Ladies and Gentlemen, listen up.This is a serious post and you all need to read it.

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pays to get that second opinion!

Man, glad it got caught in time and you can get some treatment!

We are all here outdoors folks, a lot of us not only enjoy the outdoors but work outside as we have potentialities that all indoors and office workers types aren't really exposed to.

It's also cool you got straight on the big final "move" we all make. Once you get that outta the way, life gets better.
Cool, one more thing I can go get tested for...I have had just about every thyroid test known to man and the symtoms sound spot on to hyperthyroidism...

They have ruled pretty much everything else out...:dizzy:

I have just chose the postive attitude and beer path to get me through most days...:cheers:
Cool, one more thing I can go get tested for...I have had just about every thyroid test known to man and the symtoms sound spot on to hyperthyroidism...

They have ruled pretty much everything else out...:dizzy:

I have just chose the postive attitude and beer path to get me through most days...:cheers:

Do yourself a favor and get tested right now.I mean, as soon as you read this.I too was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism several years ago, it runs in the family. The first thing my doc did when i went in to see him was pull me from my levoxyl. Made it even worse.When the results from the thyroid test came back, he said, "it cant be right, they messed it up.You act like you are on way too much thyroid medicine.So he drew blood again.Guess what, it came back just normal.he was stumped, and sent me to a specialist.

The symptoms of Lyme disease are exactly the same as hyperthyroidism, and it fools a lot of docs. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.

Get yourself to a doc outdoorlivin, time is wasting.It may not be Lyme disease you got, but if the doc is stumped its important to rule it out.

Cool, one more thing I can go get tested for...I have had just about every thyroid test known to man and the symtoms sound spot on to hyperthyroidism...

They have ruled pretty much everything else out...:dizzy:

I have just chose the postive attitude and beer path to get me through most days...:cheers:

Hi Avalanche
Sorry to hear about your problem with Lyme . I was diagnoised with stage 4 Lyme, it has been a battle now for some time. I would like to exchange what I have learned with you, It might benifit both of us. Feel free to call me @ 812- 332-8828. Jim
So glad to hear that your big scare is coming to an end, but really, I sure wish you would have told us (or at least your favorite moustachioed one) sooner. We're all like a big family here, and we would have given you the shirt off our backs to help you in whatever way we could, or at least give you the consolation and comfort you need. :heart::heart:
At least we can congratulate you on finally discovering the problem, and praising God (or whomever some of the others may choose) that it's not as bad as was feared.:msp_smile:

Sounds like you and the Mrs. need to hit Cracker Barrel again to celebrate, and then go out and work together with your new log splitter! :rock::msp_thumbsup::biggrinbounce2::heart::blob2:
I have been fighting this crap for years...It is the eye thing that bothers me most...Feels like my eyes are fighting each other...

I have always explained it as losing that killer instict you had in your early twenties....

I am guessing a simple blood test tells the tale?..I guess I had better call my Dr, wait I don't have a Dr...

Guess I had better get busy researching Dr's in my area...:bang:
You ever hear the saying(Evil never dies)?..Go out and do something bad because it seems to have worked for me surviving a car crash at over 100mph without even a scratch literally.Surviving cancer(first doctor five years earlier told me nothing was wrong with me) with a 95+% chance of never having another problem and also having what seemed like a heart attack with a genetic irregular heart beat that that less than 5% of the population have.Ive had a few scares over the years but try to make the best of it all.Hope things turn out good for you.
Hey Av, I for one am glad you will be here to entertain and enlighten us. Thank you for the reminder of one of the thousand safety things I need to check on every day and more often than not forget to do!
Ticks are a Curse

This summer they may be worse than ever. Conditions are perfect for ticks to multiply like this:

Luckily, most do not carry Lyme's disease, but it only takes a few. Woodcutters are prime targets for them, in addition to other animals. Tick mandibles lock on to you like a vise and then they suck your blood, filling up like a balloon. Whatever disease they carry then enters your bloodstream.

AV, I pray for a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you.
I have been fighting this crap for years...It is the eye thing that bothers me most...Feels like my eyes are fighting each other...

I have always explained it as losing that killer instict you had in your early twenties....

I am guessing a simple blood test tells the tale?..I guess I had better call my Dr, wait I don't have a Dr...

Guess I had better get busy researching Dr's in my area...:bang:

go to any urgent care clinic, a blood test is simple and readily available.however, keep in mind one thing.Almost a third of blood tests come back as false positive and false negative, the doc told me there are far to many things going on in the body that interferes with the test. He flat out told me that even if my test results came back negative he would insist on the same treatment. The giveaways are unexplained rashes, nervous disorders of any kind, heart palpitations, blurry vision or "wandering eyes", unexplained headaches, etc.Basically he had a 20 page questionnaire, and if you answered yes to ten he ordered a blood test.Fifteen and he started treatment right on the spot.
go to any urgent care clinic, a blood test is simple and readily available.however, keep in mind one thing.Almost a third of blood tests come back as false positive and false negative, the doc told me there are far to many things going on in the body that interferes with the test. He flat out told me that even if my test results came back negative he would insist on the same treatment. The giveaways are unexplained rashes, nervous disorders of any kind, heart palpitations, blurry vision or "wandering eyes", unexplained headaches, etc.Basically he had a 20 page questionnaire, and if you answered yes to ten he ordered a blood test.Fifteen and he started treatment right on the spot.

The blood in my beer might affect that test...LOL

I would have to go on a two day fast to get an accurate blood test...I have several of the symtoms..

The eyes, ears, headaches that are not really headaches, more of a dull pain/pressure, heart palpations, the kinds that wake you up RIGHT NOW, numbness and stingers in the back of my elbows, constant pain in my knees and feet, balance issue and lack of attention/memory...

Not making light of this by any means and I am gonna get tested...I have a call in with my SIL trying to get some more info...
Another Tick Disease...

Perhaps the deadliest of them all:

"Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tickborne disease caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. This organism is a cause of potentially fatal human illness in North and South America, and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected tick species. In the United States, these include the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni), and brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Typical symptoms include: fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, and muscle pain. A rash may also develop, but is often absent in the first few days, and in some patients, never develops. Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be a severe or even fatal illness if not treated in the first few days of symptoms. Doxycycline is the first line treatment for adults and children of all ages, and is most effective if started before the fifth day of symptoms. The initial diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and symptoms, and medical history, and can later be confirmed by using specialized laboratory tests."
glad you're gettin' treated...had a lymes scare last year, and I figure it's only a matter of time

I have a good doc who listens, asks good questions, doesn't dismiss anything, and is smart enough to say when she doesn't know...does away with lots of worry

there was a show on PBS a while back about lymes disease, how the medical community as a whole is handling it, and how they're crucifying their own...made me mad, and showed me how much we don't know about it
I just finished up with the Doxycyline last week. I caught it early enough that one round of it was enough. I still will have follow up testing for a little bit but I am done for now. I really just thought that I had the flu but after 4 days of a 104 fever and a mind shattering headache my wife found the bullseye on my shoulder and off to the ER we went. The pills sucked but it was better than the long term effects of the lymes. I feel for anyone who gets it cause it was no fun at all. My best advise is if you think you might have it go and get checked.
@ Avalancher- Feel better soon.
All you guys still suffering, look into Japanese Knotweed. It is usually at your local herb shop or health food store. I have had good luck with it and it did wonders for my wife last year. Keep healing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard wood ticks are the only ones that do not carry lyme disease... all others such as deer ticks, dog ticks, and such do...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard wood ticks are the only ones that do not carry lyme disease... all others such as deer ticks, dog ticks, and such do...

I've always heard the same, but after doing some recent research I feel fairly confident in saying that we don't really know for sure...not enough research has been done

that's just my non-expert opinion though...and everyone's got an opinion and a butt...and they all stink the same :msp_rolleyes:
Nobody's perfect AV. Nobody. Just do the best you can and the rest will take care of itself. Thank God for the Doctor from India. Thank yourself too man. You kept fghting, and thats what matters.
glad you are ok there avalancher

kinda makes you wonder why god invented/created tics in the first place.. right :dizzy::confused:
he sure has a weird sense of humor