leaf blower pollution

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Sorry had to chime in here too. F*** CARB. They are the reason Its going to be hard to find fully adjustable jet carburetors in the future. That is why anything i find with a carb that has both H & L screws gets saved. Carb started this crap way back when I was a full time service manager at a local OPE shop. Seems California wants to be Mother hen of the USA. Think they know what is good for everyone else. YES. I understand we need to take care of the environment, but OPE is far less the polluter, than industry & automobiles.
Hey they took away my "H" adjustment & that p***** me off. Note to Moderator: Please dont wash my keyboard out with soap or ban me...:(: :angrysoapbox:

Relax, no manufacturer makes anything unless there is a buyer for it.

If you take a poll on this site every one has bought an extra saw (with H+L) to save for a rainy day (or bleak future)

Once the fixed yet carbs come out, who is going to buy that saw?

Time to collect old carbs and kits to sell on E-bay when the prices shoot up from retrofits

Once the US Gov finds all new saws are bought on the black market (Mexico or Canada) with no tax revenue back to the US, guess what CARB will get it's wings clipped!
Where are your facts to back this assertion?

Simple theory of conservation of mass. You can not create nor destroy it. Therefor vehicles, industry, etc that burn hundreds of thousands of times more fuel will put hundreds of thousands of times more molecules in the air. Might be in a slightly different form at times but it is still more.
Simple theory of conservation of mass. You can not create nor destroy it. Therefor vehicles, industry, etc that burn hundreds of thousands of times more fuel will put hundreds of thousands of times more molecules in the air. Might be in a slightly different form at times but it is still more.

So, you're using speculation lacking any concrete figures whatsoever.
assertions 101

Where are your facts to back this assertion?

Through observation. Look around an average sub division. Averaging 2 cars per household. I observe these vehicles in use everyday. Now output from exhaust can be measured in many more cubic ft or yds, than the output of lets say a saw / blower / mower. Ok the polluntant density is higher in said OPE, however these units are not in use a many hours per day/week/month,or in the vast quantities that automobiles are. Now throw in diesel trucks,(here in Ky poorly tuned diesel dullies, belching black smoke) are the norm.(This is horse country). Ok some of you loggers / Landscapers use your equipment all day, but again are vastly out numbered by the amount of motor vehicles running at any given moment. I would venture that poorly tuned motor vehicles vs poorly tuned OPE could not cancel each other out, because again sheer numbers & volume of output. A vehicle tuned to EPA specs right off the showroom floor is not pollutant free. Now add industries that use fossil fuels in their processes & your multiplying the amount further. I know that industry has come a long way in cutting emissions, But look at the emissions belching out of just one stack of a coal fired powerplant. This being high density emissions. How many saws running how long, to produce as much as one of these stacks put out in say, an hour. I think at the end of the day you'll find pound for pound, OPE could not possibly produce as much volume in weight. Not to mention when the sun goes down, our beloved OPE use gets whacked by probably 99.5% whereas cars & industry keeps going fairly strong. This is my observation & I am always open to enlightenment.
Hey Space
We all know that statistical data can be manipulated to show positive or negative information on a subject, using the same data. Sometimes good common sense just overrules. Period.:buttkick: :)
Hey Space
We all know that statistical data can be manipulated to show positive or negative information on a subject, using the same data. Sometimes good common sense just overrules. Period.:buttkick: :)

And we all know that tom #### and hariy can voice an opinion based on no more knowledge or facts than a block of sawdust. Period.

If you got conflicting proof, show it. If you've got evidence that this study is incorrect, show it.
I laugh when there is talk of pollution while a huge semi-truck passes by, or when a jetliner flies over on the way to europe. Its a joke man, and the jokes on us,.
All emissions cannot be lumped together; different pollutants do different harm. The regulated emissions for OPE is the sum of HC + NOx and CO. Unburned hydrocarbons (HC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) react with sunlight to form low-level ozone--smog. This causes respiratory illness. CO directly poisons by bonding to hemoglobin and restricting the ability of blood to convey oxygen.

So these are regional affects--OPE emission regs limit harm in areas near where the tools are used.

Any discussion of CO2 emissions or man-made global warming do not apply to the EPA regulations of OPE.

In the case of OPE, the California Air Resource Board just followed the lead of the EPA.

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