how does 044 compare to ms361

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044 is definetly a good bit more saw than a 361. Some of the older ones had a 10mm pin in the piston. I think they are getting a little hard to find parts for, but not positive about that. I'm not sure on the price, havn't been around them much lately, if it's a really good clean low use saw I'd say it's probably fair.
I think if the saw is clean and mechanically sound it is a fair price. I've had a couple of 361's, but I wouldn't trade two 361's for the 044 I have now. I've owned a ton of stihl saws in the past and the 044 is by far my personal favorite.
There's one (044) on CL around here. 20" b/c, looks about average, $375 obo.
044 is definetly a good bit more saw than a 361. Some of the older ones had a 10mm pin in the piston. I think they are getting a little hard to find parts for, but not positive about that. I'm not sure on the price, havn't been around them much lately, if it's a really good clean low use saw I'd say it's probably fair.

I agree for the most. If it looks and functions good $375 is a fair price, little more or less depending on bar and chain length and overall condition. If you have plenty of time to look you might find a better deal or might not find that deal if and when you need it. I don't think parts are hard to find but some might be pricey such as the tank-handle.
With a 20" bar in modest wood probably not much difference compared to the 361 for speed . 24" + in bigger harder woods you should do significantly better with a properly tuned 044. I highly prefer the 044 as an all round saw in bigger trees but smaller stuff I'd usually prefer the smaller saw depending on conditions.
My favorite saw in my 6 saw collection is my 046 "Magnum". What is the difference between it and the 044? And what does the "Magnum" mean? Something like the "Pro" series Stihl has now?

Kind of heavy, but with a good sharp chain, the 046 Mag might just out cut ANY stock saw. Just how it feels when using it.

I used it on a big "fuel reduction" job in pine /oak, even though it was a bigger saw than needed, because I got so much done. At the time, I just had an 029 Farm Boss (since deceased) and didn't have my 361.
I pulled the trigger on a 361 with a 20" bar and chain for $350 if that's any comparison for you. When it arrived, turns out the bar was shot but I didn't really care as I was going to switch it to use my existing bar and chains anyway. It runs perfectly and was obviously taken care of.

I was looking at 044/440s too and most of them were going for $450 and up so I'd say go for it as long as it doesn't look beat up too bad.
I wish there was a 044 12 mm around my area that I could compare my 044 10 mm to I just want to see the difference

I don't think you can compare the 361 and 044; I ran a 361 this summer and my 261 with some mods did just fine running with it
since 1995

i have 044 new since 1995, it will cut anything,i put a 42 inch chain on it just for fun. it pulled right through a 36 inch dia. oak.k
I wish there was a 044 12 mm around my area that I could compare my 044 10 mm to I just want to see the difference

Just what is main difference between the 10 and 12mm wrist pin on the 044, other than the pin size. Did Stihl have problems with the smaller pin and went larger with the later model saws? I know mine has the 10mm pin and has been a great saw for me
Just what is main difference between the 10 and 12mm wrist pin on the 044, other than the pin size. Did Stihl have problems with the smaller pin and went larger with the later model saws? I know mine has the 10mm pin and has been a great saw for me

It's kinda like this message board; I don't know the difference between the two I haven't used a 044 12 mm but from reading here on AS they say the 10 mm is stronger saw
It's kinda like this message board; I don't know the difference between the two I haven't used a 044 12 mm but from reading here on AS they say the 10 mm is stronger saw

I wonder if the 12mm has slightly more rotating mass causing slower rpms? So people think the 10mm is stronger due to the quicker revs of the lighter rotating mass??? Hell, I don't know...I could very well be sleep walking. :dizzy: :rock:
I'll take a stab at it and say the 10mm pin is not the deciding factor. I'll bet it has more to due with port timing and more internal flow on the older saw cylinder.

The 361 will shine with the 20" and I have pulled a 28" with mine in big hard white maple bases and it did OK. Remember now that is with a bone stock saw muf mods just wake things up.
Like Naked said, its all in the port timing on the 10mm cylinder. The actual pin size has nothing to do with it. I'm not too sure why they switched to 12mm though. But, when they did, the ports changed.

There are a lot of people running 10mm saws still, I would not be afraid to buy one.

As for an 044 against a 361? In my opinion (and I've had both saws), the 044 is the one to have. The 361 is smoother for sure and handles very well. The 44 handles almost as good, but has quite a bit more power and is a great firewood saw. Around here, a 24" bar is what I prefer and run most. I wouldn't put that stress on a 60cc spring mounted saw, the 44s love it. If you buy a 44, you'll probably sell the 361 - I did. Then pick up a 261 or comparable 50cc saw and you'll have the ultimate firewood combo.
I guess what it really boils down to in a chainsaw is: "The saw is only as good as the chain is sharp":msp_wink:
im running a 10mm 044 wuth a slight muf. mod. itll pull my 28'' and 32'' easily with the 7pin.