is this maple, but what kind.

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One rule of thumb is to look at the leaves. The deeper the 'cuts' between the leaf lobes, the softer the maple.
Looks like a silver to me.

Around here, silver maple is not very popular. It burns up pretty quickly. I like to have some in the stack of firewood, because it starts a fire so much easier than Hedge, Locust, Mulberry, or Oak.

It splits very easy, too.
All maple is good maple! As long as you split it and let is season for 6 months or so, it's great firewood.:cheers:
yup, that's silver maple. I have a huge tree in front yard that I just had trimmed up. Had a tree service come in and take 2 big limbs off (one went over my house and one went over the neighbors cars) and some smaller ones just to lighten up the canopy. I had them chip the brush and leave me anything larger than 3" in diameter. I cut and split it and just those 2 limbs got me almost 2 face cord of wood. It's great wood to split.
Great wood to split, but it burns hot and fast once seasoned. Silver and red maple are only a little better than willow or pine IMO, now sugar maple OTOH is good stuff to burn.
now sugar maple OTOH is good stuff to burn.

And it lives up to its nickname hard maple come splittin time. Got a truckload of pre-bucked 10"-30" rounds of the stuff. Whew! I earned my btu's splitting them. Broke down and ripped a couple of them. Don't like to do than. Makes me feel like a piece of wood has defeated me.

Strangely, I've never burnt silver maple but everything I've heard here and elsewhere is consistent with what's posted above.