Need ideas on where to scrounge for logs or wood

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By the side of the road.
Local tree loppers and city council people
Thanks Bob glad to see u back. I'm gonna do something more asking around. IV ask a few ppl so far no luck.
Your location in your profile doesn't tell me whether you're close enough for me to help, but here's an idea. If there are national or state forests anywhere nearby, you can look into the prospect of getting a firewood harvesting permit. They're usually fairly cheap. Decent sized trees get knocked down or broken off in high winds and the local government forester will mark some for firewood harvesters. Sometimes you can call them and ask them to mark a particular parcel or track. Sometimes they will just tell you that the wood better not be green. Skidding the logs out can be rough if they are far from the roads you are allowed to drive on, but you can mill on site and you can't beat the price. They will want you to take the slabs you mill, but you can leave the tops. Sometimes, others who have cut there before you will leave the big stuff because they don't want to or can't split it.
Your location in your profile doesn't tell me whether you're close enough for me to help, but here's an idea. If there are national or state forests anywhere nearby, you can look into the prospect of getting a firewood harvesting permit. They're usually fairly cheap. Decent sized trees get knocked down or broken off in high winds and the local government forester will mark some for firewood harvesters. Sometimes you can call them and ask them to mark a particular parcel or track. Sometimes they will just tell you that the wood better not be green. Skidding the logs out can be rough if they are far from the roads you are allowed to drive on, but you can mill on site and you can't beat the price. They will want you to take the slabs you mill, but you can leave the tops. Sometimes, others who have cut there before you will leave the big stuff because they don't want to or can't split it.
Your location in your profile doesn't tell me whether you're close enough for me to help, but here's an idea. If there are national or state forests anywhere nearby, you can look into the prospect of getting a firewood harvesting permit. They're usually fairly cheap. Decent sized trees get knocked down or broken off in high winds and the local government forester will mark some for firewood harvesters. Sometimes you can call them and ask them to mark a particular parcel or track. Sometimes they will just tell you that the wood better not be green. Skidding the logs out can be rough if they are far from the roads you are allowed to drive on, but you can mill on site and you can't beat the price. They will want you to take the slabs you mill, but you can leave the tops. Sometimes, others who have cut there before you will leave the big stuff because they don't want to or can't split it.
I live in eastern NC @ Mount Olive thanks for the information cedar. If u are close by maybe we could work as a team.
That's a good bit too far from me. I'm in Michigan. Looks like you're about 40 miles from the Croatan National Forest and the Hoffman Forest is closer. Might be worth a look.
Yeah that's a long way. I'm also @ 15 mi from cliffs of the neuse state park. Our church camps there twice a yr.
Yeah that's a long way. I'm also @ 15 mi from cliffs of the neuse state park. Our church camps there twice a yr.

State parks might have very different rules. Ours do. The public gets real fussy about what happens in state parks. Then again, if you talk with the managers of state and county parks, they might make sure to set aside any random logs that happen for you.
State parks might have very different rules. Ours do. The public gets real fussy about what happens in state parks. Then again, if you talk with the managers of state and county parks, they might make sure to set aside any random logs that happen for you.
I work for the state. With department of health and human stupidity. I might be able to find a way into the parks through a friend, she is over all the crazy houses here. I just work maintenance.
I work for the state. With department of health and human stupidity. I might be able to find a way into the parks through a friend, she is over all the crazy houses here. I just work maintenance.
Work with a guy that was with the D.O.T. he might have a good way to get wood too.
Definitely contact tree companies. If logs aren't straight aka good for the mill or firewood, they're trash.

Guy I mill for now puts a ton of good stuff in the mulch pile. I milled a lot of funky oaks and stuff that had been sitting for some time. Still great looking wood.
That's good info. I talked to a guy that works for the city of Fremont today, he came by on a brush truck to get some limbs up. Said he would start dropping logs off at the city equipment barn. He loves the idea said he hates burning them big bas#@&ds! He just finished burning a 19 ft pine that was 20 or 22 in he wished I had talked to him last week.
That's good info. I talked to a guy that works for the city of Fremont today, he came by on a brush truck to get some limbs up. Said he would start dropping logs off at the city equipment barn. He loves the idea said he hates burning them big bas#@&ds! He just finished burning a 19 ft pine that was 20 or 22 in he wished I had talked to him last week.

That's great. Just remember to run a metal detector over city trees. If they were city property, they are usually clear, but not always. If the city picks them up from residents' houses after storms, they can have clothesline anchors and all sorts of other things buried in them.
The strangest one I've heard of was via a member of the local Community Men's Shed/shop just the other day. He used worked for the city hazardous waste management team and said he got called out to a high school where a large Eucalyptus was leaking a silver liquid from a crack in the side of the tree on the side of a sports field. The liquid turns out to be mercury. After some investigation it appeared that many decades ago some students had stolen a pint bottle of mercury from the science labs and had stuck it up in the fork of a the tree and the tree had grown up around it. A many ft perimeter was established around the tree and it and many cubic yards of soil were removed from the site.
I heard of one old oak that stopped a large circle mill blade that was ripping through it. Inside they found a US civil war era (1861 - 1865) muzzle loader rifle. The blade had ripped almost all the way through the barrel lengthwise before it stopped, totally destroying a very expensive blade. Best guess was that some soldier or hunter had left the gun leaning against the tree and it grew around it.
A little off topic, but responding to Bobl's Mercury incident, when we were in high school, in the early 70's, we used to play with it. We had just gotten our class rings and our teacher told us to make sure we kept the rings away from the Mercury, because if the gold came in contact with it, it would turn the gold white. One girl called him a liar. He said let me see your ring, and dropped it in a beaker of Mercury, and sure enough, it turned white. Turned out she liked it like that, and he never got in trouble.

A couple years ago, we had a college kid sending his stuff home and a mouth thermometer broke. One of the sorters saw a little silver ball rolling down a slide and called his Sup. The Sup called the haz mat people and they shut our UPS facility down for 6 hours. They brought in some kind of sniffing machine and ran it over all the belts tracing it back to the trailer it came out of. We had about 400 people standing around waiting to go back to work for a broken thermometer, Joe.
I was a haz mat driver for about 6 yr. Everything is a joke. Only thing that was real that happen was a tractor trailer off fire works exploded. Wish I could have seen it.