MS660 not oiling

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I picked up the 660 from the dealer yesterday. I had removed the clutch and the old oil pump and packed everything a plastic bags and hauled it to the dealer so I could ask questions. The mechanic came out front and inspected the saw and saw a small ding in the crank seal. He recommended replacing it since it was exposed and the saw was nice and clean. He reassembled the entire saw. Everything seems to work great! The only decent size tree I had to work on was a 42" oak in the bull pasture that had died the previous year. I was really a pleasure to run the saw with a 36" bar and watch the sawdust fly. The core of the tree was pithy and did not offer real resistance to cutting but the high output pump kept the chain oiled even in this tree. It is such a pleasure to hear a good running saw sing and to constantly feel the chain digging in. Next it will get a factory DP muffler cover, and full wrap bar like the 460 wears, and a 441 full wrap clutch cover and studs. Things are looking up.

To everyone who helped me work out the oil pump problem THANK YOU! Esp Andy and his pictures and advice. Andy thank you.
Glad to hear the thing is working good. Got the pump a couple days after yours arrived. Havent had a chance to put it to the test yet because the dealer has yet to installed new wrap hose on the bar I left there . That was 8 weeks ago. Now the tech is out sick.
Hey I'm just over the hill from you all. No one on the peninsula is stocking Stihl Ultra the dealers tell me everyone is to cheap to bother stocking it. How about over there ?
If that dealer is correct then Stihl would be another name on the conspiracy list. We didn't land on the moon, bigfoot is real, the gov't blew up the world trade center, and Stihl makes oil that ruins their saws. I run Opti-2 as my own mix but when I contract cut the owner runs Stihl Ultra. I have run about 5 gallons of his mix, mostly in the 260 and the 361. All my saws seem to still be running. Frank you might want to take what the dealer says with a grain of salt. If you want to then PM me with your address and I'll send you a bottle of Ultra and you can try it out for your self. Of course I also run Stihl Bio Plus so what do I know.
Scotts Valley Power Equip has Ultra. They had every saw and item in the Stihl line. They are owned by the people that own B C hardware, so I think that BCH has Ultra now. Synthetic has made huge advances in lubrication, so why would a saw have a problem with it?