


Jimbo,i have used them,work fine, IF you can get to the spot and see good enough..
like a spoon with a slot..
as long as you get it out within 24 hrs and get it all out you should be good to go..

when i was still cuttin timber on the west side of the cascades i had a few :censored: ticks. the worst one was in the family jewels. the only way i got it out was ky jelly the little sob came right out. goood old petroleum jelly works just as well.

You went to the ER for a tick? I thought the ER meant Emergency Room. I worked a 12 hr shift last night, and a sampling in the ER were gunshot wounds to the head and chest, car wrecks with near amputated limbs and drug overdose. Its gettin' warm outside!

Yeah, but he kept his calm and didn't demand a surgical procedure so he limited his visit to the ER and never violated the sanctity of the OR and PACU...

Are you against preventive care or do you think that a later infection (especially in a warm, moist enviro. like that) and/or Lyme disease dx is a cool thing?


Yeah, but he kept his calm and didn't demand a surgical procedure so he limited his visit to the ER and never violated the sanctity of the OR and PACU...

Are you against preventive care or do you think that a later infection (especially in a warm, moist enviro. like that) and/or Lyme disease dx is a cool thing?



It's all perspective. Here, even if you take all proper precausions, you WILL have at least a dozen ticks after walking through the woods in the summer. It's an everyday thing. To hear of someone going to the hospital for a tick bite sounds foreign to any sensible country boy.
It's all perspective. Here, even if you take all proper precausions, you WILL have at least a dozen ticks after walking through the woods in the summer. It's an everyday thing. To hear of someone going to the hospital for a tick bite sounds foreign to any sensible country boy.

Well space,you blew it again :)
using the word "sensible" like it applies to "you" :) kidding,,BUT,you seem to have missed the main point of the story.. accesing a very "sensitive" area is one thing and add to that the area is where no normal male human can even "see" is another.. i dont know of "any" man can see the very bottom of his own scrotum ( true,i havent asked any ) right next to where the sun dont shine let alone get close enough to see well enough to extract completely something that small.
believe me if i could have saved myself the embarassment i would have !!
yes,going to the ER for a tick seems strange but what would you do if you had one on your back fully imbedded where you cant ever reach to scratch ??
and if there is nobody around to help ??
ticks are an everyday thing here also,i have even performed self surgery at times on them with an exacto knife to get them out..
i think the "sensible perspective" in this scenario is to seek proper health care and not be foolish about your wellness.
I've had a few ticks on my danglies before. Fact is, mirrors are useful tools. Secondly, I don't need to see a tick to remove it. :)
Ticks are serious business -
I've been diagnosed for Lyme disease after a tic bite and took the meds gladly.

One thing I've found that definitely works for mosquitoes and black flies, and is supposed work for ticks, is garlic.


During "biting season" I usually up my garlic intake just short of stinking, about a clove or two a day. I've been in Alaska and Louisiana when the mosquitoes were thick. They would land but not bite. Of course it's better if it's done as a "family" thing, so you all smell the same.
roncoinc, I think you did the right thing. You havent gone into details about what your service for our country left you with. But you said you were injured, so you guys dont know what his limitations are. If I didnt have anybody else to help, Id definitley go get some help from the hospital or doctor one. Thats what they are there for. Ticks arent taken lightly round here, no need to risk something as simple as having one removed properly.

But I did have to chuckle a little bit at your story, I bet the nurse wishes she would have just let you see the Doc.
This post reminds me of my funny tick story.
A few years ago we decided to go away on a "boys" weekend up into the mountains in Southern Australia. In my 4WD I had my best buddy travelling with me. First night out seeing I was the one with the chainsaw I went out into the forest to get some wood for our campfire & unbeknown to me the area was heavily infested with Ticks.
Anyway next day I was driving down the mountain & I started feeling faint & was weaving all over the road so my buddy suggested we take a break so we jumped on the radio & told the other vehicles we were gunna take a break. My buddy puts the billy on to boil while I go into the forest to answer the call of nature & when I drop my pants I find that I have a large number of ticks lodged in my crotch! So now I know why I am unwell.
So here we are miles from anywhere so I pull up my pants & go back to the truck & ask my buddy if he could grab some tweezers & follow me back into the forest & remove them because I can’t really see what I am doing “down there” to remove them. So now here we are me with my jeans around my ankles with my buddy on his hands & knees in front of me removing the ticks from my crotch with the tweezers. It wasn’t until he was done that we both realised if any of the guys had come looking for us we would have had a lot of explaining to do!
I can tell you this story has been repeated many times around the campfire & my buddy gave me the nickname Tick d_ck!
Tick are a problem, been pulling them off the dog already. I had Lyme disease when I was a little kid, it burried itself in my belly button and gave me the famouse bullseye.
This post reminds me of my funny tick story.
A few years ago we decided to go away on a "boys" weekend up into the mountains in Southern Australia. In my 4WD I had my best buddy travelling with me. First night out seeing I was the one with the chainsaw I went out into the forest to get some wood for our campfire & unbeknown to me the area was heavily infested with Ticks.
Anyway next day I was driving down the mountain & I started feeling faint & was weaving all over the road so my buddy suggested we take a break so we jumped on the radio & told the other vehicles we were gunna take a break. My buddy puts the billy on to boil while I go into the forest to answer the call of nature & when I drop my pants I find that I have a large number of ticks lodged in my crotch! So now I know why I am unwell.
So here we are miles from anywhere so I pull up my pants & go back to the truck & ask my buddy if he could grab some tweezers & follow me back into the forest & remove them because I can’t really see what I am doing “down there” to remove them. So now here we are me with my jeans around my ankles with my buddy on his hands & knees in front of me removing the ticks from my crotch with the tweezers. It wasn’t until he was done that we both realised if any of the guys had come looking for us we would have had a lot of explaining to do!
I can tell you this story has been repeated many times around the campfire & my buddy gave me the nickname Tick d_ck!

Now that is a good
I grew up pulling ticks daily. It's second nature to me, but let me tell you, some people have never had a tick or seen one. My fiance went to Virginia Tech, and most of the girls up there where freaked out about ticks, or had never seen one. Maybe I'm the weird one.
Ticks are serious business -
I've been diagnosed for Lyme disease after a tic bite and took the meds gladly.

One thing I've found that definitely works for mosquitoes and black flies, and is supposed work for ticks, is garlic.


During "biting season" I usually up my garlic intake just short of stinking, about a clove or two a day. I've been in Alaska and Louisiana when the mosquitoes were thick. They would land but not bite. Of course it's better if it's done as a "family" thing, so you all smell the same.

Natual MINT work also for biting flies. a few days of Mint tea before going on a fishing trip will keep most at bay!
Ticks are no Joke!

For those of you that joke about getting treated for tick bites, here's my story. Was working a job in Bethesda, MD in 1984 doing railroad tie landscaping. My buddy noticed a tick dug in my back and pulled it out. No big deal,right? Two weeks later I get sick with a fever. Didn't hook up any association to the tick. To make a long story short, I ended up being diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever at Georgetown University Hospital. These guys saved my life after two weeks in the ICU - the chief of infectious disease said he has never seen anyone that sick pull through. Not without consequences though, the fever caused vasculitis that required amputation of both feet and two fingers.

I'm not saying run to the hospital every time you get bit by a tick. But if you notice a fever starting soon after (two weeks), RUN! Tick diseases are easy to treat if you catch them early. Try to ignore things like I did is a major mistake. Tetracycline or Doxycycline is a sure cure if things are caught early.

Maybe this will help someone else.


PS Still loving chain saws and this forum! About five years ago I had another tick bite and went through the doctor-scrotum embarassment. Didn't seem too funny with my history, though.
For those of you that joke about getting treated for tick bites, here's my story. Was working a job in Bethesda, MD in 1984 doing railroad tie landscaping. My buddy noticed a tick dug in my back and pulled it out. No big deal,right? Two weeks later I get sick with a fever. Didn't hook up any association to the tick. To make a long story short, I ended up being diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever at Georgetown University Hospital. These guys saved my life after two weeks in the ICU - the chief of infectious disease said he has never seen anyone that sick pull through. Not without consequences though, the fever caused vasculitis that required amputation of both feet and two fingers.

I'm not saying run to the hospital every time you get bit by a tick. But if you notice a fever starting soon after (two weeks), RUN! Tick diseases are easy to treat if you catch them early. Try to ignore things like I did is a major mistake. Tetracycline or Doxycycline is a sure cure if things are caught early.

Maybe this will help someone else.


PS Still loving chain saws and this forum! About five years ago I had another tick bite and went through the doctor-scrotum embarassment. Didn't seem too funny with my history, though.

Wow! Sorry to hear about that. Thanks for nailing down that warning.


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