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May 11, 2013
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Down workin on the farm today the neighbor gave me a shout after digging a next septic system for a lot to be built in future bc of our dumb governer he had to be done by aug 6th or the new latlws are redic! Anyways to get it to pass had to remove 8 trees told me they are pushed over and piled up for me to take whenever i please! What a great start to the day!
Down workin on the farm today the neighbor gave me a shout after digging a next septic system for a lot to be built in future bc of our dumb governer he had to be done by aug 6th or the new latlws are redic! Anyways to get it to pass had to remove 8 trees told me they are pushed over and piled up for me to take whenever i please! What a great start to the day!

that'll work!
What kind of trees?

I told him id take them as long as they are not pines which he said they werent! The woods around there are all mainly oak with a lil cherry and hickory mixed in i know theres a nice locust patch over that way too so thatd be a nice bonus too im gonna swing by tomorrow and take a better look
i've cut out off a pile of pushed down and piled up trees before... never again!!! the trees and branches get so tangled up that you cant cut any of the wood without pinching the bar and if its hard wood the limbs could blow out and hit you as you cut thru em, especially hedge... let me know how it goes. most importantly= cut safe!!!
Yep, what was said above, be real careful, lot of potential energy stored up in those. Also be aware of stumps that want to stand back up in their respective craters if not pushed clear. Log piles are almost as bad Pull a key one and the whole pile flattens out in the blink of an eye. Only work those from the end never in front of the long side. I am pretty sure that Murphy or a close relative resides in every tree.
As stated above, wrap a chain or tow strap around each tree and pull it out of the pile first. Makes it a lot easier and safer to cut, and takes a lot of pressure off the limbs. Usually doesn't take much pulling if you start at the top and work down. Even if you can only pull the butt partially out of the pile you are still better off. Cut off as much of it as you can and you will remove a lot of weight from the tops.
image.jpg Well started buckin the big one this am it was bout 26-27" wide along with a nother tree that was redic hard tore some chains up on it hopefully u all can tell me what it is in thinkin hickory but i havnt had one that was this hard enjoy the pics though lmk what the tree is in the last pics thanks guysimage.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg
Pignut never heard of it..? Hows it rate firewood wise? And please tell ke it splits better then shagbark!!!! Haha