Let it out thread..

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I've been happy with mine:hmm3grin2orange:


Frank, we'll see how this goes. Last time I did a post like this it was deleted. Hope all is well with you, the wife, the goats, the saws, the splitter. And, may the demand for steel buildings boom.

Wow lots of offers on this 084.........Im going to put stock cylinder on it and then I will have three of them.......Sure glad I have extra parts for them around.....

These are the types of threads (I will not give them credence by referring to them as "discussions") that inherently lead to disruption, dysfunction and ultimately decrease the value of a forum such as this. A select few will attempt to force their agenda and personal issues with others upon the group and the end result is that those who provide the greatest amount of knowledge and insight to the group will leave out of disgust.

The Internet emboldens people due to its anonymity and individuals feel safe writing things they would not have the courage to say in a face to face conversation. For some it provides them attention that is lacking in other areas of their life, while for others it is an opportunity to get even with or discredit another member. Unfortunately, for most it ruins what had been an fun avenue to learn about and share knowledge of saws.

All may do well to review the "ArboristSite.com Rules, Regulations, & Posting Guidelines" contained on the home page, specifically:

12. "You are not permitted to harass other members at ArboristSite.com. This includes offensive remarks or remarks that attempt to provoke another member. Sarcastic baiting is also not permitted. If you disagree with someone, state why, but do not resort to name calling, threats, etc…"

If you have an issue with a member, deal with it in private and leave the rest of us out it.

is this what you're talkin about Guido?

The problem, is that reguardless of the quality of work someone puts out, there will be those there simply to tear them down. Jealous, insecure, Mama didn't give them enough attention as a child...who know's. The fact of the matter, is that there are a handful of AS members that simply love to see someone bleed. They have total disreguard for the truth. All they care about is knocking someone down. They've run off many a builder. I'm not the first cowboy to ride this bull. Funny thing is, several of these guys haven't posted hardly at all since they took me down with the broken cylinder fin, which is still running stong BTW. They see me have some success with the 261, and here they come again. You can read them like a book if you have any psychology training at all. It's really pathetic that some individuals have to prey on others to make themselves feel better. And before you excuse this thread as something other than what I said it is, think again. If you don't think Steve was fishing for a fight, then you simply don't know him very well. Hopefully, you won't get to know him that well. Still don't think it's true? Go read some of their messages as they agg each other on. Really sad and pathetic.
I'm not sure who is attacking who here, this is confusing for sure! Seems someone seems to have a hard on for someone for sure. Someday I might care enough to understand what has happened in this thread. Today, the whiskey and lortabs in me don't give a care!

Steve, EVERYTHING is for sale! NEVER forget that! Money is KING!:cheers:
Now if I could come across something like that for a "wall hanger" with the longest bar I could get, I'd probably do it!
As it is, with my broken back, and no idea what or how they think they are going to mess me up worse, I don't even want to think about picking the damn thing up! In fact, I ran the 046 just a little bit two weeks ago, I got the 350 hung up, and it all but killed me! I can't imagine what that beast would do to me right now!
But hey, on a positive note (if you can call it that) sounds like I may be having a "garage sale" pretty soon! Just have to wait and see how bad the Doctors mess my ass up! I'm so excited!:sucks:
There's a real easy solution for this guys. If you don't like what I'm posting, then don't open the thread and read it. Brads just on another witch hunt.

I would appreciate it if a mod would clean up this thread. I'm trying to add valuable content to this forum, and this is the kind of crap it turns into. Can't blame this one on me!!!

Carry on !!!
There's a real easy solution for this guys. If you don't like what I'm posting, then don't open the thread and read it. Brads just on another witch hunt.

I would appreciate it if a mod would clean up this thread. I'm trying to add valuable content to this forum, and this is the kind of crap it turns into. Can't blame this one on me!!!

Carry on !!!

Plageriser, Ive had enough of your plagerising plagerisms! Heheheheh :beer:
OK, so where is the option to choose who replies to my threads? If I become a sponsor do I get to choose who replies, how they reply and I can have my thread edited to suit my needs/wants as I see fit?
Seems I've had someone use personal attacks on me in things not even related to them, but certainly can't have anyone detract from the informative posts and threads they hold dear to them.
I call BS. So how much money do I need to put forth to become a matching sponsor? Call it complaining, ban me, again, fine. But don't hand me a pile and tell me it smells like roses anymore.

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