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Don't feel bad. He is a grown man making his own decisions. He knew he was selling it cheap and knew that he would sell it cheap to anyone with the cash. For all you know, he might have tried to sell it already for more and couldn't. Maybe he needs the cash now and can't wait for a better deal. Regardless the reason, the man named his price and you paid it.

If he ever needs a favor that you can do, remember this deal and help him out. It'll make you feel better knowing that you will help when he needs it, and he will be ok knowing you are a good friend and not just someone taking advantage.
He did take it like a man, giving me no sob stories and did not ask for any promises to "sell back" to him when times got better.He did mention that a friend would like to buy the skid, but that he was also broke.I've bought stuff from distressed sellers before, but every other time the seller was mostly responsible for the fix that he was in;drugs,booze, divorce and over-spending being the chief maladies.This guy is smart and works as hard as two men.He doesn't want my pity, and he can use the dough...so why do I feel lousy?
Way to go. If you are going to take advantage of someone on hard times it might as well be a friend rather than a stranger.

By the way, there is always a way to rationalize taking advantage of someone. The easiest being: If I didn't get it someone else would have anyway.

That was pretty friggin cold hearted.The OP already said he felt a little guilty about the deal, and you gotta go and kick him for it?
Coog, you did what was right, I dont care what anyone says.If you had offered to pay him any more cash, he would have taken another hit to his pride.There is no doubt in my mind that it hurt bad enough to have to sell the stuff,offering even more would have just increased the "accepting charity" feeling.
All we can do is help where people ask if we are able.Anymore and you take a chance on not only wounding pride but wounding a good friendship.Some years ago I had a buddy that was hard up,he lost his job and was having trouble finding another.I offered him a job that I couldnt get to and he took it. when I handed him the check after the job was done he was convinced that I had paid him more than what I had collected.Words turned to a shoving match, a tore up check, and our friendship died on the spot.I later quietly got the money to his wife,but there was no repairing the friendship.
My wife, bless her heart, said I should send him more money.I know if I did this he would be offended at best, but probably more like your friend...fighting mad.I think he knows that I'd help him out with a loan, but that's not what he asked for.I guess you can call this "rationalizing", but I had the choice of buying, at his price, or not buying.There was no third choice that paid the bills.
My wife, bless her heart, said I should send him more money.I know if I did this he would be offended at best, but probably more like your friend...fighting mad.I think he knows that I'd help him out with a loan, but that's not what he asked for.I guess you can call this "rationalizing", but I had the choice of buying, at his price, or not buying.There was no third choice that paid the bills.

Send him a thank you card with an AMEX gift card. This way you are giving him more money, but it is disguised as a genuine thank you.
I think a thank you card might be inappropriate and lead to hurt feelings.I don't think I've ever sent or gotten one after a business transaction.I think I need a more subtle means of helping him out.

I re-read my OP; I should not have said that "I ran into him", as the truth is he was doing a high velocity A/C job for me.He netted over $2,500 on the job and earned every cent.It doesn't change anything, but might help explain why the offer came to me instead of someone else.
Coog, ya did the right thing, the right way...and as you said, he did a job for you and made some $ - which he worked for, thats all any of us can ask for on either side of the equation. The most important thing is that your friendship remains intact. Stuff comes and goes, but friends are worth more than any tool.
I'd agree with no cards, gift certificates, yadda yadda.

Fellah knows how much the equipment is worth, he set his price.

Now, if you have some extra money you were willing to spend...is there another job even if it's not his normal trade you could throw the way of the guy? Might be a quiet way to get a win/win.

Sounds like some long distances, so it may not be practical in this situation.
you did just fine, as you said, he stated a price, you paid said price, when in the position to help others in that situation you built up the good karma points, don't feel bad, he wouldn't want you to feel bad, and as others have said, maybe think of ways to hire him whenever possible in whatever way that owrks for the both of ya