Is This Normal When Buyer a New Chainsaw at a Dealer?

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Well, if I had a place like that here I'da baked a cake before goin in. What were you thinkin causin trouble there? Didn't you read their mission statement? Their 30+ years of top-notch customer service? Good news is they look too big to fail. Make nice-nice if you can, especially if you think you may have a sketchy AT.
Hopefully, they will live up to their mission!
Yes, but, doesn't is just make good business sense to have open and honest communication with a new customer (and potential repeat customer) who potentially will be referring family and friends down the road.

When I ask for a new and unopened saw, how about "sure." If they don't have time to do it right away, how about the dealer say "can give me a day to get it ready?"

If a dealer is going to sell me a floor/display model that has been sitting for 2+ years, why not acknowledge that fact and offer the non discounted 2013 saw as well.

When a problem is respectfully brought to dealers attention, how about, "What can I do to make this right for you?"

It is difficult being a customer who is spending a lot of money and going home with lingering questions about the purchasing experience. Hence, maybe I will look elsewhere next time.

I would return the saw for a refund and find a different dealer. There is no excuse for people who do business like this, and they certainly don't deserve your hard earned money.

I have a "local" (about 40 miles away, but is one of the closer shops to me) saw shop that used to be a great place to do business. The owners were/are great, but most of the employees are douche bags. I had asked one employee for "3 loops of Stihl 33RS60". (owner was out for the day) He brought out 3 links and asked if that's what I wanted. When I told him that I was referring to loops of chain he returned with Oregon chains. I told him that I had asked for a specific chain and that's what I wanted. He said that he would get them for me if I didn't like the Oregon chain, but that it would be a lot more expensive. I watched him go in the back, get a price gun and run off 3 new labels and put them on the Stihl chain boxes. Tried to charge me $35.95 per chain, when the week before the owner sold me 3 loops of 33RS72 for less than $50 out the door. I walked without the loops. I have not been back to that shop since.

Point is, there are many different places to spend your money. The only 2 dealers that I trust to not try to rip me off are over 100 miles round trip for me, but I think that the difference is worth it. There is an ACE that is about 35 miles away that I go to to pick up things like small parts and filters, but I will only do major purchases at the 2 full service dealers that want my business and don't see customers as expendable.
What's the SN on that saw?

Two year old saws are pretty common at dealerships. You can't think of this sale in comparison to buying a car at a dealership where it is very uncommon to find new stock that is more than one year old.
I left the saw with the dealer until the sales manager gets back in and can make a decision.

Nothing wrong with a two year old saw except:
  • Some 2011 555's have service bulletin issues. 2013 555's do not.
  • They did not mention it was a two year old floor model.
  • They have three 2013 new ones in the back.
  • From the start I asked for a new unopened 2013 saw but they would not give it to me.
Again, nothing wrong with a 2 year old saw, however, I do appreciate open and up front communication about what I am getting.
And I bet that's all that happened here, staff told to move old stock and one guy who heard only that but is otherwise mildly sociopathic. Those noncommunicative types, or folks who prefer dead facts over livin dynamics, gimme the creeps. That's why we call them creeps. My next move? I'd probly go in there again, soon as possible, and buy sumthin needed from somebody else, just to cleanse the palette. Don't let one person ruin anything, and never insist on bein right if it means cuttin off yer nose to spite yer face. posted while I was typin.
By the time most saws get to a dealers door, they're at least 6 months old or more. Than it will often sit for a year or two, especially so with the more expensive models. The only issue is with the recall. Any recalled parts should be upgraded free of charge. But even then if the dealer backs the saw with the original parts it's a non issues.

Man I don't envy dealers. I personally would just give a problem customer his money back, than have to deal with him, when he complains about paint chipping off the bar.

Fire the saw up and use it, or go by a hand saw.
I've learned some good information from this thread. I wasn't all that aware that saws sat on a shelf for years at a time. I believe that I know more about chainsaws than the average guy, but not nearly as much as some of you on this forum.

But, I now know more than I did a few days ago. Most guys can't tell the difference between two identical brands and models of saws, one that is current year and one that is a few years old. I would be hard pressed to know the difference.

If a saw is sitting on a shelf, has lots of dust and cob webs on it, that would be a clue for me. I'd have to go with one fresh out of a box. :)
Most people in the know generally prefer earlier dated units because of less epa restrictions... phase 1, 2, 3.
My biggest concern would be to run the saw and see if you have any service bulletin issues.
But did op get the extra warranty and all that with husky oil, the reason he went to said dealer to start with & did not pay for the non auto tune ebay 555, sorry op someone needs to smack me, this one is real just keeps gettn uglier.
I am prepared to spend a $100 extra (compared to other new 555's) to get the "local dealer experience."

Just looking to get a nice new saw without problems. A smile and a handshake would be nice too.
But did op get the extra warranty and all that with husky oil, the reason he went to said dealer to start with & did not pay for the non auto tune ebay 555, sorry op someone needs to smack me, this one is real just keeps gettn uglier.

There is no such thing as a non auto tune 555 that I'm aware of.

Warranty is a manufacture issues more than a dealer issue.
Warranty is a manufacture issues more than a dealer issue.

You mean I send my Husky to Sweden for a mfr defect AFTER the dealer dismisses it as a gas problem? Or cuz the tech doesn't know shite from shinola? Does this get mitigated or exacerbated if it's sumthin the dealer has done or not done? Guess you could always get a second opinion? (Okay. Yer ugly too.) In a perfect world the dealer would always side w/ the customer even if only to be able to charge repairs under warranty, absent any definitive reason to think it was operator error. Does this happen? Summarizing the question as warranty being a mfr issue rather than a dealer issue seems a gross oversimplification, gross enuf maybe to have us believe in a perfect world.
Andre that was basically heckling. LOL that's why he did not buy the one off ebay cause that dealer told him it was not an auto tune.
You mean I send my Husky to Sweden for a mfr defect AFTER the dealer dismisses it as a gas problem? Or cuz the tech doesn't know shite from shinola? Does this get mitigated or exacerbated if its sumthin the dealer has done or not done? Guess you could always get a second opinion? (Okay. Yer ugly too.)

The dealer is a middle man, nothing more. A recall is a recall and the dealer simply does what the manufacture mandates. If the dealer fails to do so properly, they may loose the brand all together. Trust me this happens all the time. Incompetence is rampant. And yes some defective products are sent back to the manufacture for farther investigation.
Why not just ask the dealer exactly what the bullitin is?

Then ask them 1) does it apply to the saw they sold you, and 2) have they performed the bulitin update to it..?

At this point I would be skeptical about them saying it doesnt need it or taking it "in the back" and just saying they did it then returning it to you.

If it applies and they have are hones and say it has not been done then ask them to take the saw and do the bulitin update.

If they dont even run the saws numbers to see if it applies or open the saw to see if the bullitin has been addressed then I would return the saw and go to a different dealer, I would 'ef around with them and try to get the newer 555. Thats just jerkin you around.
The dealer is a middle man, nothing more. A recall is a recall and the dealer simply does what the manufacture mandates. If the dealer fails to do so properly, they may loose the brand all together. Trust me this happens all the time. Incompetence is rampant. And yes some defective products are sent back to the manufacture for farther investigation.

Who's limiting warranty considerations for work to recalls?

And yeah, I'd agree there's incompetence, and that it's been known to fall against the buyer, which is why I posted what I did, ergo the dealer is more than a "middle man, nothing more." But if that WERE the case, if dealers were mere transactors, then there'd be no good dealers distinguishing themselves, and no incompetence to even speak of. Really tryin to understand what yer sayin.
Off the shelf saws is normal................but you specifically asked for the 2013 which has different style caps and they refused to sell it to you which just leaves me baffled. You didn't get proper customer service and the dealer as far as I'm concerned shot themselves in the foot on this as you might come back and buy more saws later on. I would run away from this dealer plain and simple. You were an informed customer as you knew what you wanted before you got there and they wouldn't sell you a product they have available.

*on shelf saws are to be unused/new (not demo) age can vary as you have found out. Not a real big deal but you asked for a different model as there are differences. IF you go to a car dealer and they have 2013s on the lot with 2014s and you want a 2014 they will sell you one. This dealer should have done the same with a saw.

They weren't upfront with you on discounting the saw which now they act like they did you a favor which they didn't as you didn't get what you asked for.

If the manager lets you return the saw I would say go for it and go to a different dealer if you can that has competent employees.

I don't think you are being difficult on this.

As for the cap I would not be happy about that, but if you saw the oil cap on my MS660 to "me" if I was going to keep the saw I would let it go if it threads in normal. Still now right what the dealer did. They could have gotten it off like others said without damaging it.

We have a saw dealer around my area that is very arrogant about the products they sell and I won't by saws from them based on their customer service skills which is very lacking. I have seen them treat clients horribly in person.

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