Have you ever walked off a job?

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May 2, 2001
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I was working for a friend the past 2 days. SEVERAL times I found myself contemplating walking off the job. I didn't, because I knew that there would have been some pretty big problems had I left (I had my car with me at the jobsite). I really am torn here, because this friend helps me out a lot, and never asks for anything, and we get along really well. He is the best machine operator I have ever met. That being said, the tree job I am working on for him is a hack job, to say the least. He was only supposed to have taken out a couple trees in the front yard, and a couple trees in the woods on the side of the house. The town engineer came out and gave permits for certain trees, marking them with tape. My buddy just went around and pushed over whatever he wanted to with his excavator. Not only do I have MAJOR safety issues with this job, but I also have issues with how the job is being done. Around here you get in BIG trouble if you start burying things on a property. Instead of bringing in a stump grinder and his chipper, he is just burying all the logs, and brush, and stumps in the woods and front lawn. He dug a couple holes out in the woods that are easily as large as a full sized swimming pool. Filled them with wood, and then covered them up. There are now BIG piles of soil in the woods which are visable from the road. Of the trees that are being "saved" I would be suprised if half of them lived for another 5 years. He is digging those swimming pool sized holes not even 10 feet away from 2'+ DBH red oaks, and ash trees, and maples. I feel that I have to stay on the jobsite, because he is my friend, and he helps me out a LOT. However, as an arborist I feel compelled to leave.
basicly its down to your own conscience...if you quit the job will he just get some one else in your place???...do you need the money [man cannot live on bread alone]...will you get a reputation as a hack..a bad rep is easy to get....will your friendship suffer? how good a friend is he?.....personaly i would see the job through and next time he calls you for work be strict with yourself and say sorry mate im too busy :)
What did Kenny Rogers say? Ya gotta know when to walk away and know when to run. If a job seems unsafe, or simply if you just can't stand being there then go, its noones business but your own. If its a freind and your not too pissed, covey your feelings and leave. If its just some hack who hired you for a day and you werent aware of his style, jump in the rig and go, letting him know that he is number 1 may make you feel a tiny bit better.
Originally posted by ROLLACOSTA
...personaly i would see the job through and next time he calls you for work be strict with yourself and say sorry mate im too busy :)

wiley already said it. Let your feelings be known. Just bringing up the reasoning for your discontent may cause the person to think. Maybe they don't know that what they are doing is wrong.

I once came down from a tree (I was just heading up) when it turned out that the lady wanted it topped. I told the boss on day 1 that I won't top any trees. I came down and I told him why.

Now, had I come down and just went home...what would be accomplished. I could sleep a bit better knowing I didn't top a tree. But if she just hires someone else to do it without knowing anything about it...then have I really accomplished anything?

If you're gonna stand up, you might as well shout!

He won't get anybody in my place... he will just do it himself.

Yes, I do need the money.

I could definately get a reputation as a hack, because the times I have worked on his jobs in the past, I have had a conversation with the client about the job.

Our friendship would suffer for a couple of weeks most likely (We would stop talking for a while)

He is one of the few people whom I am not related to who I would trust with my life. He is also kind of like a fatherly figure to me.

Now I am off to look at a job across the street from where we worked this weekend that he referred to me. :alien:
Hi Treman, I would just go along with it, since it sounds like buddy is calling the shots, and I doubt your name will be tarnished, however I take exception to digging so close to the big Oak, it will at least kill one side of the tree.
I've walked away after i could not talk people out of something "you can find someone else to butcher your tree"

I;ve come down and talked my clients into the lesser of evils and done "rapeductions" vs retopping.
I've walked from my shar eof jobs. I've also told people that what they wanted done to their trees was absolutely wrong and against all proper practices. A couple of times, people were pretty close to showing me the way out the door with a pitch fork. I've since learned better communication skills.

You said: Yes, I do need the money.

You do know what people are called who only work for money...

You're at a crossroad here, two divergent paths. Which do you want to follow? If you follow the money to bad tree work, make sure that you're aware of the potentials, or lack.

If you have concerns with your buddy's work, why not tell him about less destructive ways to get the job done? If he won't listen, the next person to tell (anonymously?) would be the townie who flagged the removal trees. If the town is serious (and they should be), they will fine the perpetrator for unauthorized removal aka earthrape.

Your buddy will learn a lesson that way. No, tattling is not considered cool, but it would do your buddy and the town some good to have penalties enacted. A learning experience for both.

I've walked off way too many with no good result; now I don't get mad I just refer the proper authority to get even.
I would tell the dude what you think. If he didnt change what he was doin, then ta hell with him. A true friend doesnt make you do something that you dont feel that you should do.

I have walked away/ turned down many jobs. People say on the phone that the want some trees trimmed, when they mean topped. I do not do it, and I tell them that. I offer a solution to any job that I walk away from, before I head out.

I guess I am a tree worker whore, kinda what Tom was hinting at. I work on trees for money, if it wasnt for the money, I wouldnt do it. This industry is too expensive to not do it for money. However I have standards, such as no topping and other no brainers.

I need money as much as the next guy, but I will not do work that compromises my standards, regardless of cost. I think that is what seperates me from a tree hoe, even tho I do it for money, I still do what is right (legally and for the tree).
I have got some MAJOR thinking to do in the next couple of weeks. I have decided to just bite my tongue. There is a reason for that though. This friend of mine is legitimately offering to set me up with a truck and accounts, and if that is going to be the case, then I would most likely be getting all of his tree work too. That of course means that I can cause change for the better :)
The worst job I ever did was the limp wristed woodlot owner actually stole my F600 with 3 cords of cut and split on it.
He actually had the odacity to tell me he called his lawyer, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment.
Turns out he thought I fooked him and was making denero hand over fist, just the contrary, I was doing a low grade thinning.
Anywho, I had my truck back in less than two hrs. after I threatened to have him charged with theft.
If you are of good character and treat the customer, and contractor you are working for with integrity your reputation will not be hurt. If you feel that you need to walk off the job to do that then the answer should be easy even if the action isnt.

With every job you do, and with every personal interaction you have at work your reputation grows. Rather it is good or bad is dependent on how you handle those situations.

I would talk to the guy you are working for explaining to him, what you believe to be the problem, and that you are not comfortable being conected with that kind of work.

If your reputation is good, and your price fair you will have more work than you know what to do with.

Word of mouth, and a good reputatuon is worth more than all the advertising you could ever buy.
Originally posted by Diver1
Word of mouth, and a good reputatuon is worth more than all the advertising you could ever buy.

I agree 100.015%!!! Your word and reputation is all you have. Word of mouth is the by far the most cost effective way to advertise bar none.
Hi Carl, I agree whole heartedly. Our reputation is all we can take with us when we go, however everyone has those jobs that go bad, and like a rumour a bell cannot be unrung.
It's our other satisfied customers whose door we can knock on anytime that keep us self assured in spite of the odd customer who can't be satisfied regardless. Unrealistic expectations and lack of communication is our worst enemy.
If we know we have truly gone that extra mile and still can't put out the fire, than it's time to walk away and let the chips fall where they may.

They say that your standards are defined not by what comes out of your mouth but by what behaviors you'll tolerate. In an imperfect world it's not always easy to see a black and white decision in there, but you sure as hell know that something's wrong when your gut is screaming.
You might be careful of tying yourself too close to this friend of yours. When he treats his clients unethically, which is certainly what's going on, you can usually bet on the worm turning round your way sooner or later. Good luck!
It's strange, the customers love the work he is doing. I asked him the other day about something, and he told me that he can do whatever he wants there, and they will pay for it. If this were a little POS house, and he were tearing up the place, then that sucks too... but the other day we are both in the front yard and one of the neighbors stopped by in his Bentley to talk with my buddy because they have known eachother for a while. When I went to look at the job last night that I was referred to across the street, the house is worth over 1, and has an inground pool in the fenced in back yard, just like the place we worked at this past weekend. These aren't exactly poor people. Yet the guy who I was talking with last night spoke of my friend in the highest regard work wise.

I guess I still have a lot to learn about people. :confused:
the more $$$$ they got the more ignorant they usualy are............whent to a customer with £2 mill house & new porsche 4x4...the other day..he wants a row of conifers felled and cleared no problem i thought gave him a price yes he said go a head...anyway looked around his 5 acre garden and saw 20 broadleafs oaks ash beech they had been crown lifted and looked as though someone had done a good job...but geuss what his gardener has only gone and deep rotervated around every tree.. chopped roots everywhere !! i pointed out that rotervating around trees not good ,he said oh i dont care if they die..see what imean about ignorant ..

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