My dad got some shocking news at work..

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Mar 5, 2009
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Holden, Ma
I guess this should be posted in off topic, but YOU are the guys I talk to and who sure seem like a good bunch of hard working men. like my dad. So thats why this is here, but it might get moved. I came home around six today, after doing some leaves and getting my jug gasket for my 024. I open the door and my dad says "Well Joey, its the end of an era." I said what? he said "i got laid off". I could tell he wasnt messin with me like hes known to do, looked at my mom and knew it was true. Now heres a long story short about my Dad. Like many guys his age (54) hes been working at the same place for a long time, 31 years. He worked for a vending company (soda, snacks, coffee, candy catering..) He started out working for Howard Johnsons in 1978 as a route driver (hed say the best job he ever had, driving an international DT466), quickly got promoted to a mechanic fixing games, machines and jukeboxes. Then he got promoted to a manager. In 1986 A bunch of the guys got together and bought out the branch. My Dad being 1 of them. At his highest point he was a regional VP, He hated it!, The company had changed and by the late 90s was run by College educated guys who never had one day on the road, knew nothing about the buisness. that drove him nuts. He sucked it up, and worked his a$$ off working around the clock when needed, cleaning and moving machines, he def didnt need to do it, but thats the kind of guy he is. So now the guys who run what once was a great place to work, into the ground. They told him tomm is his last day. 31 years and they only give him 3 weeks severence. He told one guy today, another hard working man, and the guy teared up a bit. Hes telling his 2 other buddies, who worked hard with him tommorrow. Financially its fine, my dad was smart with his money, house is mom gets the insurance he wouldnt have to work. Hes planning on redoing the upstairs hall, and a bedroom too, my sister just bought a house so hes working there. Lots of downed trees we gotta cut. He says hes happy about it, but i know its B.S. The guy got up for work everyday the same place for 31 years and tommorrow is his last day. I know he'll be fine, but just feel bad for him. sorry this was long winded, thought you guys would "get it".
that blows man.

like i said we need to have a population thinning.

there are not many guys like your dad anymore and thats sad. there are welders and mechanics i know that are getting on there years and well youd be hard pressed to find any like them if you tried.
I am not following this.. I feel for your father. But you said he was a principal owner in this company?
SAD TO HEAR. BUT ONE BRIGHT THING, HE HAS YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR CAREING FAMILY!! everything will work out in the end ... more time to spend with you also and the "SAWS"........ GOOD LUCK TO YOUR DAD!! NOW GO CUT SOME WOOD......:cheers:
Thats really rough man.. sad news. It's guys like that that make the world go round, guys that know what work is and don't complain and just do what needs to be done.. I'm glad to hear that he was smart about his $$ so many weren't..

Best of luck.
That just flat out sucks.

31 years and just a 3wk buy out? What a friggin insult!

It's bad like that here. Some guys that built the companys from a tin shack with a mill and a welder, are watching the doors get locked and the "Court owned" signs go up, as they and a couple hundred friends figure out how to heat the house they are fixing to lose.

Keep an eye on him. He's got 31 years of hardwired routine that is gonna be a constant reminder. Adjusting for most guys ain't easy. Keep him busy, and positive best you can.

Stay safe!
That's so sad to hear about your dad Joe. With things the way they are now a days it unfortunately seems to be happening more and more. I wish him the best of luck.

Here is 1 way of looking at it though...Hopefully you guys will get a chance to spend some quality time together more now.
I know he feels bad but there is
a reason for everything. I bet things
will turn for the better. Sounds like a
very dedicated man and should have
no problem finding work when he desires.
Time for him to kick back and enjoy his
family, get some things done.

Another good man victim of young turks running a company into the ground for "profit maximization". With his work ethic, he'll be fine. I agree with dingeryote, spend some time with him until he adjusts.
I thought the recession was over!! SOMEONE ISN'T TELLING US THE TRUTH!

Keep him buzzy,Buzzy is best when may get depressed ,as my mother used to say.
Another good man victim of young turks running a company into the ground for "profit maximization". With his work ethic, he'll be fine. I agree with dingeryote, spend some time with him until he adjusts.

Yeah, thats what bothers him the most, watching something he worked so hard to build go down in flames. He got sick of the bs as the vp so he took a lower job 7 years ago. like someone said tho, guys like him are hardwired for work, he landscapes on the side too, and hes got plenty of projects lined up, but i know its gonna be tough to adjust too. I know he will. Just a rotten way to go out, like so may other guys. I worked there too, first job i ever had was picking trash in the yard. I worked there for a year, and it was fun. Got my chops busted every day by the guys id known my whole life, and heard about it from my dad when i messed up! I worked there part time as recently as a week ago, when they needed help.
After the adjustment I think he'll be even happier. If he's got those paying projects already lined up, I bet he's gonna be pleased as a pig in shnit. And he'll be his own boss. I quit a longstanding newspaper career over two years ago to be my own boss, and though the money comes in irregularly, when I get up in the morning I figure out what I want to do that day, not what the company wants me to do that day.

Some things are worth the price.

You've described a guy who has working in his blood, and I suspect he'll be just fine. I'm not trying to poo-poo the heartbreak of hearing the news, and that those hosebags decided his years of expertise were worth three weeks' pay. That's a hard blow from corporate type shmucks whose biggest worry is what kind of hit their stock portfolio took that morning, or whether they can get that triple-secret low-fat latte at the nearest coffee shop before they have to hit the office for a few minutes en route to the "massage" parlor.

But your Dad has his shnit together, and has had for a long time. Do I hear a chainsaw revving in the back yard? :greenchainsaw:
Yeah, thats what bothers him the most, watching something he worked so hard to build go down in flames. He got sick of the bs as the vp so he took a lower job 7 years ago. like someone said tho, guys like him are hardwired for work, he landscapes on the side too, and hes got plenty of projects lined up, but i know its gonna be tough to adjust too. I know he will. Just a rotten way to go out, like so may other guys. I worked there too, first job i ever had was picking trash in the yard. I worked there for a year, and it was fun. Got my chops busted every day by the guys id known my whole life, and heard about it from my dad when i messed up! I worked there part time as recently as a week ago, when they needed help.

I am really sorry to hear that this happened to your dad and keeps happening in North America (it happened to me in 06). Hard working people are turfed with next to nothing and corporations get bail outs as a reward for running their businesses badly. It just isn't a balance anymore.
me and my dad worked together in the same place years ago. he was there for 31 years also. i was only there for a hair under 5. they just up and closed the plant. he had a hard time adjusting to other jobs. he bounced around to a few different ones. he quit one within an hour i think lol. after a couple years he settled into a place he hates but he does a real good job there.

To your dad: :cheers:

To you: :cheers:

He's lucky to have you, and you, of course, are lucky to have him.

Lotsa a$$ O running the place into the ground.

But, the strong will survive,

ole joat