"Marking" your territory?

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Sheesh guys! He's only parked in front of the job. Withhold the violence a little longer.:eek:

Of course as soon as he comes on across the line fron impropriety to unlawful interference with a contract bring him down HARD.:D
Yah, no need to go off the handle. The guy is a lawyer, and he's pissed. I can't believe he parked it on the grass like that, I personally know his crane leaks hydraulic oil/engine oil bad.
The lawyer is trying to call this clown, but he won't answer his phone.
I also know that this guy is in a bind, because he doesn't have a crew. He even had the gall to call me this morning to "help him out". HA! Whut a dillhole.
This is the third day that truck has been on his sod.
Looks like he's parked on the guy's property. Get the vehicle towed, and send him a bill for any damage done to the yard. Send all communication certified mail. That way, if he refuses the letter, everything in the letter becomes true in court. Of course, the lawyer knows that. Later, RB.
Holy crap, those bayou lawyers must be a little nicer than their New York counterparts. I shudder to think of a lawyer making up his list for damages and expenses, that man would get gutted.
Yes, they just might. I can't speak to tree work, but as a contractor I can say, I don't do any work for lawyers unless they're mine. I could tell you some stories..... that all ended in ouch. Try having one as a partner sometime.

Funny though, when you go on an estimate he never tells you he's a lawyer, but his wife'll tell you almost instantly
Originally posted by trimmmed
Holy crap, those bayou lawyers must be a little nicer than their New York counterparts. I shudder to think of a lawyer making up his list for damages and expenses, that man would get gutted.

The folks I worked for in NY would have the crane brought to a chop shop and it would be in 100 pieces all over the world by now. Probably the same for the operator, just not spread out as far.
Man this IS simple-have the thing towed to the impound yard.

Funny about lawyers, I worked for one who was a jerk once but several have been super nice. The DA here is a customer and a real gentleman-(About to leave office though-he's up against term limits). I recently worked for a lawyer's wife(I never met him). Cute, sweet, lady got out in the yard and dragged brush and staged it by the chipper! I tried to say that wasn't necessary but she said she loved to do it just not to let her get in my way (she never did.):cool:
Nah, he ain't so much into the 'puter scene.

I think he likes chasing that dragon a bit...
I thought I was out of place!

that ant nothin like this guy... we'v our hacks here some even are ISA card carriers , others just bost arborist style prunig next to toping .......... but I never.:eek:
Man, it's pouring rain here, and the crane is still parked there!

This just might be the straw that busts that 'ole boy's arse!:blob2: