I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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I try to provide links when these redundant questions are asked....I even keep a list of links for the most asked questions...

Some are crazy...you just give up. Like generators. That one always drives me nuts.

The titles of threads varies so much within a related topic, I can see new users becoming frustrated with the search engine.

But simple terms...compression, sharpening, which saw...and yes, even OIL are not that hard to search.

If we would be sure to include a keyword in the topic...things would be easier. As in "EBAY...What about this saw?".....not "What about this saw?"....then a person could search the keyword and get all the recent ebay links...but, I realize that's not gonna' happen.
And it has to be frustrating when a new user searches and comes up empty...then posts "I tried the search..."

Only to be bombarded with links...because, of course, us "old timers" remember the thread...or authored it.

The title my be "power out for six and a half hours"...but if you weren't familiar with it you would not know it's a very extensive generator thread. Sure, you could search "posts" in lieu of "threads"...but then you get an exhaustive list of hits...I've found new users want to get their answer quickly.

Some just want to interact...my keyword theory won't help in these cases...but it could be beneficial in most others....just thinking out loud here...
I find that most of the time it takes less time just just answer the question, if theres clutter then after the question is answered delete the thread.

I guess some of the ones that say search knew everything there is to know right when they were born.
I guess some of the ones that say search knew everything there is to know right when they were born.

I say use the search function because when I joined this site, there was only about 150 posts and nothing on saw building, chain maintenance, or what to look for when buying a used saw. Subsequently, in the seven and a half years I've been here, I've made many posts on the above subjects and many others. I've spent hundreds of hours giving out free advice, walking people through saw repairs on the phone, counseling people via PMs and e-mails, and giving of my time to get people up and running.
I understand the point the senior members make, however, I never support anything that stifles dialogue..... If so, this forum would die. I never subscribed to the notion of " there are no original thoights"
I understand the point the senior members make, however, I never support anything that stifles dialogue..... If so, this forum would die. I never subscribed to the notion of " there are no original thoights"

That's not what the older members are saying. They're saying "take a look through the archives and then hit us with your questions."

See, someone whose already made somewhat of an effort to gather information is only going to be that much better off when 'jumping into the fray' so to speak.
That's not what the older members are saying. They're saying "take a look through the archives and then hit us with your questions."

See, someone whose already made somewhat of an effort to gather information is only going to be that much better off when 'jumping into the fray' so to speak.

:agree2: Jacobs right.
Here is my thought on the search bar, its pretty good for specific info/saws but not always, for instance search for " how to break in a new saw " the search page returns info on the word "break" everything else is wiped out of the search. You just don't have the time to read everything ever posted hoping to not have to ask a dumb question.
OK...as stated, forum engines aren't much....

But Google is your friend....

The criteria "new chainsaw break in" provided THESE hits at Google...

The exact same criteria here provided THIS.
Jacob is sayin' a lot better than what I wanted to say... (clear as mud?) :)

I do not subscribe to the theory of... "The only stupid questions are the ones that aren't asked." Ther are stupid questions. Period... but I never said that the OP's first post was a stupid question. Then the subject came up and I stated my opinion.

I merely stated that I thought the board is already cluttered.

...and to the OP... when I called ya "new guy"... it was not meant to be a derogatory remark. You wanna hear derragotory remarks... be the "new guy" on the landing... :laugh: It was actually a fairly warm welcome... get used to a little sarcasm... :)

Not to be a butt head... but if people would do some of their own simple research... a lot of clutter would be avoided...

It's not that I hate it... it is just amazing to me that the same questions can be asked the same day, or with in hours of each other... There is a wealth of info here on AS... but to honest, not a lot pf p[eople use it without being steered in the right direction. Most questions asked can be answered with a simple Google seach.

I know lots of people want to be "involved" and stuff... and they think that their questions and topics are the first time it has ever been posted. This happens on every forum I belong to. Whether it is saws, dirtbikes, hot rods, fishin', or huntin'... it's all the same. But I digress... maybe I need my own "obsolete knuckledragger" forum... so I can b1tch to myself. LOL :laugh:


Are there any oil threads here?? Is HD better than dino?? Stuff like that.
You are just pissed that somebody is running your bid up, lol. :greenchainsaw:
Bidding early is a fools game.... I always snipe around 5 seconds before auction end... and mostly win at far lower price than playing the ebay game.

That's what I do, but with this saw it is out of the question. I am betting it goes for over $400. Way too high for a saw that may or may not run. Finding the missing covers is going to be next to impossible as well.

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