"Green" 2-stroke oil ?

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Oh cool. Another oil thread. :dizzy:

Seriously though, how does a 2-stroke mix oil biodegrade? What's left after firing is ejected into the air as exhaust. Does this biodegrade in the air? I'm kinda confused. :confused:
I dunno. I'm no "greenie", by any means. My wife had me check out her work and I saw that and posted it here.
It won't be going in my saws or bike unless I hear it's proven and it's the same cost, or cheaper, than what I've been using.
Well, I might be willing to pay a little more if it smells like steak or bacon. :)
My understanding is ( and I think I got this from Baileys ) is that if you spill it it biodegrades pretty quickly, instead of ending up in the water table ??
It's not "green" just because it biodegrades...it's "green" because it is renewable. My saws aren't, so I'll let you guys try it.
It's not "green" just because it biodegrades...it's "green" because it is renewable.

Yeah, got that. They talk about the 2-stroke mix oil being biodegradable on their Web site, which was why I asked. I still wonder if exhaust gasses from biodegradable mix oils will biodegrade in the atmosphere instead of adding to pollution. It was an honest question, not a smart-arsed one.
Yeah, got that. They talk about the 2-stroke mix oil being biodegradable on their Web site, which was why I asked. I still wonder if exhaust gasses from biodegradable mix oils will biodegrade in the atmosphere instead of adding to pollution. It was an honest question, not a smart-arsed one.


As was suggested earlier, they are talking about spills.

Biodegrade means it gets colonized by bacteria and broken down. Not an impossible thing to have happen in the atmosphere, given enough moisture, but not terribly likely.
The biodegradeable part refers to the oil itself, when exposed to air and light and time, ie: spilled on the ground. Whatever comes out of the exhaust is an emission and depends on the gasoline and to a smaller extent the oil mix. The emission of gas combustion always creates polution in gasoline engines.
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Did anybody see the thread with the pics showing the saw all gunked up from "green" bar oil?

At the factory where I work we burn the byproduct in a boiler. The government says if we add diesel fuel to it it then becomes a "green" fuel and we get paid the big bucks to burn it. It is rumoured that we made more money from the government "green" fuel program last year than we did making our normal product. There's a lot of politics involved in this "green" program.
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