leaf blower pollution

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It sure as heck ain't from fairy dust.

Fairy dust? WTF? Nor is it from aerosolized ant droppings or spilled cake batter. The haze is from cars, trucks and industrial pollution. Probably less than 0.001% is from two-stroke engines...this is the chainsaw forum, right? Deal with the 99.999% first.
I see both sides as a landowner, I have seven big free flowing springs on my property plus a nice size creek flowing through the place, twenty years ago we had small mouth and trout out the azz, a couple miles up stream a guy built a dairy and lets his crap run off in the creek, it's only been a couple of years and the fish population is a third of what it used to be. We do need some laws and reg's in place to protect the beautiful nation we live in. The hard part is defining where to start, is it chainsaws weed eaters, or trucks, cars, factories, what's important to you or me may not be a priority in others eyes. They have to start somewhere. I don't like it more than anyone else, but there has to be a start somewhere, determining that point is not a job I'd like to have.
Fairy dust? WTF? Nor is it from aerosolized ant droppings or spilled cake batter. The haze is from cars, trucks and industrial pollution. Probably less than 0.001% is from two-stroke engines...this is the chainsaw forum, right? Deal with the 99.999% first.

  1. The point of this thread is that 2 cycle motors are larger polluters per hour of use than trucks
  2. The 99.9999% is being dealth with
  3. "probably" doesn't cut muster
Space I tend to agree with you for once. I have had the good fortune to have traveled to and spent a great deal of time in third world or developing countries (China, Viet Nam, Taiwan Central and South America). The amount of air pollution is unbearable, the use of two stroke engines in the major mode of transportation (Vespa-like scooters) just turns the air blue. Most of the locals wear the little white fiber mask over their faces. You see mfg's just dumping solvents onsite or in the gutters. China has a hell of an enviromental problem that they will pay for in the future, it is going to catch up with them.
I don't like governmental regulations anymore than the next guy, and most of us living in the rural area's have no idea what it's like to see LA or any big city's smog and pollution haze on a bad day. The EPA is a pain, but it's a necessecary evil, we need the clean air and water not only for us but the future generations.
I'd much rather have a choked down blower or weed eater than having to breath the air that I've seen in Taipei, Bejing, Saigon, or Teliguchagapa or Seoul.

The EPA is really going to be cracking down in the next couple of years,
I don't care one way or another about modded saws, it's up to the individual whether it worth it or not. But if I were a modder, I damn sure would be low key about it, and not brazenly and openly be promoting on the internet, it's just an invitation to be prosecuted and fined. It's eventually going to happen to some of those individuals and it's going to be too bad they are good people, there are much more serious issues to be dealt with, but watch dealers making mods/ even pulling limiters start facing the wrath of the EPA, if I were a dealer I wouldn't be pulling the limiters unless I knew the individual it's too easy for a undercover guy to walk in and buy a saw and leave the dealer with multi thousand dollar fine.
Let the flames begin!
I always knew you were a smart guy. :cheers:
Nor is it from aerosolized ant droppings or spilled cake batter.

Hmmm. It's L.A., so I'm not so sure about that.


The haze is from cars, trucks and industrial pollution. .

Actually, it's just L.A., probably a long time ago. Couple of decades, maybe. Haven't seen it that bad in many years.

Of course, the local Indians called it "The Valley Of The Smoke" long before whitey showed up. There are some interesting meteorological conditions that trap EVERYTHING close to the ground. It's called an inversion layer, and it's pretty close to a permanent phenomenon in southern California in the summer. With that acting like a lid on top of the city, the mountains on three sides, and the onshore breezes pushing in from the 4th side, there's no place for the pollution to go, so it just sits there. Nasty stuff.
The point of this thread is that 2 cycle motors are larger polluters per hour of use than trucks

Only by one measure, and it's still an infinitesimal amount.

And then, of course, you have to consider the source. CARB. For those who know them, that's all that needs to be said.
In the developing countries you don't see many cars, and trucks per capita,
heck in Taipaei a parking space for a car can cost 80 to a 100 grand and you can't buy a car unless you can prove you own a parking space. It's those damn two stroke scooters, rickshaws, and gravely looking vehicles spewing out blue two cycle smoke like a dry ice fog machine. Globally there is a heck of a lot more two stroke pollution going on than four strokes, we're one of the countries that you don't see as much two-stroke use, not so in most countries outside of the USA and Europe. It's due to the low cost of two strokes, the simplicity and ease of mfg, any ten year in China or Viet Nam knows how to fix one. The EPA prolly wants to stay on top of it here so we never have to deal with the issues other countries face.
Hey guys, it's just the cosmic camel(or whatever he calls himself) stirring the pot again and then sitting back and giggling like a teenage girl who just smoked her first joint.

I guess we better go out to the shop and lean our saws out so much that they all fry and he can take all the credit for saving LA. Myself, I think I'll just sit back and watch the Rapala (f9) original floater(in black and gold) go swimming by. Or wait, maybe that was a Husky Jerk!!! Tool!:yoyo:
A 2-stroke Saab anyone?

In the developing countries you don't see many cars, and trucks per capita,
heck in Taipaei a parking space for a car can cost 80 to a 100 grand and you can't buy a car unless you can prove you own a parking space. It's those damn two stroke scooters, rickshaws, and gravely looking vehicles spewing out blue two cycle smoke like a dry ice fog machine. Globally there is a heck of a lot more two stroke pollution going on than four strokes, we're one of the countries that you don't see as much two-stroke use, not so in most countries outside of the USA and Europe. It's due to the low cost of two strokes, the simplicity and ease of mfg, any ten year in China or Viet Nam knows how to fix one. The EPA prolly wants to stay on top of it here so we never have to deal with the issues other countries face.

To bad I can not import a used Trabant (20-HP 2-stroke) for a price of a chainsaw or better yet the early Saab's, I would never have to pay for an on board computer error code check or visit a Car Dealer again to have use of their proprietary diagnostics/ repair tool's and NASA level trained technicians
but watch dealers making mods/ even pulling limiters start facing the wrath of the EPA, if I were a dealer I wouldn't be pulling the limiters unless I knew the individual it's too easy for a undercover guy to walk in and buy a saw and leave the dealer with multi thousand dollar fine.
Let the flames begin!

No flaming from me, I know how big brother works, I live in california.
Then again if you burn a saw or any other piece of equipment because of the EPA's or CARB's infinite wisdom, the energy and resources to replace said item is much greater.
If I were a dealer this is what I would do. Remove the stops, set up the engine to run correctly then replace the stops.

I have had friends on the local air and water resource boards here in california, they had to quit, they could not take the BS and ignorance of other board members. The decisions made by most of them were NOT based on science or hard data.
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I don't care for all this environmental sensationalist garbage I keep hearing about. As far as I am concerned, its mostly noise pollution. The sky is not falling chicken little, go home and relax
So, 145 times an almost immeasurable amount is...

Still an infinitesimal amount.

Perspective is interesting, and not something to expect in a CARB report. Remember, these are the same people that want to ban dark colored cars (racists!) because they get hotter, thus requiring more AC use, thus causing more pollution.

That bears repeating.

When I was at Ford, my portfolio of applications supported the environmental-engineering department. There are an amazing number of parameters which can be tweaked in an emissions lab, which is why the EPA stipulates near every single one in an automobile lab. In a case like this, the CARB 'scientists' have an agenda to promote, and there is no control over the input parameters...they choose any set that promotes their cause.

Long story short...I suspect that CARB could have gotten a ham sandwich to produce 145 times more unburnt hydrocarbons than a commercial truck.

Especially if Tom Hall ate it first.

Who cares they can't even prove global warming exsists 3 decades ago they said the earth was cooling because of us now its warming.Earth is warming and cooling all the time 80 % of hydrocarbons come from vegetation.
Really you are still alive and humans have been for thousands of years with our various wastes and I don't see it adversly affecting anyone, but it does do a good job at pushing a political agenda. Now I agree you shouldn't be shoving your trash in creeks or dumping corporate waste in a river,but anything we have done to slow pollution or stop it at all has not accomplished anything but create more power for the government, anyways trees and vegetation use carbon dioxide to grow and in turn they make oxygen so with out it there isn't any vegetation.

Sorry had to chime in here too. F*** CARB. They are the reason Its going to be hard to find fully adjustable jet carburetors in the future. That is why anything i find with a carb that has both H & L screws gets saved. Carb started this crap way back when I was a full time service manager at a local OPE shop. Seems California wants to be Mother hen of the USA. Think they know what is good for everyone else. YES. I understand we need to take care of the environment, but OPE is far less the polluter, than industry & automobiles.
Hey they took away my "H" adjustment & that p***** me off. Note to Moderator: Please dont wash my keyboard out with soap or ban me...:(: :angrysoapbox: