Hand saw for climbing

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Well...if you say so. Ok.

But the teeth in the picture you posted don't match the teeth in the picture of the advertisement.

They do match the "Woodzig" teeth in the Fiskars saw; hence, my original question.

Could you sharpen that saw with a 5/32 round file? If so, I suspect that you ordered one saw blade and got a different version delivered.

In fact, the picture you posted has a hole in the tip of the saw, yours doesn't. The small holes in the wide end are different, too. What the heck, it doesn't matter. It looks like your home made saw works fine, and I like the nice way you secured the thing from opening unexpectedly.
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mystery blade

Now you have me wondering. On closer inspection it's not quite like either of those blades. There are 5 holes in the butt end and none in the tip, and it doesn't look quite like any of those at northeastarborist.com or your fiskars. Maybe the gilmour blade is on my pole saw.
I have a Zubat and a Sugoi, so I use the former for finer pruning and the latter for when there is bigger wood.

I have had this with almost every saw untill I picked up the habbit of tapping the blade before stowing.

I use the Sugoi leg scabbard for almost all my climbing.

No matter what, i will not go back the the old style saws. I buy blades in bulk once a year at tradeshows and save a few dollars.

Now if I could only put a Zubat blade on a 12 foot basswood pole.
The make Silky Zubat pole saws now!! :givebeer: