How sad is this??

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Dec 10, 2004
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Karlstad, MN---Where the earth meets the sky.
Leaving this morning at 8:30 to cut wood with my two boys(15 and 12). Didn't need to get up until 7:30-8 since I got everything ready yesterday. Been a real busy week of work with stuff every evening, so I was lookin forward to sleeping in before cutting. Woke up at 5:30 ready to go cut wood. It was all I could think about!! Still dark here and my boys are sleeping in like I should have been! I am both frustrated and excited. If that isn't sad enough, I even have it planned out to which logs I will do first, second, etc. I did an extensive walk around where we cut during deer hunting, so I know where the nicest trees are laying. Real nice Ash on the ground, but I hope it isn't rotten,since it has been laying for awhile.

Bringing 4 saws out. 920 for any big stuff/felling, 630 for most of the bucking, 490 for the limbing and cutting the small stuff. Also bringing my husky 61 as a backup because you can never have too many saws in the woods! Normally, there is enough snow cover that we would not go into the woods for fear of getting stuck. There is NO snow up here this year! The sleds look really sad sitting on the grass!

Anyway, I gots some free time before I get serious on getting ready to go, so I thought I would share my frustration with everyone here.
Well the weather guessers said maybe a 1/2-1 of light snow last night. Sure looks like 4 to me. But then again suppose to be 41 tomorrow. Sure is strange weather this yr. Have fun cutting today.
Have fun!

No snow here either. Have fun, be safe and don't forget to take some pics. You can never have to many pics of you, your saws and oh yeah your family.:hmm3grin2orange:
Glad you got some wood to cut. About all I have left to cut is some cutoff pieces that I will cut some cookies off of when I feel the need to run one of my saws.

Unlimited supply. I cut by the Two Rivers, so I have access to lots of oak and ash and just do cleanup and knock down standing dead trees. Hardest part is getting to some of it because of washouts from river flooding. Of course, some of the best wood is ALWAYS on the OTHER side of the river!
I like the saws you are taking. I have had a couple of jonsered saws similar to a couple of the saws you are taking and they were very good for firewood. I am glad you and your sons will be working together.
Just waiting for daylight in the swamp

Up at 4:30,get the Garn going for the day,feed the pets,do my Bible studying,wait for day light in the woods.Cutting Aspen,Black Ash,Balsam for next years wood.Skid it out,cut into 10' lengths for the wood processor to handle.Balsam is the pits though,too many branchs and we've got lots of it! We had a 30'er last week that took almost a half hour to limb.Hope to get out a cord today.Went out to plug in the skidder this morning and smelled gas! Darn carb was dripping. It hasn't done that in a long time.

642B Bobcat
021 stihl
025 stihl
1/2 scale skidder, shop built
Woke up at 5:30 ready to go cut wood. It was all I could think about!! Still dark here and my boys are sleeping in like I should have been! I am both frustrated and excited. If that isn't sad enough, I even have it planned out to which logs I will do first, second, etc.

Pretty soon the thrill will wear off....
The important part is having a good day with your boys - the rest is just and excuse!
Grab a saw, fire it up and bust into the boy's rooms screaming bloody murder..... Then you will at least have someone to talk to until the sun comes up, of course it will mostly be them enforcing how much of a jerk you are.......
Looking forward to the pictures later, especially your home made skidder!

Pics should be coming in an hour or two. Not as many as I would have liked, but we worked fast. 2.5 hours to cut and load pickup and trailer, and we also stopped for dinner.

I don't think you will like my skidder as I don't have one:smile2:. Just the pickup/trailer and some log chains if I need to move the wood.

Gotta get some groceries and I will be back.
Grab a saw, fire it up and bust into the boy's rooms screaming bloody murder..... Then you will at least have someone to talk to until the sun comes up, of course it will mostly be them enforcing how much of a jerk you are.......

I think for all the harassing I give them, that they already think that sometimes:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
No snow to speak of out here in the PNW either. Doesn't auger well for the farmers over here on the dry side of Wa. We get our annual moisture from Oct-Mar - 2 1/2 months into our "wet" season and we have gotten almost nothing.

Cutting? I am out except here at the homestead. I see one of my cedars has died and a flowering plum has finally reached the house feed wires!! Yay!! I have hated that tree since the day my SWMBO insisted I plant one. Almost tackled the cedar today but had to get in an Xmas shopping trip. I'll probably get about...umm...16" cuts...30 ft, equals some piddling amount of cuts. I don't thing the trunk will even need splitting.

Harry K