Keeping the peace with a brother in law

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Don't be afraid to talk about it. Maybe he intends to do the right thing but just hasn't got around to it yet. Don't be afraid to hurt his feelings or piss him off. Say what you gotta say like a man and, if he's a real friend and good BIL, he'll make it right...without getting defensive or getting offended. If not, at least you know what kind of guy he is.

I'd start it like this:

"Hey man. I wanna talk to you about those saws I lent you three years ago".

Simple as that.

:agree2: It doesn't have to be fight, (verbal or otherwise) unless the brother in-law makes it. Just be calm, cool & firm on your need to find out the truth.
Maybe, (big maybe) the guy will just fess up & come clean that he
A) destroyed them
B) sold them
C) gave them away
D) still has them but was embarrassed to show you the condition
E) his dog ate his homework
And actually express a desire to make it right with you.

Or maybe he'll just act like a jerk.
Either way, it'll be over with.
You are absolutely right that I have to accept partial blame. I didn't put an end to it in a timely manner. That's part of the reason I felt the need to be civil about it.

It's gonna work out, one way or the other. Thanks!

Ya big sissy!!! :cheers::notrolls2:

Kudos to you for working it out for your wifes sake. :yourock:

Don't knuckle him up too bad. :deadhorse:
You know the AS rules. If there are no pictures, it never really happened. Video would be EVEN BETTER! :popcorn: :D