Is this Oregon chain still ok?

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Aug 12, 2019
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Lots of life left in the teeth (but of course they are dull at the moment), but appears like there is wear between the links to cause this degree of flex? Maybe I’m expecting something more. Anyway, your thoughts are much appreciated. Came from a 20” bar.

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Perfectly fine. See no issues besides it needs sharpened appropriately and the depth gauges need filed.

(I said “ depth gauges” instead of “rakers”....[emoji16]......see guys... I listen.[emoji1787])

Lots of life left in that thing.

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
QUIT running a chain that dull, it's hard on the chain, the bar and the saw plus it's hard to sharpen with a file. Steve
Hahah I’m not running it like this! I got the saw in this condition for 15 usd, I’m stripping it apart and cleaning it up, rebuilding the top end and replacing rubber lines! It will of course get a sharpen. My business is 85% based on selling sharpening systems to woodworkers around the world, So I have a good idea of sharp and dull. :)
Hahah I’m not running it like this! I got the saw in this condition for 15 usd, I’m stripping it apart and cleaning it up, rebuilding the top end and replacing rubber lines! It will of course get a sharpen. My business is 85% based on selling sharpening systems to woodworkers around the world, So I have a good idea of sharp and dull. :)

Selling “sharpening systems” Explain a little for me sir.

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Float glass... ?

I just bought a strop off da internet for my new favorite knife.

I bet yours are on da more expensive side though?

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Now I understand the name. “Spoon carving” for real.[emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji41]

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Float glass... ?

I just bought a strop off da internet for my new favorite knife.

I bet yours are on da more expensive side though?

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM

I wouldn’t use any other strops. I go into the science of stropping and how it affects the tools. Tool sharpening isnt just my business but my passion :)

well no, they aren’t expensive for what you get, and the results speak for themselves, as does the 12 week waiting list I have running which I’m truly grateful for.

You say you have your new favourite knife, but you are wanting to use a cheap quality strop, and the results will be to your knife like Hultz parts are to a stihl or husky chainsaw - it’s not the best idea! It’s like chaining up your prised $10,000 motorcycle with $5 chain. hehe

If you want to learn to sharpen, strop and maintain it, head over to my
YouTube channel! Same name as here :) I also offer a sharpening service , although I am not advertising or taking orders now as I have more orders than I’d like on that front! Here are some different customers tools that they want sharpened and the following is a photo of how they get returned!!

customers tools that need to be sharpened...
Flat over hollow grind - how they are returned!
To be fair. The strop i have works great. Sharpest knife ic ever owned. And the strop keeps it that way.

BUT , im sure yours will make it sharper for sure! Ill check out the website!

Here she is. My first convex grind and I LOVE it!



Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
To be fair. The strop i have works great. Sharpest knife ic ever owned. And the strop keeps it that way.

BUT , im sure yours will make it sharper for sure! Ill check out the website!

Here she is. My first convex grind and I LOVE it!



Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Beauty!! Fallkniven make beautiful tools!!
Not for chainsaws :) I make and sell float glass sharpening systems and kangaroo leather and suede strops :numberone:
Do your kangaroo strops come with a pouch? :ices_rofl:.
Looks very interesting, I've been woodcarving and sharpening my own tools for years but always like to try something new. I like the knife hollow grind - same way I do my planer and jointer knives. Will check you on youtube.
We may need to talk about your sharpening stuff Tom, as I make knives myself to sell and I'm always looking for other ways of sharpening. chain is fine by the way View attachment 785758
Sure thing mate no worries :) nice knives you have there!

I work with a few blacksmiths in the USA and Sweden helping them design carving knives, it’s great fun and very rewarding!